This post contains some affiliate links – but everything here is something I totally stand behind!
Also – check out another great site: Why we love :) You’ll love it! If you like to be educated and entertained, it’s the perfect fit for you. Be sure to share her site and mine – and now… stay tuned to the tips that have been the MOST pinned and shared post on my site of all time…. :)
How to Earn Money at Home – so You Can Stay Home with The Kids…. I know that almost all of my readers are interested in learning new ways to earn some money from home. {And this ebook has been crazy-popular, Make Money Online Volume 2 – 67 More Real Companies That Pay You To Work In Your Pajamas.} Some of you are looking for full-time income. Others are just trying to earn a little spending money. There are a ton of ways to earn extra cash, but I’m going to cover the 10 ways of working at home that work best for me.
How I got Started
Many of you know my story. If not, the quick version is that while on Maternity leave last year, I realized that there was no way that I could go back to work in retail management, with the mandatory 12-hour days, 6 days a week, for the holiday season, PLUS continue working towards my degree as a full-time online student, PLUS take care of a new baby. I talked it over with my boss, and let him know my thoughts, and that I’d come back for a month or two to help them recruit and train a new Merchandising Manager, while I looked for something that would be a better fit for me. To my surprise, instead of appreciating my honesty, they let me go! This cut my paid Maternity leave off early, and left me with an infant and NO income. Woah.
Time for a new start – But what to start with!?
After the shock wore off, I jumped into action {click the link to read my story – Home-Based 100 on Start-Up Nation.} I realized that it would take a lot of time to find a new employer, in this economy, that would be a good fit for me as a new mom. So, I started figuring out EVERY way that I could earn some extra money while being home with the baby.
My Top 10 Ways to Earn an Income From Home
These are legit ways to earn money, and all sites are ones that I use personally and trust. I hope that some of these can help you too!
1. Craigslist: I’m sure you’ve heard of before. I LOVE it. You would be amazed at how easy it is to sell some of your old and un-needed stuff on here! At first, I went through the garage, and pulled out a bunch of stuff I knew we wouldn’t ever use, listed ’em up in a quick couple of ad’s, and made $100! Another new option too is to search out Facebook “swap” groups – they’re getting really popular, and give you an easy way to quickly sell items locally. Here are a few tips –
- Be safe and smart. If you live alone, don’t list your phone number or address, just let them email you. Then you can ask for THEIR number, block yours, and give them a call. Tell them you’ll meet them somewhere to drop the item off.
- Bundle things into packages. You might not get a lot of response listing baby clothes piece by piece, but if you sell them by the bag, or as 10 baby pajama’s, Dress with shoes and matching accessories, one bag of play clothes, etc, they sell faster and at higher prices.
- Post pics! People love to see what you have before coming all the way to meet you. Make sure that they’re clear and show the item well enough to answer any questions someone might have.
2. Survey Sites: Of course you know I’d mention these right? This is one of my favorite ways to earn extra money. Here’s a great system that I use to keep up, and do as many as possible with my really limited time: I set up a folder in my email {or you could set up one separate email address for surveys only}, and every day when I go through my email, I move all of the survey invites into that folder. When I have time, in the evenings or during naps, I go to my folder and start filling out as many surveys as I have time for. You’d be really surprised at how fast the money adds up! Here are my favorite sites that are legit, and I’ve been paid from regularly – {And, see for yourself from another blogger how they get rewards, plus see my checks I’ve gotten.}
- Inbox Dollars: Pays in checks, and you get $5 instantly at sign up! Another that’s super similar is Send Earnings, which also rewards you with a sign up bonus of $5. There’s also a similar option if you’re in Canada, Daily Rewards – again, $5 bonus.
- Panda Research: Get paid up to – not always this much, but sometimes! – up to $50 per survey. Because brands have to pay a LOT more when they have to hire focus groups for opinions and feedback.
- National Consumer Panel, formerly called Nielsen Home Scan Panel: I haven’t been able to get accepted back into this one again {I quit for awhile after I had the baby, and didn’t realize how hard it would be to get back in!}, but you redeem points for some seriously amazing stuff, including PayPal. They send you a scanner, and you scan barcodes on everything you buy in your life – grocery store, the mall, online, whatever! And those get you more points too – and it’s fun. Top rewards are even things like new appliances! And every quarter one member wins $10,000!! You can also join a related one too, Nielsen Digital Voice, where they give out a $10,000 prize each month.
- Harris Polls: These surveys run through many different types of topics: consumer, technical, political, and more. Every survey gets you points to redeem for rewards, plus an entry to win a $10,000 sweepstakes!
- Vindale Research: Fill out simple surveys, help influence actual products in the stores, and get paid to do it! Sweet, right? This one pays anywhere from $5 to $75 per survey, depending on how much work goes into them. {And yes, I have gotten the $50-$75 ones before.}
- MySurvey: I absolutely LOVE this one. You can see some of the products I’ve gotten free – {full size stuff, like diapers, wipes, lotions, mascara} – in my old How to Get Freebies Series. They’re a great one for doing the home sampling. Learn more on their site.
- Survey Spot: This one is so fun – they always have cool bonus things to earn more money. Example: Pick winners for an upcoming Nascar race, and each week – the more you got right, the more points you win. Points are redeemed for gift cards or cash. And, surveys are quick and easy here.
- Opinion Outpost: They do surveys because businesses, governments, public bodies, and similar organizations are interested in the views and attitudes of the people who use their products and services. The more they know about what customers and citizens think, the easier it is for them to improve. So they reward you for your help with cash {get a check once you hit just $10}, gift cards, Amazon codes {which you can request once you get to only $5 bucks in earnings – sweet!}, and tons of awesome sweepstakes. Also check out Opinion Outpost Mobile, and Opinion Outpost Canada.
- Valued Opinions: The brands they work with want to know what you think, and are willing to reward you. Check out the cool stuff they have available after you do some surveys with them.
- Minds Pay: Brands want to hear your honest feedback as you evaluate their products in your home, with your family – and they’ll pay for it! It’s easier to offer online payment and rewards than to do in-person focus groups. Minds Pay sends products in addition to their surveys pretty regularly.
- For more about survey sites – some that pay in free gift cards, Amazon credit, or send you free products to test – see this post: The Free Money & Freebies Tip You Cannot Afford to Miss!
3. Childcare: Do you stay home with a child or two already? Adding another one or two in the same age bracket isn’t too much more work. I’ve been thinking about doing this when Abby gets a little bit bigger. I want to get a program like Sing, Spell, Read and Write : PreK Readiness Program, that I can use to teach Abby the skills she’ll need to get a good start in Kindergarten, while teaching a couple of other kiddo’s too. Another great program is ABC Mouse – you can try it free before you buy it. Or, you could do just after-school childcare, for a friend of two of your own children. It’s a great way to spend quality time with your kids, and still earn an income. And make sure to take advantage of all of the freebies you can, to maximize the money you earn: Start earning reward points with every Pampers purchase. The more points you collect, the more fabulous toys and treats you can choose from their gift catalog. use code ENBABY to get a free nursing cover, car seat cover, adorable baby leggings, or baby sling. The code can be used more than once, just open a new window each time, you just pay a couple bucks for shipping :) I get these a lot to use as gifts for baby showers too.
4. Start a Blog: You don’t need a ton of technical knowledge… A few years ago, I started a job where I totally lied about my computer knowledge to get the position. And the first day at work, I didn’t even know how to turn the computer ON! Seriously. When I started this site, I still had limited computer skills, but you can get started pretty easily, and you’ll learn as you go. For some advice on starting blogging see 99+ Ways to Make Money Blogging, or if you’re already blogging, read my recent post, Blogging Tips: Earning an Income with Your Blog, and my fave – How to Monetize Your Blog in 5 Simple Steps. You’ll also find tons of great resources to check out in my Bloggertunities posts – tips, networks, events, product review opps, and ways to earn an income. And don’t miss my Blogging and Social Media board on Pinterest!
5. Digital Earning: Cash Crate has been around for years, and has a ton of members. You get paid every month as long as you’ve earned at least $20 {which is SUPER easy to do}. I usually get paid twice a month, since I earn a lot, and it goes directly into my PayPal. {You can request checks too.} Sign up here- Cash Crate Sign Up. Swagbucks: Have you read the reader comments about this lately? It’s not just me- Everyone loves it! And you can redeem your bucks for PayPal cash, or Amazon gift cards, which for me are almost as good as cash! If all you do with it is use the toolbar to do your searches instead of using Google, you’ll still be earning free money—> with NO work at all! Love it. Are you a mobile user? Then check out Jingit – just download the app, check in when you shop, and earn free cash instantly. It’s not gonna make you millions, lol – but it is a crazy-simple way to earn free money doing what you already do.
