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Why the Baby Genius Ultimate Children’s Library is a Smart Buy – #DealsofTheDay

These are definitely the days for deals, right? The big day is quickly approaching, and it’s time to wrap up all of that holiday shopping before it’s too late! {And of course, make sure to grab a few gifts for yourself too. I wrap ’em up and put ’em under the tree, with a note to me from Santa… Lol.} And, to help you find some of the sweetest savings this week, from now until Thursday, I’ll be sharing the newest Deal of the Day from Sears with you!

Sears’ Deal of the Day offers exclusive one day promotions on different products at amazing prices. Check back daily for the best deals on products. Sears is your online destination for last-minute gift ideas at super affordable price-points. And, these deals will be pulled from every category Sears carries – like jewelry, electronics, tools, clothing, toys, furniture, and more. That means there’s something for everyone! Get ready for today’s rockin’ deal –

Baby Genius DVD set [Read more…]


Finally – A Baby Product Guide That’s All About You…

When shopping for baby gear, do you feel like your drowning in a sea of choices? I know I sure did – as a first time mom, it was overwhelming, for sure. I wish that back then, I’d know about this amazingly cool site I came across today… It’s called “Lela is a new way to shop that’s all about you. We take the time to get to know you—your lifestyle, taste, and values—and use that info to guide you to the things you’ll love. The product recommendations we give are completely unique to you.” Sounds cool, right? And lemme tell ya – It works. Really good.

How to find the best baby gear for YOU

No Clutter, No Ads – Just stuff chosen with you in mind

At first, I thought this would be another of those spammy, “Take a quiz, and we’ll try to sell you a bunch of junk you don’t need – or maybe even get you to sign up for a monthly subscription you don’t want and will be tough to cancel, whoo hoo!” type of site. Yes, I’m a bit cynical, after reviewing countless sites over the past couple of years. But – this is legit. No spammy. You take a little questionnaire that’s actually fun – {what’s your dream vehicle? I chose the broom with a sweet stuffed couch cushion thing strapped on, lol.} Then it shares products it knows you’ll love. For me – it was crazy-accurate. Lots of funky, unique type stuff. The kind of stuff I always look for and can’t find. Awesomesauce.

Price comparison that's cool

Price Comparison that really rocks

The thing that impressed me the most was when I went to check out a few items. It brings you to a page with all the prices for the item, from all of the major sites. How cool is that? You can click to buy directly from those sites – and it even shares coupon codes to other awesome stuff you can score at each of those sites.

Choose where you buy

No need to visit hundreds of sites—on Lela, you can buy online from your favorite retailers like Amazon, Walmart,, J&R, giggle, Barnes & Noble, BestBuy, Macmall, Macy’s, Magic Beans, Newegg, and more. If you’d rather shop in your neighborhood, Lela Local hooks you up with the nearby retailers that have what you’re looking for.

Join Lela for free and get started!



Honestly – Learn Why these Diapers are Worth my Dollars…

“Pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world is done by children.” – Oliver Wendell… Ah…. Motherhood. Kids are such a blessing – and SUCH a challenge at the same time, right? And this quote is so true – kids do fib, of course. But most of the time, they are honest to a fault. You can learn a lot listening to their thoughts, questions, and observations. So when you hear that there’s a new diaper brand called The Honest Co., what do you think? For me – I hoped to find a simplified way to buy affordable, eco-friendly, good quality diapers that worked well. {Meaning no leaks or nonsense, you know?} Is that what I found with The Honest Co.? Find out…

The Honest Company - Jessica Alba Diapers [Read more…]


What Matters Most When Diaper Shopping…

“No one likes change but babies in diapers.” – Barbara Johnson… Are you still in the diaper stage? Then you know how darn difficult it can be during those years. Not just the crazy mishaps of changing one of those messy masterpieces – but also, trying to figure out which brand, style, fit, size, version is the right one to keep your little one dry, and finding it at a great price. Oh yeah – and throw in some concern for the environment too, and you’ve got yourself a serious set of decision making that most overwhelmed and over-tired new moms can’t handle….

Storknest helps new moms get affordable ecofriendly diapers

How does Stork Nest help new moms save on diapers?

