This post is a partnership with Superior Source Vitamins – in my opinion, the best MicroLingual vitamins available. I hope you love them as much as we do!
It seems like living a healthy life should be easy, right? But in today’s world – filled with fast food around every corner, a million tasks keeping us over-stressed and under-rested, our air filled with everything from viruses to smog to wildfire smoke, and a schedule that’s so busy it can be hard to sit down together for home-cooked healthy meals… Well, sometimes we can all use a little bit of help to keep our families as healthy as possible. And that’s where Superior Source Vitamins comes to the rescue!
Taking vitamin supplements can play a role in optimum health for anyone – from kids to grandparents, from athletes to the chronically ill. Superior Source Vitamins has over 70 vitamins and supplements to choose from, to aid your quest for a healthy lifestyle. These micro-tablets dissolve fast with no pills to swallow, or water needed. Clean. Pure and Simple — with NO ingredients you can’t pronounce—just the way nature intended. Micro-tablets that dissolve easily under your tongue are so much easier for little kids who can’t handle pills yet, or people with medical issues that make swallowing pills difficult.
Why are Superior Source Vitamins the Best?
As you can see – these are really small! SuperiorSource Vitamins are MicroLingual® – that means they dissolve on or under the tongue in seconds for quick absorption into the body – NO pills to swallow or water needed! They use only clean ingredients – the way nature intended. Because honestly, what’s the point of taking vitamins for your health, if they’re just going to be packed full of unnatural yucky stuff, right? But Superior Source Vitamins have NO chemicals, GMOs, preservatives, excessive binders, dyes, fillers, or artificial colors.
For the Love of Family, a “Superior” Vitamin Was Created
I think the story behind how Superior Source Vitamins was created is so great – It all starts with Ron Beckenfeld, the owner of Superior Source Vitamins. Ron was into fitness, worked out regularly, had a real focus on staying healthy. So when he decided to go into business – finding the right vitamins seemed like a perfect fit.
Ron first started selling vitamins out of the trunk of his car in 1964, and in 1969 he started Continental Vitamin Company; at that point, it became a life-long passion to establish a supplement company that truly cared about health.
In 1998 he started Superior Source MicroLingual® due to his concern about his father’s Parkinson’s condition.“When my father developed Parkinson’s, he already had a heart condition.I realized he had problems swallowing traditional large tablets, which inspired me to find a way to help my dad and others who had similar problems swallowing the vitamins they needed.”
“My dad had nitroglycerine tablets, which are very small and dissolve instantly, and he asked me why I couldn’t make vitamins like these. This was the “ah-ha!” moment that started the evolution of instant dissolving tablets, and Superior Source was born.”
“I was also concerned about all the additives and excessive amount of other ingredients found in conventional vitamin tablets, so decided to create a vitamin that was small and pure where potency isn’t lost in the high acid environment of the stomach.”
Ron started witha B-12 quick-dissolving soft-molded tablet and continued to develop an entire line of clean and pure MicroLingual®instant dissolve tablets where users didn’t have to worry about swallowing. “So here I am 50+ years later, still passionate and profoundly providing people with vitamin tablets that are easy to take anywhere with no water necessary and absorbed quickly into their systems.”
Where to Get Superior Source Vitamins:
You can find Superior Source Vitamins at tons of your favorite retailers. If you’re shopping online, you can shop direct here:
Or… you can get them right here, from me!! I’m giving away an amazing set of Superior Source Vitamins to one lucky winner. To win, head on over to my Instagram – @sunandsipcups – look for the Superior Source Vitamin Giveaway post, and enter to win today!