6. Make Cool Stuff: Do your friends always ask you to make them jewelry? Are your handmade knit scarves always in demand? Then open up an Etsy shop and start earning money from that hobby! A few great sites to read for advice are Handmadeology and Everything Etsy. Sign up for their newsletters– They both have amazing tips and ideas! To boost your skills, check out cool online craft classes – like this bag-making basics course, on Craftsy – they are amazing. You could also check out a site like IndieMade LLC to help you set up your own website to sell your products, or sell at local Farmers Markets and Holiday Bazaars.
7. Free Money from Shopping Online: Earn money by shopping online. Crazy? Nope – totally true. I put together a big list of 15 Ways to Shop Online for Free – not only can you earn credit for sharing deals with your friends, and use that to save a ton of money by getting what your family needs for free, but many of these sites also reward you with cash for your referrals. I let them add up all year, and then use them to do my entire holiday shopping for FREE! I also get regular monthly checks from both Ebates and Moolala. Super easy, very fun, and a great way to earn some extra bonuses when you’re an online shopper like me!
8. Virtual Assistants: Read this great article from ABC News on how to find legit companies to work with on this. I’ve done call center type work in the past, and this is something that I’ve considered doing. A great way for a full-time income from home, just be really wary of scams. There are tons of legit sites, and I know a few bloggers that hire this type of help, just be really careful, since there are some bad guys out there. For a really amazing – and more comprehensive! – list of resources and tips, see this awesome article: How to Become a Virtual Assistant. This gal has worked as a blogger, VA, freelance writer, and so much more. She totally knows her stuff.
9. Direct Sales: Companies like Avon, Scentsy, Younique Lashes {which are uh-may-zing!}, Mary Kay, and more, are always looking for enthusiastic new sales reps! You can put as much, or as little, time into this as you want. When we were kids, my mom went door to door for MILES around our house, and made enough to support us 4 kids while my dad was out of work, so there is a ton of potential there!
10. Freelance Writing: Are you an expert on a local topic? Maybe you’re everyone’s go-to girl when it comes to getting the best deals in town. Or you’re a foodie, and know all the ins and outs of your local restaurant scene. Maybe you’d be a great parenting expert, or full of tips on how to build a great marriage – whatever your area of expertise, why not share your tips and get paid for it as a local Examiner in your city? You get your own syndicated column, and it’s incredibly easy to get started. Join today. Check out my Frugal Living column to see an example – {and click the subscribe button under my photo if you’d like to get my newsletter!} Another super simple way to use your writing skills is to set up an account at – creating “lenses” there is super fun, and can lead to residual income for a long time.

If you have more great ideas to add – Please share in the comments!
If this post helped you – Please share it to Facebook or Twitter, or pin it to your favorite tips board on Pinterest. And make sure to Subscribe to Sunshine and Sippy Cups so that you don’t miss new updates and cool info like this in the future!

{Disclaimer: This post includes some affiliate and referral links – that means that some of the things you click on will earn me a little moolah. Not enough for a sparkly unicorn, though. But, all are brands, sites, and services that I have personally used, and can vouch for, pinky promise. Bloggers looking for new affiliates – try and}

Hi meagan, I LOVE this article I am def going to try the survey thing in addition to selling scentsy. I have a weird addiction to the computer I lvoe being on the computer my husband even complains! In any case probably a perfect fit for the surveys.
You’ll love it! Surveys don’t make you HUGE money, but I earn enough in checks and free gift cards to pay for a lot of stuff we need :) You can also look in my side bar, under the category cloud with all of the words in it, and click either “Surveys” or “Make Money Online” for more sites to check out too !!
I work from home and you can too for a start up of 1.00. Email for more info hurry oppurtunity ends soon youll be glad you did and your family will thank you so will your wallet….
Would love to know more about working from home.
Hi Tracie… This whole article is about working from home. What were you wanting more info on? :)
Cashcrate is a site where you can earn free cash online. If you are someone who needs more money and has some spare time, this site is perfect for you. You earn money by doing free offers, surveys, watching ads, shopping online, participating in live contests and referring your friends and family members to the site. Cashcrate is one of the most popular GPT sites having 990,000+ members.Cashcrate has many types of offers that you can complete for money. There is an entire section of absolutely free offers. This means you fill out surveys and get paid. Simple as that.
Join to make a nice passive income on cash crate.
Join To Make Nice Passive Income Online
BONUS: Sign up using this link and receive $1.00.
I’ve made a TON of money over the past two years with Cash Crate – definitely recommend it :)
Hi, care to share which site is available for international member to earn as well? I am from Malaysia.
You’ll love it! And I totally know what you mean… Between blogging, some courses I’m taking, the social media and networks I’m on, the extra income stuff like surveys… Plus the plain ol’ surfing and browsing- I spend WAAAY too much time online too :)
Haveyou thought about selling Nerium?? I would be glad to help you get started
I am always looking for ways to make money from home. My story is very similar to yours and I found myself unemployed this past June with an 8 yr old and a new baby to support with my husband. I love all of your ideas and will start trying them tomorrow. Thanks for spreading the info. Another make money from home idea that I have been doing all summer is Ebay. If you win awesome stuff online that you dont have to have, sell it on Ebay. I sell on Craigslist and Ebay. I sell “garage sale” type things on Craigslist and I sell nicer, easy to ship items on Ebay. It pays for our groceries most week (as long as I use lots of coupons) ;-)
Us momma’s can get awfully darn resourceful when we need too, huh? :) Hard times can lead to some big changes… But for me, I’m much happier with a frugal lifestyle, and most of the changes I’ve made are things I’ll stick with even if my income increases again.
Thanks for sharing your story :)
Excellent list Meagan. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing. So many moms can use this now!
(And pooey on your old job letting you go while you were on maternity leave.)
I am sharing a link to this with my Facebook readers. Hope you follow me there too. :)
I already follow you on Facebook- I’m a big fan :) And thanks so much for sharing it!!
Some great ideas here! I’m a big Swagbucks fan as well. :)
It’s hard for be to understand how there are still people who DON’T use Swagbucks!! {lol, but only kinda… :)} It’s the easiest way I’ve ever used to get free stuff. Love it !
Are there some survey sites to avoid??? I love all of these ideas, I’m a Scentsy consultant and have tried a couple other networking ideas, and internet marketing too but I just can’t get into it! I am in school full time and a single mommy. I just need a few hundred dollars a month while I’m in school and DO NOT want to wait tables again, my time with my one year old is too precious to me! I’m also very interested in the swagbucks. How do I know nothing about this stuff?! ;) Thank you so much for the great ideas!
I tried swagbucks, the discounts were for stores i dont live near, and the items were too pricey for my household to buy. if its not WalMart priced, it wont be bought in my home. sometimes the discounts they offer are lost due to travel distance, because of gas and travel expenses. its not always a bargain, especially when the stores on those lists aren’t even located in your area.
These are good tips. Thank you for posting them.
You’re welcome! I’m glad that they were helpful :)
Featured this today on my site. Thanks again for always sharing such great ideas.
Thank you so much for this post! I featured it today on my site:
I’m on hiatus from a tech job, back in school with a newborn, too.. there’s a lot of us out here, hmm? =)
Love your suggestions! I like Superpoints. I’ve been using it about a month now. I have earned $145 in amazon gift certs so far. There’s a “super lucky button” you can push every day for points and you get points for referrals. Granted, I’ve joined a couple book clubs for my new little one, but the surveys are a great way to earn points.. and if you fall into the surveyor’s demographic/psychographic target, they can ask to call you for an “interview” and feedback. Two weeks after I started using the site, one hour of my time, and I got a $100 gift cert to amazon. And it was fun. =) I’m not trying to “plug” myself, but it’s invite only.. will get you in. Oh, and my “angiemshop”.. I used to mystery shop.. you get paid to do things that you would do anyways. I moved from a city to a small town so I no longer do it, but I earned quite a bit.
Thanks again for yet another great post. =)
Do you still do superpoints? Can you send me an invite
They actually shut down Super Points awhile back!! Big bummer :(
Another option is to seek out companies that offer you to work from a home office. It’s becoming much more common now as businesses are learning that it saves them a lot of money. Employees take less sick days and are typically more productive. I know of people who take phone orders for pizza delivery places, technical support centers, etc. I work for an online website in their customer support dept and my office is the desk 4 feet from my bed! lol I get a salary, medical benefits, vacation and all the other perks of a job, but I am home all day. They can be tough to find but you have to be proactive and ask around. Keep an eye on the careers section of companies you’d like to work for as they will post these opportunities just like any other job with their company. :)
Jenn: I’m curious what company you work for at home. I have looked and looked for years for something like that but everything seems like a scam. I would really appreciate any help!