First of all – let me tell you how I first met the peeps from Stork Nest. I was introducted to them by another blogger in one of my networks. At the time, I didn’t know the name Stork Nest – I just knew them as a great group who was super interested in learning more about what moms value when shopping for diapers. They wanted to know what type of packaging was most appealing, what features and benefits actually mattered – and what silly marketing tricks felt like needless gimmicks, so that they could avoid them. I really felt like the questions were insightful and smart, and that they were building a smart company. So when I learned more about what they were doing, I was SUPER excited to help support their new site!

Who is Stork Nest?

Starting January 1st, Stork Nest will launch to the public – featuring unique diaper, training, and youth pant brands at the best prices you’ll find around. They’ll have the highest quality, some awesome eco-friendly options, and since they cut out the middle-man by producing their own diapers – you will seriously get the best value. Their EcoBundles Diapers will feature the same amazing softness and absorbency that you rely on in a diaper – while being more ecofriendly and budget-friendly for busy moms. Sounds awesome, right?

Let’s Party! Celebrate the launch of their new diaper site!

Do you have an amazingly adorable baby? {Of course you do!} Then join the celebration with Stork Nest – enter your little cutie in their Facebook photo contest. When Stork Nest launches on January 1st, 2013, they’ll announce which two of America’s Cutest Babies will win a year’s worth of free diapers, a photo shoot, and get to be featured on the new EcoBundles Diaper packaging. As an added bonus, the parents get to keep the professional pictures of their baby! Priceless, right? And everyone who enters their baby into the EcoBundles Cutest Baby Photo Contest will receive a Buy One Get One Free coupon to use on once they officially launch in early 2013! Sweet bonus.

Party with us too!

I mean, what type of celebration doesn’t have an awesome party to join? The Stork Nest Twitter Party is coming up on December 4th, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. You can RSVP to be eligible for crazy-awesome prizes here: Stork Nest Twitter Party. There will be loads of cool stuff to win, other amazing moms to chat with, and great tips and advice to be shared. I hope to see you there!

Learn more: Check out Stork Nest on Facebook, on Twitter at @theStorkNest, and Pinterest.  

$4.95 All-U-Can Ship


Could your baby have a deadly heart defect and not even know it?

Today is Newborn Heart Defect Screening Awareness Day… I’ve told you guys before about Abby’s birth – she was almost 3 weeks early, and had an incredibly rough delivery. That first day, we weren’t sure that she would make it through the night – but luckily, she pulled through, and quickly grew into a happy, healthy baby girl. But some kids aren’t quite as lucky…

Each year, thousands of babies go home from the hospital with undetected congenital heart defects, sometimes leading to future problems.

Learn how you can help – whether it’s keeping your own baby safe, or helping to spread the word to friends and family. About one in 100 babies are born with a congenital heart defect, but early screening can save lives.

Why should I get my newborn's heart screened?

Why should I get my baby screened? 

Well, as I mentioned, one out of every hundred new babies born each day are born with a defect in their heart. Congenital heart defect {CHD} is the most common birth defect in the US, but sometimes these defects can go undetected into adulthood. I know this first hand – My youngest brother, Brian, was born healthy as could be. As a toddler, he was a chunky but active little guy – no problems whatsoever. At about 6 years old, we switched to a new family doctor, one who would see both of my parents and all of us kids – my mom liked the idea of a doctor who knew all of us, and one that we could grow up with, and still continue to see as we got older. He was the first one to detect a very faint sound when listening to Brian’s heart, something that was probably fine – but he was a really thorough kind of guy, and sent us for further testing.

Those first tests came back normal.

We saw another doctor for a second opinion, who said there was nothing wrong, and to forget about it all. But my mom really trusted our new family doctor, and her mother’s intuition – so she agreed to his advice to have just a couple more tests done. It turns out, my little brother had been born with a defective aortic valve in his heart. It wasn’t causing him too many problems yet, but it was incredibly dangerous. The specialist that we saw said that it was the type of thing that is usually missed by doctors, and leads to a sudden death in a child – either as a baby, an energetic toddler or thriving kiddo, or even as a high school athlete who dies suddenly during a game. Scary stuff to hear as a big sister – Now as a mom, I can’t imagine how frightening this type of news would be.

November 30: Wear pink and do a random act of good.

