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Smart Solutions for Busy Moms!
I’ve partnered with Cents of Style for this #FashionFriday post – join their program today – and received this tee to style for ya today! Affiliate links in post.
This year has been, hands down, the absolute hardest year I’ve ever been through in my life. A break-up with Abby’s dad after 11 years together. Major life-changing health stuff. And all of the financial, personal, organizational, etc issues that go along with those things. Sigh. But, things are calming down – the waves have stopped crashing, and my boat is finally steadying itself a bit.
This year has taught me that life is more unpredictable than you can imagine. That the world hands out heartbreak easily – like tossing candy in a parade. That time is short and never guaranteed – your own, and the time you get with those you love. So I have grown quite impatient with the bullshittery, and worrying what others think (which I’ve always let bother me too much.) My plan now is to seek happiness wherever I can, hold it tightly when I find it, and give no worry to what others think about things. And in this month of giving thanks, I’m definitely counting my blessings every darn day, grateful to still be here :)
Have you seen it yet – the What Does the Fox Say video from Ylvis? My nephews showed it to me a few weeks ago, before they headed off for school. I was half distracted trying to work, thought it was funny, and then sent them off to the bus. Little did I know – my life had just changed. This song has been stuck in my head ever since! And the more times I watch the video, the funnier it gets to me :) If you haven’t yet heard what all the fuss is about – let me show ya:
I love that the singer is so serious, while singing these ridiculous lyrics, in an over-the-top epic video. Flying guys in furry fox suits? Laser lights? What more can you ask for? This is now my little girl’s favorite song too – she was SO excited to see it performed in a choreographed dance routine on last night’s Dancing with the Stars finale. She jumped all over the bed singing and spinning. Which is why, when we had our early family Thanksgiving last weekend, I had to turn our pumpkin pie slices into fox faces…
This fall treat post is sponsored by Global Influence with super yummy fall candy provided by Hersheyâs.
I’m lucky to live in a place where we have four very distinct seasons – Yakima, Washington. And while it’s very hard to choose a favorite, I do think fall is it. I live in a really agricultural area, filled with farms and orchards and vineyards, so not only is it beautiful here this time of year as the leaves change colors – it’s a delicious time of year too. There are so many local produce and farm stands to choose from, and there are tons of fun pick-your-own pumpkin patches. And speaking of pumpkin…. Here in Washington, we’re also the home of Starbucks, and the un-official drink of fall, the Pumpkin Spice Latte! And since I’m a big fan of all things pumpkiny, I created a sweet treat inspired by my favorite flavors of fall – White Chocolate & Pumpkin Spice Brownie Bites. Yum-mazing.
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy… Since today is Thanksgiving {and yes, I’m still working. *Sigh*} – I thought that this was a wonderful quote to wrap my mind around in. It’s important to not just use today to give lip service to those things we appreciate – but to truly live them, enjoy them, slow down to appreciate them. What I personally love most about Thanksgiving is that chance to slow down – as a work{aholic!}-at-home mom to a toddler, my days are filled with chaos. There is always one more chore to do, one more email to respond to, one more post to write, one more story to read, one more mess to clean up. But today is a time for me to shake all that off, and slow down enough to see all of those amazing blessings around me, and actually enjoy all that I have.
Get all of these super cute printable party supplies from this site that I just found this morning – Dimple Prints! I am SO in love with her site – way too much adorable stuff!
Click on this link – New Freebies – then click page 3. You’ll see the link to get the printables – click it, and on her site you’ll see the HUGE list of stuff you get with this!! Like, 30+ pieces! This is such a fun way to personalize your family gathering – and a great way to get the kids involved and occupied. Be sure to check out some of the other amazingly fun ideas, printables, and tips she has on her site – love, love, LOVE.
Click HERE – Scroll to the bottom, then click the link to get to the Printables!!
"The phrase "working mother" is redundant." I'm Meagan - a Momma, a Blogger, a Freelance Writer, and a total Social Media Junkie. I love sparkles and … [Read More...]