Thank you!!!
Hey Nicole! Check out my blog at This has some info on companies specifically one I work for where you get a steady income and check every other week. It is an hourly position.
Hi Nicole,
go to This is completely legit. I saw it on the news years ago and am signed up. You answer calls for businesses like AT&T, AAA, Sprint, American Express, etc.
There is also which is the same as above, but you are an independent contractor and have to get a business license, etc. and you make a set amount per call instead of hourly like Alpine.
I work for West at Home. It is a legitimate hourly job that takes calls for companies like Pro-Flowers, Verizon, HSN, etc. I take calls for a residential gas company in Ohio, working service orders, setting up payment plans and general questions about their bills. I work at home and I love it. I get paid by direct deposit ever 2 weeks and earn enough to support my family (I am a single mom). We are not rich by any means and live frugally but I do earn enough to get the bills paid. Each skill (job) pays differently according to which client you work for and each one has different hour requirements. You can work any where from 10 hours per week on up, also depending on which skill you work. You must have customer service experience. You also need to have dsl or cable high speed internet, a computer, and an office phone with a headset. They do require a federal criminal background check which costs $29.95 to begin with but you earn that back the first week you work. My only other costs are phone and internet service. You must also have a quiet work environment. I usually work while my kids are in school. Some jobs can be worked any time of the day so you can work while kids are asleep if need be. To apply you go to and fill out an application. All the hiring, interviewing and training is done at home, and the training is paid. I never have to leave my house for my job. I have been with the company a year and half and have really been pleased.
I have been lucky enough to become a member of the Rodan + Fields (the doctors and creator’s of ProActive), and let me tell you it is literally life changing. They have moved to the Direct Sales/Marketing sector and become a multi-BILLION dollar industry. Instead of paying advertisers the big bucks, they incentivize their consultants with bonuses, iPads, products, you name it. I work with several women who are making 5 and 6 figures from this business and they are ALL moms. It’s all about reproducing the business model, and it is different from most direct sales in that it doesn’t rely on the “pyramid” which a lot of people are turned off by. The business also doesn’t require “parties.” It’s all about social media which makes it even easier for you to spend more time with your kids.
How would I go about applying for something like this? Widowed mom with 4 kids, 3 of which are 17. My fulltime job just isn’t paying the bills. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!!
Hi Shay – What part are you wanting to apply for? There are a lot of different options on here. Let me know which one you need more info on and I’ll see if I can help :)
I’m honestly not sure what types of positions they offer. I have been in sales for almost 10 years, both inside and am currently in outside sales, if that helps. It used to be enough when there were two working, but now that it’s just me providing, I just can’t get ahead. I would love to be able to spend more time with my girls and these 60 & 80 hour weeks barely making ends meet is making me miss way too much time. Thank you so much!!!
it was for the Rodan & Fields that was postsed by Marene. I’m sorry, I didn’t mention that.
Do u have any specific website recommendations for VAs? I was looking to do this a while back and my search wasn’t very successful.
I know of one Pea Pod!
I work for a card company called SendOutCards and I love it. I can work as little or as much as I want when I want. I also work part time for Washington State University as a food $ense educator. Its one of their extension programs where I teach nutrition in the schools. You only have to have a high school degree so it doesn’t require you to have a full teaching degree. I currently am working one day a week preping food and 4 days a week (for an hour or two a day) teaching at the grade school. Its nice because we have our own family computer business and then I can work part time too.
Just found your blog from Pinterest and am loving all these ideas. As a fellow freelance writer, I am definitely going to check out Another great option for writers is It’s a profit-sharing site, meaning you get a portion of the profit generated by ad clicks. I have written around 15 articles on my Squidoo profile over the last year, and I make about $20 every month now. Lots of potential there.
Meagan – Thanks for this article. I’m not a new Mom, but I’ve just left my job to care for my Mother. She has Alzheimer’s.
I’ve tried to find something that would provide some kind of financial support to caregivers, but haven’t found anything. Also went throught all the “work at home” jobs on the job-finder websites. Everything was a scam.
I’m going to give your suggestions a shot. I want to keep Mom in her home as long as possible.
Thanks, Lisa
Right now I’m pretty much in the same situation, my dad doesn’t have Alzheimer’s, but we just lost my mom about a year ago and he is disabled. He can’t do much for himself, and to top it off my little sister still living at home, is partially handicapped. Anyways, a friend got me into working with a wellness company that sells wellness products, I don’t have to go door to door, don’t have to deliver catalogs to my friends, family members or clients I simply refer customers and educate them on the companies amazing products! At first I thought it was a total scam, then I received my first check over $100, then my second check at $356. And those come monthly! If you’re interested in that, I’d love to help you get started! I love the suggestions on this blog though too, I’ll be trying a few of them myself!
Hi Lisa,
I was just reading this article as well and for saw your comment. It stood out to me because of your mom with Alzheimer’s (first of which i’m very sorry, but super kudos to you for caring for her!) Before I started staying home with my kids I was a Recreational Therapist at nursing homes and assisted livings with Alzheimer’s and Dementia residents. I LOVED my job…but know how difficult it can be to care for someone with the disease (so if you need any suggestions, or need to vent, I’m here for you!)
But I wanted to let you know that A Place For Mom: is a company that helps people (ie: adult children, etc) looking for placement for their parents, etc with Alzheimer’s, etc. Their advisors work from home. I actually was hired by them but we were transferred by my husband’s company so I would have been in a different region so I didn’t accept. But they’re a great company and it might be a good fit for you especially with your current situation too…you can relate to others calling in!
Best of luck! my email is:
“A few years ago, I started a job where I totally lied about my computer knowledge to get the position. And the first day at work, I didn’t even know how to turn the computer ON! Seriously.” – I’m sure all the other qualified applicants thanked you.
and i’m sure you’ve never fibbed or told a white lie in your life….gimme a break. :-p
Well, to get the job, you had to know how to use Outlook. So I bought an “Outlook for Dummies” book, read as much as possible overnight. And – I PASSED the computer skills test. If I’d told them I didn’t know much about a computer – I wouldn’t have had the chance to take the test.
And – within a few months, I was the #1 sales person in the entire company.
I guess saying I “lied” sounds harsh. But I definitely didn’t tell them about my lack of computer knowledge – I just committed to working harder than anyone else, to make sure I caught up fast. And I don’t regret it at all :) If I hadn’t been able to pass the test – I wouldn’t have gotten the job. So it’s not like I “tricked them” into hiring some crappy employee. I rocked it :)
Great article! I work full time now but needed some extra income and became an independent stylist for Stella and Dot. It’s been an amazing opportunity and I’ve been able to set goals and bring in extra income! if anyone is interested I’d love to share with you my success!
Fantastic blog post, I already do some of the stuff you mention but I will defently want to try all the survays you mention and earn some cash :)
I don’t know if you have used the website….I love it!!
These are some great ideas, I would love to let everyone know about another possible way to make money from home. I recently made the decision to stay at home with my kids but I knew I still had to have some sort of income to keep the things that we have such as our cars and house. I teamed up and became a member of Melaleuca, they are a company that started in Idaho but have expanded throughout the world. I signed up mostly for their amazing products (they carry safe non toxic cleaning products as well as bath and body products, health supplements and lots more) not only do I love the products but I also receive a check every month for commission from every customer that I refer to shop with them, this creates a residual income so I am able to work when I want and still make an income each month. I would love to share this with anyone who is interested and help them on their way to success as well. If you would like some info you may contact me through email. Thanks!
This is a great list! I have found an awesome company to work with called Queens of Green. They help educate families on being healthier. I advertise for them and make money. There is NO investment and you don’t sell anything. I have loved working with them! My checks range from $200-$1500 a month. I usually work between 5-10 hours per week, as many as I want really. You can visit my little family blog for more info Good luck to all the mommy’s looking for a way to help their family!
I have looked up Queens of Green and can’t seem to find anything about how to do that. Could you give some input as to how this is done. I’m a widowed mom of 4 kids…3 of them are 17! I desperatly need a second income.
Thank you!!
I’m not sure which one the Queens of Green one is? Was that in a comment that someone else left?? I’ll look it up today and see… I’ve never heard of that!
It was posted under Natalie Snedaker. Thank you! Let me know if I need to ask somebody else. I don’t know how it went to you when I
Let me know if you find out anything and I greatly appreciate it!!
I know this post is rather old, but I believe that the site mentioned above is now called Queens and Kings of Green. Seems like there were some men that have come aboard since January. :)
Most sites aren’t available to Canadians?? :(
I have a amazing home opportunity, where you get paid on your own telecommunications and home essential services. I would love to share the details.