One little girl that wasn’t as lucky as my brother was is Cora Mae McCormick

After she was born and later passed away in 2009, a new tradition was born as well. Her parents asked for people to wear pink on the 30th of every month and to do an act of good in Cora’s name. So to honor Newborn Heart Defect Awareness Day, pick out your favorite pink shirt, dress or socks or accessories – Together, we’ll wear pink for not only Cora, but for all of the babies born with undetected congenital heart defects.

Do a random act of kindness in their honor that day.

And there’s more you can do. Sign the Pledge to ask your baby’s doctor about screening for congenital heart defects. Share the pledge with other new mommas-to-be. And spread the word about this important screening test using the tweet button below – this test is done in the first 24 hours after a baby arrives, is painless and quick, and you can even hold your baby while they do it – so no separation anxiety for new moms. Learn more about the pulse oximetry test for newborn heart screening.

Let’s Chat: Did you know that this test isn’t standard at many hospitals, in many states? Have you ever heard of it, or had a child in your life with heart defects? Share your stories and your thoughts in the comments below…

{Disclaimer: Photo credit: SabianMaggy. I learned about this cause through Mom Bloggers for Social Good – an amazing group of women using their social media power to do great things and promote amazing organizations. I received no compensation, and all thoughts shared are my own.}



How to Bathe a Toddler in 3 Simple Steps – #MomHumor

“Having a two-year-old is like having a blender without a lid.” – Jerry Seinfeld… Have you ever struggled with bathing a baby? I remember the first time I had to give Abby a bath – she was so tiny, so fragile, and I was so nervous. I got the brand new little baby bathtub out, filled it with water, decided it was too hot so I added cold water, then decided it was too cold – so I dumped it out and started again, lol. I had thought that bathing a newborn was nerve-wracking, but little did I know – a toddler is a WAY bigger challenge! So, here are my tips on how to bath a toddler in 3 simple steps….

Toddlers make messes [Read more…]


Motherhood Tips Series: From Baby to Toddler Years, What You Really Need

“Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.” – Bill Cosby… Getting ready for a new baby can be expensive – and overwhelming! I remember the first time I walked into the baby section to shop for my new baby-to-be… I had NO idea where to even start. How many tiny socks and onesies did I really need? How do I choose which type of bottle from the 30 options available? And which one of those “must-have” products did I truly need? If you’re not careful, you can quickly get caught up in the frenzy of excitement when shopping for a new baby – and find yourself surrounded by piles of things you never used, didn’t need, and now need to get rid of, around the time your bundle of joy turns 6 months old.

What do you really need to buy for a new baby?To help make your life a little easier, I’m going to share some of the tips and tricks that I’ve learned during the past two years of motherhood – which products you really need, and what you can skip. Great alternatives to some traditional items, that will work from infant to toddlerhood. Ideas on what to do with baby gear that you no longer need – how to reuse it, recycle it, or sell it to help build a budget for the things you need later on.

Trust me – you need a lot less than you think!

When I was getting ready for Abby to arrive, my life had suddenly changed drastically – in the space of 3 months, I’d gone from living on my own with a cat, to having my boyfriend and a dog move in, my mother come to live with me in my spare bedroom, and my brother and two nephews remodel my basement to move into too! Whew, right? {Read the whole story here – Why Bloggers Have Messy Homes.} All of that change meant that Abby wasn’t going to have room for a nursery – she’d be sharing a room with Daddy and I. I had to redo a hall cupboard and create a new closet space for her. Our room was small, so there was only room for a changing table and small shelf – no changing table. But this all turned out to be a blessing in disguise, since it made me really evaluate each new purchase, since space was limited. And I learned how lucky I was to not have purchased so much stuff when I saw friends later on donating bags of unused gear and clothing that they never even needed.

Motherhood tips - baby to toddlerSo – stay tuned! I’ll be posting at least once a day for the next few weeks, with the best products to take you from baby to toddler, so you invest in the pieces that will last you the longest. I’ll share some great tips that I’ve learned, brands to watch for, trends in kids style and decor, and those ideas on reusing baby pieces into later childhood years too.

And of course – we’ll have some fun giveaways too!

If you have any great tips to share, leave me some comments – What would you say the Top 3 Must Have’s are for new moms, that you still use into the toddler years? What do you wish you’d skipped? Share your advice below!
