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What Does the Fox Say? – Holiday Ideas

Have you seen it yet – the What Does the Fox Say video from Ylvis? My nephews showed it to me a few weeks ago, before they headed off for school. I was half distracted trying to work, thought it was funny, and then sent them off to the bus. Little did I know – my life had just changed. This song has been stuck in my head ever since! And the more times I watch the video, the funnier it gets to me :) If you haven’t yet heard what all the fuss is about – let me show ya:

I love that the singer is so serious, while singing these ridiculous lyrics, in an over-the-top epic video. Flying guys in furry fox suits? Laser lights? What more can you ask for? This is now my little girl’s favorite song too – she was SO excited to see it performed in a choreographed dance routine on last night’s Dancing with the Stars finale. She jumped all over the bed singing and spinning. Which is why, when we had our early family Thanksgiving last weekend, I had to turn our pumpkin pie slices into fox faces…

What does the fox say? - pie

Not perfect, I know. It was spur of the moment idea, based on a pic I saw in Family Fun magazine recently. {See a video of they do it.} I was definitely in a hurry, making fox pie for a ton of hungry little ones – but even with the imperfection, they were a definite hit! Just a piece of pumpkin pie, a couple of triangles cut out of fig newtons, some whip cream from a can, and a few brown M&M’s. Good times.

What does the fox say children's book

Did you know there’s now a What Does the Fox Say? children’s book coming out? You can pre-order it right now on Amazon. Abby is going to be SO excited! I added on a set of What Does the Fox Say? Bracelets too, just for fun.

what does the fox say tshirt

Or for bigger kids – or you! – get a What Does the Fox Say Animal Sounds T Shirt – comes in white or black. Cracks me up. Or get girly with a Womens Animal Sounds In What Does The Fox Say? Viral Video T-Shirt available in a TON of bright colors.

What does the fox say tee shirt

And of course I couldn’t pass up these funny What Does the Fox Say Show Me Your Fox T Shirts for my nephews – they’re 7 and 10, and will have so much fun with these!! And any of these t shirts I mentioned, when you look at related items on the page you’ll find a zillion more choices too. And for a limited time, there’s a HUGE sale on What Does the Fox Say tee shirts at

Want more? Follow my What Does the Fox Say board on Pinterest!



  1. I seriously want those shirts! Those are awesome!

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