Thanks for the tips! I love using Amazon Associates on my site.
I was wondering about these and how they work…I have always heard about these surveys ans sites and thought too good to be true and will they really pay you and all those types of questions. This blog makes me more comfortable with the idea and looking into them. Another question is do you claim this income on taxes like any other though?
Thanks for all the tips ! These work well for us senior citizens also… these economic times we need extra income to help in retirement . After we retired from our occupations in 2011 we found that we needed extra income and we started a Bed and Breakfast in our house. ……too much house for just the two of us and it gives us the extra income we need and we can be home to enjoy our 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild when they come to visit.
Another easy way is to monetize your youtube videos. If you get popular enough you can get good money from it- or so I hear. My youtube’s not nearly popular enough to make money lol.
But I’m definitely trying the survey sites you linked. I’m really paranoid about my info floating around the internet, so seeing people being successful on some sites makes me feel better.
This is perfect for me, thank you so much for posting. Im starting surveys now! :-) I am a military wife and we move around sooo much its hard to keep a steady job. Nobody wants to hire me because they know we move so much so for now working from home is all I have. With the surveys in addition to homemade products I feel as if Im actually contributing and helping my husband out. Thank you so much for posting this!!!!
Kristen: you should look into Jordan Essentials. If you’re interested ok more information, you are welcome to email me or call. My husband is military as well, and this company has more than provided when we couldn’t be “steady” with our placement.
I quit my job when baby was 7 months old. Finding a good trustworthy babysitter was hard, and mostly I wanted to be with my baby. We lost nearly $2000 a month when i quit my job so i had to be resourceful. I found out that we now qualified for WIC which is great for healthy foods for baby. I also started using cloth diapers. I babysit dogs since I am home all the time. I charge $15 a day and people think I am so cheap compared to kennel care places that charge $60 a day. This has made us a lot of money. I babysit another child. This child is nearly 6 and is actually a lot of help with baby. They play together so i can do dishes, laundry or what ever. I rent out extra rooms in my house. I found 2 people I trust and rent out 2 rooms in my basement. This is probable my biggest income supplement. I thought your list was great. Good luck everyone.
Does age matter im a stay at home mom of a 11 month baby girl but also need some cash …
I love this, love all the new opportunities for people to earn extra income.
One idea I love is downloading an app that let’s you scan bar codes on books to see how much they’re selling for online. If its a lot less online (usually at thrift stores, used book stores etc) you can sell them on amazon at the higher price listed. This is best for text books (current editions) not always the easiest to find but text books cash sell for hundreds.
I invested last year in a nice DSLR camera. If you read the manual and check out free photo blogs online for tips you can do basic portrait photography on the side, you don’t even really need anymore photo editing software than what comes free on your computer. Our camera has twice over paid for itself in a year just doing family pictures and kids portraits mostly.
Etsy is another site I love, but I’ve found it more profitable to sell antique items rather than crafts. I take my smart phone to thrift/ antique stores and see what items are selling for more than in the store and were easy to ship such as needle point pillows and antique cameras.
EBay and craigslist are also great for whatever you can’t find on amazon, eBay for shippable items, craigslist for bigger stuff.
My mom also buys old beat up furniture, fixes them up, repaints them what have you, then has a yard sale about every other weekend and makes a nice profit, yard sale also including anything else she’s selling (clothes, movies whatever)
my little brother will also do car washes some weekends in their car port.
Paintings are one thing I got into by just studying other simple ones and making custom ones with animals for kids.
Pure romance is a direct sales gig a girl I work with does. Instead of just doing parties and people she knows she buys the products at a 30% discount and sells them on amazon full price
Scentsy and isigenix are two other direct sales that girl I work with does.
Cool article!
Another way to earn money is by tutoring in your home. It doesn’t have to be basic subjects like math or reading. Maybe you know how to sew, cook, use Adobe products, and the like, people want to learn these skills and you can show them how.
If you want to learn more, come visit The Tutor House.
Thanks so much for these great tips. I especially love the ideas for blogging as I’m trying to monetize on mine. I will be back to see what more you have!
I post a new resource list almost every week – Every Wednesday! :)
Great post! I really love InstaGC – have you tried it?
Hi I just found this through Pintrest. I was not sure if a direct sales route was right for me but I decided to start selling Scentsy at the very end of December last year and it has been awesome. It will allow me to continue to stay home with my daughter and give us money to go do fun things. If anyone is interested in Scentsy it is a great month to join, it is deluxe kit month. Let me know if you have any questions.
If anyone is looking for a Direct Sales opportunity, I’ve been with J. Hilburn for a few months and it’s amazing! While I’ve done other DS companies before and there are wonderful companies out there, what I LOVE most about this company is it’s working with MEN, almost always during the day with one on one office appointments (while the kids are at school), leaving my nights and weekends free for my family, which is why I’m at home in the first place! There’s very little competition- and among a number of generous benefits (10-30% commission on personal sales, lucrative promotional bonuses for myself and any team members who I help grow their business, opportunity for $600-$2000/month car allowance, award trips, commission on sales team, etc). it’s catering to how men prefer to shop- which is NOT at stores. This company is exploding while revolutionizing men’s retail. and is an amazing opportunity! If you’d like more info. check out my website (spring collection launching soon) and check out the below link to the feature article on us that just appeared in Inc. Magazine. Whatever you decide to do good luck!
If anyone is leaning towards a direct sales opportunity, I highly recommend J. Hilburn. I’ve been doing this for a few months, already have 4 partners, and it’s been incredible! While there are other great companies out there (I’ve done a few and there’s the right opportunity for every individual)- I LOVE That this is working with men (very little competition and not dependent on women having friends over like large number do) at one on one appointments, most always at their office while the kids are at school, freeing up my nights and weekends to spend with my family! The company is a men’s clothier offering custom shirts, as well as ready to measure suiting and an entire ready to wear wardrobe of clothing and accessories. JH is exploding while revolutionizing men’s clothing and so thrilled I found out about it. The generous compensation plan includes award trips, $600-$2000/month car allowance (MP Level and up), 10-30% of monthly sales, commission on up to 6 levels of your team and generous bonuses for reaching career level promotions and to each of your team members you help as well. Check out the above website, as well as the below article recently featured in Inc. Magazine. (If interested, let me know and I can answer more questions. You DON”T need to live by me for me to help you realize your dreams. As long as you have a “why” and are willing to put in the effort (no, this is not a get rich quick scheme), the opportunities are endless! I’ve love to be on the journey together! EIther way, good luck to you!
The survey thing is horrible none of it is true they just want you to try free trials at the end. Im trying to make extra cash not spend it.
Good job on promoting the sites im sure they are paying you for it.
I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences with them. You’re right, some of them are just things that ask you to jump through a ton of hoops. But that’s usually to get some type of “freebie” or offer, if you finish all the surveys. I don’t do those.
I’m talking about the real survey companies, who use those surveys to provide information to brands who need it. If you click the link to see more surveys – you’ll see photos of real checks I’ve received. You can also find real photos of full size products I have gotten from those sites to sample, and then give my opinion on. You won’t get rich of that stuff, but it does bring in a nice extra chunk of money!
I used to do it all year, then cash out just twice a year – right before summer break, and then again right before holidays. I was always super surprised by how much I’d racked up during the previous months! They are legit, and many are even backed by the Better Business Bureau, if you check.
I would never, ever, EVER promote things on my site that I don’t believe in, or personally use {unless I’ve heard of them from trusted friends – but I always mention if I haven’t tried it myself!} just to earn some cash. I love my readers, and love being able to be helpful :)
I earned close to $200 taking surveys last year. They paid me in Amazon, CVS and Starbucks gift cards, cash, and free full size food products.
Hey all, I am a work at home mom. If you interested in working from home in a set schedule please contact me at This does require a computer, and ability to commit to a part or full time schedule as it is a legitimate ongoing job paid at an hourly rate. :)
Hi again fans. I have gotten so many responses to this in my e-mail I have decided to create a blog post about what I do. I will also be including some great earning tips form home just like this blog and I will of course link back to this fabulous page as well. Rather than e-mail me all individually PLEASE PLEASE check out my blog. If you still have questions or want more info feel free then to e-mail me or better yet comment so I can answer them in the blog. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful format to share info!
Check out my blog here. I will have all the info put up this weekend!
