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How to Save $10 on Pet Food and Supplies on Amazon with Coupon!

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links, and any purchase you make through one of my links earns me $$.

Hey guys…. So, a couple of months ago I shared a post on how to get amazing deals on snacks, baking supplies, household goods, etc – by using the Amazon Prime Pantry stock-up deals, sales and coupons, and the extra bonus coupon they had at the time. It was, by far, one of my most popular posts in a long time! So, when I came across this rocking deal on using Amazon to save a ton of money on food, treats, and supplies for your pets, too – I knew I should share with ya. ;)

how to save on pet food at amazon

So I did a pretty sloppy job of covering up my personal address, I know. And I don’t really care… if y’all want to send me stuff in the mail, or show up for tea, I’m cool with that, lol. Anyway – this shows you the coupon deal, which is super great! If you spend $40 or more on selected pet items, they’ll take a big ol’ $10 right off of your purchase. Amazon prices are already really good – I shop around quite a bit in town for pet food, and everything I wanted on Amazon was slightly lower than what I pay in town. I also found a few really sweet sales. And then when you take the $10 off? Serious savings.

How to get Amazon Pet Food Deals!

This is my first shipment, that I got last week. The deal is STILL going on, so I stocked up again and bought another big box that’ll be here soon. To give you an idea of savings… In town, buying cat food cans, Friskies is their fave, I average about .55 cents per can, whether I buy it per can at the grocery store, or in bulk. Here’s what I bought at Amazon:

So, this isn’t the order shown in the screenshot above, that’s the order I just put in today. I’ll share that too, in a sec. So, on this order the total for the cat food comes out to .51 cents per can, cheaper than even the best deals I find in town – but then once you add the big container of treats so that it’s over $40, and gets the $10 off – they’re way cheaper! Score, right? And here’s what I ordered today:

So – all really great deals on brands and varieties that I already use, and then take another $10 off the total again! Whoo. 

Now, a few tips on saving money on pet food at Amazon:

Here’s the selection to choose from: Save $10 When You Spend $40. This is a limited time deal, I have no idea how much longer it will last. I chose a few items I knew I needed – then, to get right close to that $40 mark, I used the search function at the top to “Sort By” price low-to-high. There are small treats, toys, etc. in the under $5 range. 

Next, on each item’s page, some of them automatically go to the “subscribe and save” option. If you do that, you sometimes can save a couple bucks, but it won’t work with the coupon. So be sure to click the one time purchase button, before adding to cart. 

Do you use the Honey app? I kept hearing about it forever, especially those promoted posts on Facebook. I never signed up, I just didn’t “get it” I guess? But it is SO cool. There are a million uses – I’m sure I’m missing loads, so feel free to give me tips in the comments. But what I did so far is add it to my Chrome toolbar. So the little icon is there, and every time I shop online, I will click it at checkout to see if it can find a better coupon code than what I have. And often, it does! You can use it with Ebates {now called Rakuten} sometimes, but not always. It’ll tell you if you can’t use both. Anyway – it works awesome with Amazon. Everything that’s in my cart, Honey will keep an eye on it, and every day I get email updates if prices dropped on stuff I want. It also shows a little icon when you’re shopping on Amazon, to tell you if there’s a better deal on that same item from another seller. Sign up here to check it out totally free: Join Honey.

And, speaking of Ebates/Rakuten – did you know that it lets you earn cash back on some of your Amazon purchases?? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT?? Lol. I’ve used them for yeeaaaaars. But only recently realized this. Because I have that in my toolbar too, so it automatically reminds me anytime I’m checking out somewhere, and asks if I want to activate cash back. It doesn’t do that on Amazon. You have to go to Ebates first, then click through. You don’t earn cash back on pet food – but there are a ton of categories that you DO earn with – I’ve been buying clothing on Amazon more often, and you earn on almost all of that. Def worth signing up. Join Ebates here.

Did you know you can save on Amazon Prime? If you’re a regular Amazon shopper, you pretty much MUST HAVE PRIME. {Plus there’s all the perks like Prime-only pricing, free movies and audiobooks, etc.} If you have an EBT card, you get a discount on Prime. If you don’t have an EBT card, and don’t have Prime yet, you can get a free trial of Amazon Prime here. There’s also a free trial of Amazon Family {formerly Amazon Mom} – which gives you big discounts on diapers, and exclusive deals on baby items. All cool stuff. I have a pile of chronic illnesses these days, so I do the majority of my shopping using Amazon. Can’t recommend Prime enough, if you don’t already have it.

I hope you find these helpful and stock up on deals too! 


Amazon Pantry Prime Day Deals – All The Coupon Codes and Tips that You Need!!


Amazon has a freaking ridiculous set of deals right now. For my order today, I loaded up my cart with Amazon Pantry stuff, and got almost HALF OFF off my order. The deals are so crazy, I’m putting together another order now. And it’s SO GOOD that I feel like I must share it with y’all, because friends don’t let friends pay full price, right?  These are early Prime Day deals.

