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How to Save $10 on Pet Food and Supplies on Amazon with Coupon!

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links, and any purchase you make through one of my links earns me $$.

Hey guys…. So, a couple of months ago I shared a post on how to get amazing deals on snacks, baking supplies, household goods, etc – by using the Amazon Prime Pantry stock-up deals, sales and coupons, and the extra bonus coupon they had at the time. It was, by far, one of my most popular posts in a long time! So, when I came across this rocking deal on using Amazon to save a ton of money on food, treats, and supplies for your pets, too – I knew I should share with ya. ;)

how to save on pet food at amazon

So I did a pretty sloppy job of covering up my personal address, I know. And I don’t really care… if y’all want to send me stuff in the mail, or show up for tea, I’m cool with that, lol. Anyway – this shows you the coupon deal, which is super great! If you spend $40 or more on selected pet items, they’ll take a big ol’ $10 right off of your purchase. Amazon prices are already really good – I shop around quite a bit in town for pet food, and everything I wanted on Amazon was slightly lower than what I pay in town. I also found a few really sweet sales. And then when you take the $10 off? Serious savings.

How to get Amazon Pet Food Deals!

This is my first shipment, that I got last week. The deal is STILL going on, so I stocked up again and bought another big box that’ll be here soon. To give you an idea of savings… In town, buying cat food cans, Friskies is their fave, I average about .55 cents per can, whether I buy it per can at the grocery store, or in bulk. Here’s what I bought at Amazon:

So, this isn’t the order shown in the screenshot above, that’s the order I just put in today. I’ll share that too, in a sec. So, on this order the total for the cat food comes out to .51 cents per can, cheaper than even the best deals I find in town – but then once you add the big container of treats so that it’s over $40, and gets the $10 off – they’re way cheaper! Score, right? And here’s what I ordered today:

So – all really great deals on brands and varieties that I already use, and then take another $10 off the total again! Whoo. 

Now, a few tips on saving money on pet food at Amazon:

Here’s the selection to choose from: Save $10 When You Spend $40. This is a limited time deal, I have no idea how much longer it will last. I chose a few items I knew I needed – then, to get right close to that $40 mark, I used the search function at the top to “Sort By” price low-to-high. There are small treats, toys, etc. in the under $5 range. 

Next, on each item’s page, some of them automatically go to the “subscribe and save” option. If you do that, you sometimes can save a couple bucks, but it won’t work with the coupon. So be sure to click the one time purchase button, before adding to cart. 

Do you use the Honey app? I kept hearing about it forever, especially those promoted posts on Facebook. I never signed up, I just didn’t “get it” I guess? But it is SO cool. There are a million uses – I’m sure I’m missing loads, so feel free to give me tips in the comments. But what I did so far is add it to my Chrome toolbar. So the little icon is there, and every time I shop online, I will click it at checkout to see if it can find a better coupon code than what I have. And often, it does! You can use it with Ebates {now called Rakuten} sometimes, but not always. It’ll tell you if you can’t use both. Anyway – it works awesome with Amazon. Everything that’s in my cart, Honey will keep an eye on it, and every day I get email updates if prices dropped on stuff I want. It also shows a little icon when you’re shopping on Amazon, to tell you if there’s a better deal on that same item from another seller. Sign up here to check it out totally free: Join Honey.

And, speaking of Ebates/Rakuten – did you know that it lets you earn cash back on some of your Amazon purchases?? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT?? Lol. I’ve used them for yeeaaaaars. But only recently realized this. Because I have that in my toolbar too, so it automatically reminds me anytime I’m checking out somewhere, and asks if I want to activate cash back. It doesn’t do that on Amazon. You have to go to Ebates first, then click through. You don’t earn cash back on pet food – but there are a ton of categories that you DO earn with – I’ve been buying clothing on Amazon more often, and you earn on almost all of that. Def worth signing up. Join Ebates here.

Did you know you can save on Amazon Prime? If you’re a regular Amazon shopper, you pretty much MUST HAVE PRIME. {Plus there’s all the perks like Prime-only pricing, free movies and audiobooks, etc.} If you have an EBT card, you get a discount on Prime. If you don’t have an EBT card, and don’t have Prime yet, you can get a free trial of Amazon Prime here. There’s also a free trial of Amazon Family {formerly Amazon Mom} – which gives you big discounts on diapers, and exclusive deals on baby items. All cool stuff. I have a pile of chronic illnesses these days, so I do the majority of my shopping using Amazon. Can’t recommend Prime enough, if you don’t already have it.

I hope you find these helpful and stock up on deals too! 


A Dog’s Way Home – Film Opens Jan 11, 2019 – Movie Swag Giveaway!!

 This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Review Wire Media for Sony Pictures. #ADogsWayHome

A Dog's Way Home #ADogsWayHome

A lot can happen between lost and found – I think that line gives you a really good idea of what this amazingly heartwarming film, A Dog’s Way Home, is about, right? It’s every dog owners worst nightmare – losing their pet. Not everyone “gets it,” understands the way a dog isn’t “just” a pet. They become a legit part of your family. I know that for me, losing my dog would be heartbreaking, and being separated from him would leave a big hole in our home, family, and whole life. If you are an animal lover too, you totally know what I mean. [Read more…]


Would You Make Your Dog a T-Bone Steak?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ALPO® Brand Dog Food for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.” – Gilda Radner… It’s true. We call dogs “Mans Best Friend,” but really, they’re so much more. They’re a companion to us all. A playmate, companion, or sometimes almost a sibling to your kiddo {like our family.} And no matter our flaws, they only see the good in us, and jump up and down wagging their tail excited to see us, even when we were just at the store for an hour, lol. Which means, they need to be appreciated just like the rest of the family, especially at a holiday – like Valentine’s Day.