My blog name has changed. Now that the name I wanted opened up. It should not change again. Sorry guys! Great info here on work from home. I have some as well! Check it out
I connected to your blog through Pinterest… I was looking for frugal tips and stuff to save money and started reading your whole blog! I worked when both of mine were small and I so envy all of you ladies who are staying at home and doing everything possible to make ends meet so you can enjoy your precious little ones, whether you planned it or not. I’m sure that you can tell that I am a lot older than most of you, my kids are grown and I only have one at home in junior college. Like so many, this economy hit us hard. I went back to school for a 2 year medical program ( resp therapy) graduated, got my license and credentials but no job. Market over-saturation, my age and just the fact that nobody was hiring due to the economy kept me from finding employment. It has been too long since graduation for me to find a job, the ones out there are going to “recent” grads. After almost having a nervous breakdown and wallowing in pity for a year, I finally decided that I can move on, the Lord has something else in store for me. Until I figure that out, your tips will help me supplement our income and keep our head above water. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that so many of you are actually making money or getting points/credits by doing various things. I am going to start this week and see what I can do. Thank you Sunshine and Sippy Cups and all you other wonderful ladies for being so inspirational… if you guys can do it with small kids and infants (while homeschooling, too) then I have no excuse!!
I have 3 kids and have been a stay at home mom for a few years. My husband is a self contractor and we didnt have a back up plan to income….A friend of mine introduced me to an amazing company and business opportunity that I now am so glad that I jumped on board!! I am making a TON of money and I am looking for people that want to make money with me!!! It is called IT Works! Contact me for this amazing opportunity that has given my family financial stability and soon financial freedom! Our company is debt free (which means stability for you…we arent going anywhere!!) and they want us to be debt free too!! Let’s leave legacies for our kids!!!! Contact me today! or email me at or find me on my website for amazing products that are changing people’s lives!!!! talk to you soon!!!!
Thanks, Meagan! I love reading your posts on how to earn money at home.
I love you can definitely earn gift cards to shop at your favorite stores just by taking surveys, shopping online using their browser, and by various offers they provide. So far last test I made $75 in gift cards. I wasn’t even really trying. Love it!!!!
I apologize i meant in the last year I made $75.
What a great post! My friend started a Stella and Dot business for extra money and it has been wonderful for her!
Great info! Also check out some of my ideas for a permanent hourly job from home at
I’ve been meaning to check out ebates and cash crate, but there are a lot of great ideas here. I’m gonna print out your list and get started tomorrow! :)
I am definitely trying a couple of these ideas, thank you for sharing! I’m just hoping that they don’t share your information other than to help businesses.
Meagan, I found your blog through Pinterest and I’m sooo excited! What a wonderful forum for Moms to support each other. I sell Arbonne products from home and enjoy it, but with college tuitions looming, I’m always looking for more ways to pursue additional avenues of income. We live a very frugal lifestyle which I’m looking forward to sharing here. Thanks for all the great ideas!
Hi! Thank you for your great resources. I have spent so much time on your site today! I am a stay at home Mom of 3 girls and soon to be foster Mom to baby boys! A source I have used to help contribute to our fun is by entering contests! I’ve won trips, tickets to theme parks and shows and great experiences our family would not be able to justify spending money on. My husband thinks I should play the lottery but I refrain lol I am also an independent consultant for Thirty-One gifts. I LOVE their products and for my birthday my husband gave me the $99 to start it all up. I’ve more then made up that back! It really is a low key company and I’m very open and honest with anyone who is interested in signing up! Let me know if you want more informations!
Have a Blessed and Beautiful Day!
Angela B
Great ideas!!! I sell thirty-one, its an awesome company that is only $99 to sign up and I get TONS my products free! This company is all about celebrate, encourage & reward. Check out my website-
I love the survey idea, I am definitely gong to check that out.
I recently ventured into the direct sales world with Rodan + Fields and couldn’t be happier with this decision. If anyone is thinking about going this route I would love to answer any question. I’m the mean time you can check out the products website: and my business site:
I really liked your post, however every time I’ve tried doing the surveys, it ends up being you don’t get the prize you want unless you complete certain offers that you have to pay for first, which I don’t want to do, and then you get a whole bunch of junk sent to your email. Any tips? I just graduated college and haven’t found a job yet, with a 5 yr old and a 19 month old at home. I have also done a lot of selling on craigslist, but I seem to have more luck on the yard sale community sites that are popping up on Facebook too.
how do you earn money from NPDOR? Obviously you do surveys but I don’t understand how to get it.
Love this article! Thanks for the insight :). I’ve tried surveys and didn’t have a wonderful experience and I sell some things on craigslist but not enough to pay bills. But I just had a baby and my husband if getting ready to start ministry school so I’ve been praying for something and a friend introduced me to an awesome and legitimate work from home job. I LOVE the products and am making decent money and I’ve just started If anyone is interested in joining me, feel free to email me at samytammi@ya know you will love the products and the company.
Hello! Thank you for this article, it helps me to know that there are some available options for people like me.
I want to ask you if you know if there is any site that I can earn income from, but living outside of U.S. i’m from Chile. I really need to work in something from home because I have a baby and my fiance is a teacher (here in Chile teachers don’t get good pays) and we want to have another baby but we will not be able if I don’t have an income.
I clicked 4 of the options you sent but they all say that I can’t log from other country.
I really hope you can help me!
Hi Carolina,
I’d suggest this world ventures business! I do this from home while in college. My friends all love it and we are vacationing more then we EVER imagined. Watch this video to understand more about it. You can do this from Chile as well because it is a WORLDWIDE business with many many different countries involved :) and click on 2 at the bottom. Also!
Good luck,
Love the ideas. Not really for a mom living in Europe, but still, it’s nice to hear I’m not alone in wanting to spend more time with my children (4 an 6). This is how I did it.
I started following courses as a beautician (is that the correct word?) and now I earn spending money doing nails and waxing legs at home. :) I like it; totally different from my old job as an accountant! ;)
I wish you all good luck finding your own way!
Hi! Meagan. Found your most colorful and helpful website and blog while “pinning” from pinterest. Always love to discover new sites from and for us women. Very helpful and educational. Subcribed to your site. I just recently started blogging myself. Since I am a “newbie” at all this stuff I still have plenty to learn. I most recently formed my own home business doing something I am told I am good at and I have a passion for which is creating slideshows for people to capture every occasion and event in their lives. I sync them to music of their choice and have already started bringing in a modest income from my area of where I live but am ready to take it to the worldwide web. I already have a facebook page set up with samples of my work. I would welcome your advice on my blog. It isn’t even a week old, it is please take a look at it. It is a blank page except for my business name and slogan and I have a video advertising it, that I created myself. Thank you very much. Sincerely Julie at createamomentslideshows & children’s storybook DVDs. P.S. I also create children’s storybook DVDs from your child’s photos and formulate a short story around their interest, likes , or personality.
Hey! Ive been trying to do the surveys but it always says I’m not qualified to complete them. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
I did surveys on inbox dollars until I got my first check, but when I took it to the bank they wouldn’t cash it? So I stopped. Have you had problems with any of the checks or money these companies send you?
Grace – I have never, ever had a problem? I cash InBox dollars checks every month? What did they tell you the problem was?
I really appreciated these suggestions. I am in a very tight spot right now. My husband and I are really struggling. We have 2 children (11 & 5); one lives in another state. I just graduated College to become a teacher. Its been very hard to find a job. My husband has a lot of skills, but its also hard for him to find a job. We had to move in with my parents because things have been very hard. We have no money in savings and the one job my husband could get, doesn’t pay all of our bills. I’ve been on the computer for hours trying to find a job. I really need to make some money to bring us out of this horrible ordeal. I’m almost at the point where I am desperate! I am going to sign up for as many survey opportunities that I can. I tried to sell some items on ebay before, but i was not very successful. But I am definitely going to take your suggestions to heart.
Hi everyone! I was going through and reading responses to her article to see if anyone mentioned the business I am doing. And no one has! Please please please e-mail me for more information because it is life changing. No membership fee, or contracts are involved and it is becoming more and more well known as time goes on as it is traveling by word or mouth! I am a 21 year old nursing student/volleyball athlete. I have been doing this for a few months after my family told me about it. I am still super excited about how viral it is going!
The company is called world ventures. You may have friends on facebook who post FUN vacation pictures with a blue sign saying “you should be here” or “thank you dreamtrips!”. There is a sign up fee and monthly fee of 50$ BUT the best part is.. you use that money towards your vacations you take so its basically like a big savings account! AND if you refer 4 friends (which I did my first week because everyone loved it) you don’t have to pay ever again! Then you just have access to amazing deals on trips (cheapest around or they pay for your trip if you find it somewhere else cheaper!)
This is the greatest opportunity ever, you make your money when your 4 friends.. each get their 4 friends. Residual income is every month and there is even a BMW involved if you want, which I am working towards by just sharing the news about it to others :) This business is growing and growing so I encourage you to e-mail me and I can speak with you on the phone about any questions you may have. Thanks guys and good luck! Here is a website that explains a little more about it… the bottom of the page click on number 2. My e-mail:
I donate plasma twice a week for extra cash! Easiest $200 a month you can make and you’re helping save lives. They are always doing bonus weeks where you earn extra cash and doing prize give-aways as well. My boyfriend and I both donate and the location I go to even has childcare for my 1 year old son. Between the two of us it’s $400 a month. Easiest money you can make!
Thanks for this post, Meagan !! :)
I’m a SAHM in Argentina. Two months ago I decided to start making money for our home and contribute to our expenses and vacations. I’ve done some stuff selling and I’m creating some art&canvas projects to sell among friends and through the internet eventually.
I tried the surveys thing when I started looking for options, but the main issue for me is that the best surveys sites (safe and productive) don’t accept international members. I found this site that lists Paid Surveys sites.
I wonder if any of you have any idea about how trustable they are, since maybe some/all of them have active members in USA too. Thanks for any comment !!
I found a way to make money at home that is not listed on this site. It does take a bit of luck but I listen to the radio and win prizes. I have won trips, concert tickets, restaurant gift certficiates, all sorts of stuff. I just sell the stuff (that I don’t want!) on Facebook or Craigslist. Great way to make money1
Just found this article from pinterest. Glad I did :) you list lots of useful information and I may want to try a few of the survey sites you mentioned. I already sell my handmade jewelry online ( but its always great to have extra income especially with the holidays fast approaching ;)
Great tips! (& shame on your job for letting you go!)
This really is one of the most comprehensive lists I have seen. Great tips and resources that will help others to succeed. I have personally tried almost all of your ideas. :) Since 2009, my daughters and I have worked our Virtual Assistant Team business and we love it! Being able to earn a living from home and take care of a family is a complete Blessing. Hey thanks for sharing and keep on rocking it everyone!
Awesome article. You include something for everyone so that no matter what a person’s interest they can find at least one thing on this list that might work for him or her. Thanks for sharing all the great tips!
This is amazing! Thank you! wow what a list! I definitely will be taking advantage of this!
This may turn some people off but I make 8,000 a month with Amway!! Was super sceptic all when my husband first told me he wanted to become a business owner with them but within the first 6 months I became a stay at home mom of two and its super easy! Plus it isnt just cleaning products like it was when my uncle did it 30 years ago. They have awesome skincare, the worlds leading vitamins and supplements and great cleaning products. Come on, 50 years of business has to be legit. We have been doing this for 8 years and its a really great company. My husband still works because he’s 30 and feels to young to retire. Our kids are 9 and 10 so it’s given them a great outlook on life, vacations we would have never been able to afford otherwise and both have full college funds. I suggest it to anyone who wants am additional income source!
Hi. I read your article and i was just wondering is the survey websites safe with putting your address info on it. are they for real websites and not some scam?
I’ve never had any trouble with any of the sites I’ve used. The only issues I’ve ever had are sites that make it really difficult to actually earn any money – the ones that make you jump through a million hoops, submit a ton of forms, or have really spammy offers. The sites listed here are all ones I use personally, most for years now. I never post about a site until I’ve actually received at least one reward from them – product, payment via PayPal or check, or free gift card – so that I can be sure I’m only sharing legit places :)
Some of them will send you “email offers” from time to time, advertisements for sites or services. I really don’t feel like I get that much spam, but if you’re worried about it, the easiest option is just to set up an extra email account that you use JUST for survey and freebie sites. That way you keep it all in one place!
Hi Meagan,
I was wondering how does one report for tax purposes when utilizing these survey sites? Seems like it would be difficult. :) Thanks
Great question Mary!
You can keep all of your check statements for the year in an envelope, then just add them up and report them as “extra” income when you file. I’ve never had a company send me a 1099 form to file, so that’s how I did it :)
I am a stay at home mom that also works at home between 2-3 hours per day. Empower Network is the company I work for and I earn 100% commission. Learn more here: I have done well with this one and won the 50 dollar daily giveaway with this one…also anyone who sells stuff on ebay should check out
This worked for me when I was in High School. Kept me from having to get a summer job. Try I used to make anywhere from $150-$250 a month. It’s not much but it was super easy and actually kind of fun.
Nice article!
I have also found this other program that it is really helpful ( I started 3 days ago and I already made $80. You might say that’s not much, but I did not spend a single dollar out of my pocket and I only spend like 45 minutes per day of the three days. Na.. just wanted to shared another really cool way of making extra cash.
Thank you
Meagan please temm me Id love to do all these cool things but Im from South Africa do you know anything that I can do here that maybe works internationally ? desperate for help !!!!!
Hi Tracey! have you found anything yet. please contact me.
There are some helpful tips here. I have tried many different surveys with no luck. I have been out of work for sometime now with an ill family member as well as caring for my 2 boys,ages 8 & 11. Been looking for legit work from home stuff but keep getting scammed or dooped some how
I use this free simple system to get paid every day. :) Learn more about it.
I mystery shop. Adds some cash to our bank acct. The trick is not to spend more than you have to and can get reimbursed for and don’t drive too far away. Look for shops for grocery stores(u buy groceries anyway), banks, real estate etc. They also have some for hotels and casinos (tho watch those if u r pinching pennies). Restaurant shops are a good way to pay for a dinner out once in awhile. Only problem, some don’t pay for 30, 60 or 90 days so read the fine print. It’s an easy job but it does take a lot of time applying to different companies. For reputable companies to I’ve never had a bad experience with the companies there. Never pay A FEE to mystery shop or do merchandising. Good luck! When my daughter was in high school I shopped a teen clothing store, she had more clothes than she knew what to do with all free.
Hi so are all of these sites actually legit?? I’ve been teaser hug and looking into doing some stuff at home because I have had any luck in finding a job or really wanting to leave my 3year old daughter. Any help or advice would be appreciated! :-)
Hi Stayathomemommy, I am a independent distributor for the It Works ultimate body applicator. This company is Debt Free and wants to help everyone who joins be debt free. they were founded in 2001 and going stronger then ever. I Love this company and there products! I have an amazing team .Are you motivated, passionate, and like to be around people? If you answered yes, then please email me. We ALL work together as a team . if you succeed we all succeed .. If you want more information please email me. Good Luck with what ever you may find! Deidra
Great Article! I would love to be included in your direct sales directory. I’m selling an incredible all natural wellness product that is so incredible, all I do is hand out samples and it sells itself. I literally “work” less than two hours a week. It’s incredible! The first day I started taking this product, I felt so great and had so much energy I cleaned out and reorganized my attic, garage and laundry room! I honestly ran out of time before I ran out of energy. Good natural energy too, not like the shakey feeling you get (or at least I get) when I drink an energy drink or take an energy supplement. I feel so passionate about my job now! If you would like more information, just let me know! I’ll send you some free samples. :) My email is
Great article! Lots of awesome ideas! :)
I’ve got crazy anxiety issues and have always ended up being let go from any job or quitting any job i’ve had – it’s tough to find ways to work without anxiety and working from home makes it easier. i’m on disability for my anxiety, but that’s still below-poverty income so i do a little bit of mystery shopping and merchandising (independent contractor) on the side for a little extra income. thanks for the tips here, i’m thinking i might try my hand at virtual assistant or freelance writing, now that my kiddo is older and can occupy himself while i write.
Great article! Just FYI, I’ve found ShopAtHome to be MUCH better than ebates. It’s easier to use, they have a lot of stores ebates doesn’t, and their cash back is almost always a higher percentage. (It’s guaranteed, too, so on the off-chance it isn’t automatically, you can have it matched.)
Nice article Meagan. Your article on how to make money from a blog is really great, good info! I am a stay at home dad and full time internet marketer. I run two websites and write for other blogs as well. Looking for a way to add more steams of income, I found Squidoo, but didn’t know how to use it. Then, I found a program from a stay at home mom who created a program on how to use Squidoo to make a full time income.
Here is my review after buying and using the program.
Regards, Ken
Thanks for the info Ken! I’ve dabbled a bit with Squidoo, and it’s on my list of sites to try out a little more in the new year :)
Thanks a ton for this. I really needed something legitimate. :). I just had one quick question in mind. I am from India, so would these sites work equally well for me as well? or re the applicable only to US citizens?
Thanks once more. Great write up!
Hi Neha! Hmmmm- on that one, I’m not sure? You’d probably have to check them each individually. Some will ask which country you’re from, so if there’s an option for India then they’d work. But I am going to guess that most are US/Canada? I’ve even heard some people in Canada having trouble finding as many that work for them. Good luck – I hope you find some to work for you though :)
I’ve made $60 this month on this app… It isn’t much but every little bit helps… Give it a try… Its 100% free…
I’ve never tried this one – will check it out!