My little fur baby, Deuce, is a pain most of the time. {That’s him above, finding his happy spot in between my Mister’s feet.} He is about as old as Abby, {3 years old}, so should be potty trained, but continues to ruin the rugs in my house. He barks for no reason, and isn’t always very bright. But, he is the biggest lover you’ll ever see – he is the best snuggler, and has to be next to one of us in the house at all times, no matter what. And he’s pretty fluffy and cute. So he gets to stay here :) [Read more…]


What is Your Pet Beggin for this Holiday Season?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Is your little fur-baby #BegginForPresents?… Mine is. I mean, it’s not surprising. He comes from a family that loves bacon. I mean, not just loves bacon. But, if bacon were the new currancy, we’d be broke. Because we’d eat it all. We L-O-V-E bacon. So of course, since my little guy gets only the best, we get him Beggin Treats.

[Read more…]


What Makes Your Family’s Tail Wag?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ALPO® Brand Dog Food for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

What makes your family’s tail wag? Well, ok – I don’t have a tail. {Except on days that Abby and I play dress up or pretend to be animals. But I don’t usually have a tail.} I’m talking about the tail – or tails – of the pets in your family – specifically, your dog. If you don’t have a dog, feel free to disregard this post. Or, send it to a friend who’s a dog-lovin’-owner. Or read it for reference in case the apocalypse comes and we run out of food and you want to know about the next best thing to eat – which would be these amazing homestyle dinners from ALPO®. No lie. I’m not surprised my dogs loooove them, since they look good enough for me to eat too. {Not that I’ve tried them. Yet… Lol.}

[Read more…]


For Dogs and their Owners – Happy Starts Here!

This post brought to you by ALPO® Brand Dog Food   . All opinions are 100% mine.

Happy starts here…. That’s the idea behind ALPO’s wet dog food line. Because for most of us – our dogs are part of the family. We want the best for them, just like we do for our kids. So it’s super important that we’re not only getting them the best nutrition, but also stuff that makes those little tales wag in supreme happiness, right? I’ll be sharing more info on ALPO dog food soon – you’ll get to hear from my little furry mister, Deuce, and see what he thinks of his own taste test, in a couple of weeks. {You can also learn a little more on ALPO’S HOMEPAGE.} Until then, watch the video to hear what this diverse set of focus group dogs thought about it…

ALPO wet food makes three commitmentments to you and your furry friends:

Real Nutritious: There are no shortcuts to a happy diet. This is super important to me, after hearing all of the scary recalls and dangerous additives in some of the cheaper, foreign-made dog foods over the past few years.

Real Quality: Happy starts at the source. I don’t want fillers and junk in my dog’s food – I want him to get real, high quality ingredients, just like the meals I serve the rest of my family.

Real Happy: The proof is in the pooch. ALPO stands behind their product, and is confident that even the pickiest dog will love it.

To learn more, visit ALPO’s Facebook Page. And be sure to share photos of your dog – especially if you’ve got a shot of him or her with ALPO! – on your favorite social media sites using the tag #HappyStartsHere. You can also search that tag on Twitter and Instagram to see what other pet people are saying about ALPO wet dog foods. Stay tuned to her what my little guy has to say… .

Tweet me at @sunandsipcups with the #HappyStartsHere tag if you’re an ALPO lover too!

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3 Reasons to Make Your Own Jingle Right Meow

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Meow Mix for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow…. You know how it goes right? I’m talking about the Meow Mix Jingle. That crazy-annoying-yet-catchy jingle from the makers of your fave cat food products. Silly, but fun. It’s crazy that it’s been around so long – I remember annoying my own mom by singing it {is “singing” the right term?…} all day. Well, now you creative types can create your own Meow Mix Jingle. {Grab the kids. They will LOVE this. So much so that you can probably hand over the computer and get at least 15 minutes of alone time while they play with the site. Cherish it.}

Meow Mix make your own jingle3 Reasons to Make Your Own Jingle Right Meow: Head over to the Meow Mix on Sam’s Club and check out this fun little tool, and learn a little more about the best  cat food brand for your little furr-babies:

  • Reason 1: As I mentioned, your kids will love it. They will spend a good amount of time playing with the cat sounds, laughing and giggling, mixing and matching, until they have perfected their meow-sterpiece. {I couldn’t resist.} This gives you a few free minutes. What will you do with them? Luxurious things like go to the bathroom alone, find a clean shirt, put matching socks on? It’s up to you. Live it up, momma.
  • Reason 2: You can learn a little more about Meow Mix before handing over the laptop to the kids. Like that the Tender Centers cat food is crunchy outside, meaty inside, white meat chicken and salmon flavors mixed in perfect harmony, packed with the essential nutrition that your cat needs. {Hmm, that sounds almost better than what I made us for dinner last night…}
  • Reason 3: It’s fun to share! Once you have your Meow Mix jingle finished and created, you can share to Facebook and Twitter, or grab a link to share anywhere else – amazing your friends and family with your meow-tastic mixing skills. Check out my a-meow-zing {ok, I’ll stop now, lol} hit here: Meagan’s Meow Mix Jingle Jam. Even I had to laugh while using this – I love the little techno cat, I named him Kanye West. And the fluffy little opera cat rocks too.

So – Check it out on the Meow Mix page. It’ll shake up your day a little, and give you a good laugh. I promise the kids will love it. Even the 9 year old who is usually “too cool” for everything lately thought it was hilarious. And then follow Meow Mix on Facebook and Twitter, for new product updates and promotions. Do it meow….

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