I’m not a huge fan of those survey sites – I always found they took way more time than they were worth. I did manage to make an ok amount of cash from Inbox Dollars though when I was in grad school. It was what I used for fun money back then.
Some of them are DEFINITELY more time than they’re worth, I agree with ya. But, good ones can rack up some good cash. I mean, you’re not going to quit your day job or anything, lol. But between getting the full size products to try out free {which is more common when you have a baby – things like diapers, wipes, detergent, formula, etc.} – plus the extra money and gift cards, it was a HUGE help for me when I was out of work. :)
Hi Meagan,
I am interested in the freelancing. I haven’t written for anyone before and don’t have my own blog. Would that make it impossible for me to get in? I have extensive knowledge of parenting education, brain development, working in childcare, parent educating, etc. I would love to share my knowledge but not sure how to start. I don’t know if I want my own blog. What do you think?
the Nielson thing sounds like a sweet gig! Surprised Swagbucks wasn’t on your list. It isn’t getting any of us rich, but I sure do love the free Amazon giftcards!
I know this is a very simple step to start earning money at home but it worked for me. Start paying attention to all of your purchases and match them against available rebates. You’ll be surprised what can be made in just one month. My personal highest earnings were $263. Try it, it could work for you as well.
Ok!! Just want to let everyone here know I work from home PART-TIME making GREAT money! NO calling or selling and NOT a multi-level marketing business!! 6 dollars MAXIMUM to get started for LIFE! I make money EVERYDAY and get paid EVERYDAY with PROOF! Please check out and I will give you information to start making your own money TODAY!! You will LOVE this!
Hi Meagan, OK I read all your article and it is full of info, thank you. I have a problem, when I fill out a survey form to apply they ask my age… not a big deal BUT I am 81 yrs old. I have all my marbles, not infirm ,do all my gardening myself and take care of husband, dog and house. So, after I have filled and sent the form off, I get a ‘not suitable for this survey’. My question is this, should I lie about my date of birth etc? am I totally redundant and without a meaningful opinion for these companies? Also the sites I visited they pay a mere pittance (25cents). I would appreciate your comments and help thank you.
I know this is an old post, but just in case someone comes across it like I did. Another site similar to Swagbucks is I tend to earn faster there to. Also, try Perk Tv, it’s a mobile app you run videos on your phone or tablet and earn points towards gift cards. I run the app on an old phone 24/7 and on my day to day phone when I’m not using it, and I average about $10 in Walmart gift cards a week. You can run the app on multiple devices at the same time, if your earning points to fast they will email you. I’ve run it on as many as 3 at the same time and haven’t received an email yet.
One of the best companies to work with is Herbalife. I got a second chance at it 30 years later after my first attempt was squashed by family and so called friends giving advice. I always loved these products and I am very happy to say they are wonderful and better than ever! If you care about yourself and your health and looks, then get on board. Whether you buy or sell you can’t go wrong and the discount is a bonus!
Good ideas! I have tried mystery shopping in the past which is okay but you have to find a company that has lots of shops in your area that they need done to make a whole lot of money. Taking surveys (Opinion Outpost) is another way but often takes quite a while to build a income. If you want establish your own business online, Wealthy Affiliates helps you create your own website for free with video tutorials. You can check them out at
I am LOVING selling Plexus. It practically sells itself once people see how much your health has improved and any weight you have lost. I’ve been at it less than a month and will get a check on the 15th of next month :)
Some good ideas in your post. Thanks.
Wow, make money online at home ! Good way and Freelance i really love this article. I want to make Survey Sites, so how can i do with this site ?
I just wanted to say thank you for writing this article. I am always looking for ways to make extra money from home. I will share with you briefly my reason why I want my own business. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 2011 and mom was responsible for the family home and the care of my two disabled aunts. I have stepped into mom’s shoes and it is rough. I never had so many worries and bills in my whole life but I am determined to find a way to succeed ! I recently joined a company called Organo Gold and I believe it is going to be the next household name in the future. Please take a look at my site and let me know what you think. I value your opinion because you have been doing this way longer than me. I would really appreciate any feedback. Take Care and I wish you great prosperity always
Looks like this post is a few years old now but I just wanted to tell you that I think its great! It is so nice to see a post that advocates for survey sites. Too often I see posts about how they are complete scams. That can be very discouraging to read especially when there IS money to be made with surveys, particularly for moms with young babies. I have had a lot of success myself. The first sites I signed up with were Inbox Dollars and Vindale. I have since found better paying sites but I do love SurveySpot! My other favorites are Global Test Market and Swagbucks. Between the survey sites and other online jobs like forum posting, I have made several hundred dollars in just the last few months. It feels great to help out by buying items we need but that my hubby’s check just won’t stretch to.
I know its been a few years since you posted this but do you still participate in survey sites?
Anyway, I really appreciated this post and will now be following you on my blog reader. :-)
I do surveys online to make a few extra bucks. I make around $200 a month or so. It wont make you rich but it is easy. Check out cashcrate it’s the best.
We have an entrepreneurial based blog on our website that helps users to jump into the ecommerce and reselling and do well with tips and tools shared on our site. We have seen the effort and experience that you have with selling items online and would like to know if you are interested in sharing links to one of our several blog posts in on your site?
Our Website:
We’re on a mission to help people move toward financially stability through entrepreneurship, and help current sellers in the community to refine their skills. Please help us in our quest to help others grow home businesses.
Please let us know if you are interested.
Isaiah N. Founder
I really need to look into freelancing. I think that I have just been so busy that I think I don’t have time. A little research doesn’t hurt. I will look at Examiner. Thanks for posting. I love money saving and money earning tips.
Have you heard of Perk? If no you definitely should take a look at it. They deliver gift cards 3 times a week (Mondays/Wednesday/Friday). They are similar to Swagbucks but I find they require a lot less time than Swagbucks.
Plus you know exactly what day you will get your gift card (deadline is 11:59CT Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday)
There is a group on Facebook that has a lot of great people who have super tips
I’m a stay-at-home mom since my first child was born. Now I have two lovely children which I am able to spend more time tending to. Why? Because I sell wall vinyl decal designs from home.
I currently sell locally to friends, neighbors, acquaintances and anyone I meet. I do drop my business card to folks I meet at the doctor’s office or even a supermarket. I plan to sell online, eventually. But, I am happy with what I am able to make from home, at the moment, while my children still need me.
I did all my research online like on YouTube and even sign vinyl forums like
There are a great number of areas to get into in the vinyl sign business. For example, decals for windows and cars. But, I focused more on interior wall vinyl design because it was what I felt I could be best at doing from home… And, I love it!
Most of what I learned about my interior wall design business was from a site called Wall Decal Business at
The gentleman who runs the site is a full-time school teacher and he does this from home as a part-time. He tells you all about the wall decal business and his personal experiences. Take a look if interior wall design is for you.
tressead1 says:
August 5, 2014 at 5:56 am (Edit)
I do surveys online to make a few extra bucks. I make around $200 a month or so. It wont make you rich but it is easy. Check out cashcrate it’s the best.
I’m actually in a few of those survey sites but is another one. In my opinion it has better payouts (and survey opportunities) than cash crate and inbox dollars with multiple ways to take out your money. Like most legit survey sites, it’s free. It won’t make you rich but it’s a little nice extra spending money :)
You know it’s funny – I’ve heard of this one, but never put in time to try it. I have heard good things though – thanks for sharing your link! I’m sure a lot of people will find it super helpful :)
And, every site works different for everyone. Depending on where you live, family type, occupation, etc – some survey sites have more opps for moms, some for single people, some for certain parts of the country. That’s why I always recommend trying quite a few, to find the ones that are the best fit :)
Very good post Meagan!
Yes, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of ways to make money from home. Some ways are more profitable in other ways, but all in all, you have to decide what’s best for you and your situation.
Keep those great posts coming Meagan!
Thank you SO much! You’re right, there are so many different options. I’m putting together an ebook to share more, since it’s obviously a pretty popular topic :)
Great article and considering that it looks like it’s a few years old, it’s still pretty apt. It now being 2014, I would add that the online world has created quite a bevy of opportunities to work from home (or anywhere for that matter!) and you can generate pretty significant income – not just supplementary income, but income to replace a full-time job and even become very wealthy with some good passive income streams.
Affiliate Marketing (as this article shows) is a good one and publishing eBooks (you don’t even need to write the books yourself) could be a good opportunity.
The trick is to find someone who has done what you want to do successfully and study from them because they have already made all the mistakes and can show you what NOT to do (as well as what TO do). No need to go about it and figure things out on your own, especially if you want results quicker. A simple google search will bring up many people who want to share their knowledge and there are some good free training out there (you usually then need to purchase their program if it resonates with you, but it can be worth it).
I am a stay-at-home mom learning how to sell my own private label products on Amazon. I bought a course taught by 2 guys who have figured it out on their own and have not only reaped great success for themselves, but have hundreds of students who have surpassed even THEIR success. It’s essentially a paint-by-numbers approach to doing so successfully that anyone (even me with a 5 year old and 20 month old) can do. I met people in the community who are making $100K a MONTH in sales! So there are opportunities out there if you’re looking for them and are serious about making some passive income from home!
My Jamberry direct sales business just keeps blowing my mind. I signed up in June. I was pretty surprised that I made over $1000 in my first three months. My goal was to make back the cost of my kit and get the personal discount. I didn’t do a single party in the month of October and I still made over $600.
Thank you for sharing the information and ideas!
Wow great read! I recently started joining survey sites and your list is great – definitely going to be using it in the future.
These are such great ideas, also I have never heard of Cash crate.
I love the part for blogging! Thank you!
Thanks for the tips on survey sites I never thought any of them were legitimate but I am going to sign up and sew how they work out for me.
I’m 55 and am a computer programmer/analyst/computer teacher by education and profession, but the last few years, I have been working with children in an After School Care program. Not much money, but BIG Benefits of the heart-type! Wouldn’t mind checking into these work at home jobs for a tad of extra money, tho! Can’t wait to investigate these, seen some real scams over the years, tho, just a bit skeptical, but hopeful!! :) thanks for the info.
Love these ideas. Must give it a whirl. I’ve thought of a few of these as well.
Great ideas… I’m trying to get started selling things I make. I’m going to look into a few of those survey sites too!
great tips thanks
Great post! I’m going to reread it while taking some notes and bookmark lots of things!
Thank you for this it was very helpful I do alot of these things and they do work you just have to be patient.
I pinned this, what some great ideas, so many i did not even know about!! Thank you so much!!!
Wow I never realized how many ways there is too make money here on the web. I am really really going to have to start working my blog harder. But for me now I look at it I need to change the layout, and the Theme. I also think I need to figure out what people would like to read about. My blog is a bit all over the place and not too pretty in my opinion! if you want to check it out it is I would love for someone to tell me their honest opinion.
Great post, lots of ideas! Thanks for linking up to Good Tip Tuesday, you are being featured on this week’s party!
Thank you so much!! :)
Hey there…my question is about taxes. If you join these survey sites and complete theirr surveus and opt for the cash payout do they take the taxes out or are we responsible for handling that? I have never done this before and like to have my facts before getting myself into something. Any guidance in this would be appreciated! :0)
You need to add one more to your list! I
I tried them all to be honest. Every single website with their super-duper free guarantees and the outlandish proclamation that you could make thousands of dollars in a week. I’ve signed up for hundreds of survey and rewards sites. And they were all crap.
I managed to make a little money here and there with a few of them but mostly it was just too much effort and work for so little income. A couple months ago (3 to be exact) I found a website that pretty much turned my pessimism on its head. I’ve made over $900.00 in spendable income in a little over 3 months.
You guys may not think 900 bucks in three months is a lot of money but for me it meant I could give my kids what they wanted for Christmas, buy my husband new work boots, I’ve even bought coffee by the case, online.
You have nothing to lose by checking it out. I promise you won’t regret it. :)
Happy day Moms!
I have joined many sites but for me the best online survey website is which pay at a weekly cycle and pay at a time .any one can earn extra money in a week. i am a member of this site from last year and earned many points and also won Tango Card,. Value on a Tango Card can be redeemed for other popular gift cards, donations and local business options – all without any fees or expiration dates. Click here-
Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn’t heard of this one before!
I’d love to try this. How do you ensure that you still give your kids the attention they need? I have a 9 month old and I don’t know how I can focus on both.
It’s definitely a challenge! I started working from home – blogging, surveys, product testing, focus groups, freelance writing, you name it! when Abby was an infant. It wasn’t too hard then, since she slept most of the day. It got more challenging as she got older… I did a lot of working from my phone or tablet while breastfeeding, worked as much as I could during naps, and after she went to sleep at night. I had no job, almost no savings, and no assistance – so I didn’t sleep much at all, but had no choice since I HAD to pay the house payment. That’s a big motivator :) Then when she was about 2, her dad quit his job to stay home too, since I was doing well with the blog by then, so that helped a lot. But this last year – he was back at work, she was a VERY busy little 4-5 year old, and I had to do more than full time work, take care of her, watch my nephews all summer {ages 9 and 12} plus do house work… That was the hardest! The only advice I can give is to try and multitask, carve out any little pockets of time you can, and do your best.
I believe there’s never really full balance as a mom. Some days work gets more of my attention, sometimes my family, sometimes, my friends, sometimes the house…. But I make sure that when I am spending time with Abby I FULLY focus on her and give her my attention – that makes her more likely to be ok with the fact that sometimes mommy is working. I hate feeling like I’m neglecting her by not always playing with her, but if I worked outside the home I’d see her even less…
These are great! I’m going to pin them to check them out. I’m really interested in redoing furniture & the first place I thought about was Cragslist!
Have you heard of Media insiders panel? I have the app on my phone and computer and I earn a $5 gift card for amazon every two weeks. There are many other types of gift cards one can choose from.
When I had my daughter, I was so reluctant to have to go back to work and I decided to scour the internet til I found a legit work from home job that allowed me to spend time with my family and work on my time.No nagging bosses, no gas money wasted, no childcare costs. I love working from home!! If you’d like to know more visit this website:
I love all of the creative ideas to work from home. I am going to look more into freelance writing since I love spending time at home with my son, but at the same time, would like to make extra money by working a bit throughout the day.
This tip list is the best and I know it’s a reference for many. Craig’s list is just such a wonderful place to get rid of things!
These are all great trips for making money from home! I love that I have been able to work from home after I left the corporate world.
I’m a stay at home mom and would like to share a site I use to make some realistic cash online with my extra time just by doing surveys, completing free offers, trying new apps etc. Here’s the link
The more time you put into it the more it pays. A check of your monthly earnings is sent directly to your mailbox.
Some good tips here, I make some extrat cash from home with youtube and blogging. One thing I woukld like to add is that education of the mind is also important. We get taught very little about wealth creation at school that we need to find it out on our own. If you would like some free resouirces on building (and keeping wealth) Check out my blog post.
Great post here by the way!!
I told myself I’d never get involved with these things… “make money from home, ask me how!”… yeah, right. SPAM!
Then I saw a post on a garage sale site and just said to myself, “Ok, sure… I’ll bite.” The woman gave me all the information and it sounded easy enough, but I wanted to do my own research — nobody scams Jessica!
After a morning coffee date with Google, weighing the pros and cons, reading the reviews, I figured I’d give it a shot. I signed up that morning.
Now, here I am, sitting in my “office”, wearing yoga pants, my toddler playing Legos at my feet, with the ability to make $60+ in an hour. This should be you, too.
Love it, right? I mean, survey sites won’t get you rich. But they earn me a really nice extra side income for “fun money.” And when I didn’t have a job at all, it was definitely money that was needed!! I’m working on a follow up post to this, since over the past two months I’ve been researching new ways to hustle some side income, and have LOTS more tips to share!
I just started using Thrive. It’s a probiotic and vitamin supplement that I actually feel working! There are so many benefits to Thrive. It gives me all-day energy (no more coffee), it curbs my appetite, boosts my mood, helps me sleep and fills my nutritional gap. I’ve lost weight and have so much energy. I love talking about Thrive so I became a free promoter! They provide me with a free website and I earn free Thrive each month with two customers on auto-ship. It is the most incredible product I have ever used. I use Pinterest for fun posts on fb and use the Thrive Le-vel website to share super inspirational Thrive Experiences. Send me an email to learn more ( or sign up to be a free customer or promoter at I’d love to have you on my team and I will help you grow your business. I only wish I had known about Thrive and started using it sooner.
Great read, always looking for extra ways to make a buck. I just wanted to share something I’ve been doing recently. I run an office and have noticed that unused toner was piling up in storage. Looked into returning but that was no good. Tried out the site and was impressed. They had quick service and that payout was nice.
A lot of great ideas here! Thank you so much for sharing. I can’t wait to try several of them!!
I recently created a store with Zazzle; a print on demand company. It is free to have a store and you decide how much you want to make as you set your own royalties. In the past month I have made out with over 200 dollars. Also, you don’t have to have a store to make money, you can also advertise other peoples products with a referral link and receive 15% of any sell you referred. Definitely not a get rich quick scheme, but you can make some extra income for sure.