Amazon Prime Pantry Coupon Codes

{FYI: These are my affiliate links, meaning I can earn a few $$ if you use them. If you don’t want to do that, you can just go right to Amazon and find all of these deals.}

So, this post isn’t super fancy or pretty, but I’m going to quickly break it down for ya, with all of the Amazon Prime Deals, Amazon Pantry Coupon Codes, etc. – it’s all early “Prime Days” specials, so you can only get this stuff if you have Amazon Prime.


Want to Get Free or Cheap Amazon Prime?

    • If you don’t have Amazon Prime yet, get a free 30-day trial.
    • If you have an EBT card or Medicaid, you can get reduced price Amazon Prime.
    • If you have babies, or baby on the way – Amazon Family Free Trial is the best bet for you. You get huge discounts, like 20% on diapers, coupons for things like wipes and other baby essentials. {Don’t forget to create an Amazon Baby Registry, if you’re expecting. That includes tons of perks too!}
    • If you are a student – or have a child who will BE a student in the upcoming year – check out Amazon Prime Student 6-Month Trial. It includes all of the regular Prime benefits like free 2-day shipping, access to free ebooks and movies, but also includes some perks and deals tailored to Student needs.
    • Also, not related to this specific deal – but you can get a free trial right now of Amazon Prime Video Channels. It’s really cool – you can add all of the channels you want, right to your Amazon account. You can add channels like add subscription services like HBO, Showtime, STARZ. It’s really simple to use, and so cool.

Now, to the Amazon Pantry Prime deals. 

  • First, go to Amazon Pantry, to the stock up page: For every 5 items you buy from that selection of stuff, you get $5 off. If you buy 10, $10 off, or 15 you get $15 off, like I did. And it’s a BIG selection, awesome prices on kid’s snacks, toilet paper, and household stuff. You don’t need a coupon code. It won’t show the $$ off in your cart, but you’ll see it on the checkout page.
  • If you spend over $40 in Prime Pantry, use code “PANTRY” at checkout, and get ANOTHER FREAKING FREE $10 off. Like I did.  So I got $15 off with the stock up deal, because I bought 15 items. And a lot of my items were low price items, like low sodium chicken broth that was $1.97, plus you can click the button to add a coupon for 22% off. A big variety pack deal on Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, 18 bars, that was only $3.73. And my favorite purchase today – Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, Mint Magic. It’s a nice evening tea, or a good nausea fixer {I live with chronic nausea, and peppermint tea helps.} – But the reason we loved this one is because there’s a freaking WIZARD AND HIS UNICORN PAL on the box. SOLD.
  • You can use the “PANTRY” coupon more than once, so break your order up into $40+ orders, to use the $10 again. {Ok, update to this. I posted this deal on my personal Facebook profile, because I was so excited about it. I was able to do two different orders, and use the PANTRY coupon on both, and did my orders hours apart. But a few people tonight are telling me that it’s not working for them? So, I’m not sure what’s going on there.}
  • THEN – there’s more. Tons of brand deals, like 25% off of Goldfish products: And my fave: 40% off on a bunch of Kellogg’s brand goods: You can get big boxes of PopTarts for less than $2!

I saved so much on my first order – everything was already really, really good prices because Prime Pantry is ALWAYS so great. But then to get almost HALF OFF of my Amazon order with the extra deal coupons?? That’s freaking sweet.

So I’m putting together another order now. You should too, 

FYI: As I put this together, I noticed that some of the stuff I bought this morning – the prices, the availability, etc – are already changed. So, fingers crossed these deals are all available when you check this out! If so, be sure to share on Facebook and Twitter – you can use the Tweet below to do it easy peasy. 

And then – “Prime Day is back July 15 & 16 for a two-day parade of epic deals.” — they keep releasing early deals. So keep your eyes open!



GIANT List – Free Samples, Free Money, Free Deals, Free Toys, Free Makeup + More!

Hey all! Weekends are when I clean out my inbox. Which means, it’s when I find all kinds of cool stuff! So, I’ve put together a big round up of free samples, ways to get free cash, deals that give you free gifts or practically free product, and more cool free stuff. Because – Free is my Favorite Flavor. ;) Lol. Be sure to share this around with anyone you think will love it too – you can retweet the post by clicking here:

Or going to Facebook to reshare my post to your own page. Hope you enjoy! And if you’ve found any really cool freebies this week yourself, be sure to share them on my Facebook post, or add them to the comments here, so the rest of us can get ’em too! Thanks, all.


Free samples 

  1. Click here to fill out a quick form, and get a freebie sample set from Olay – 3 samples of the new Whips face care products. If you love Olay Whips already – order your fave here on the Olay site, then get a FREE GIFT too: FREEMASK or FREEMIST, gets you a free product valued of $13 bucks. Sweet. :)
  2. Sign up and receive FREE Trial of Contact Lenses from WALDO just pay shipping and handling, $2.95.
  3. Join Sampler – you take just a couple of minutes to answer a few questions about your household – if you have kids, if you drink coffee, etc. And then it will tell you which samples are available, specifically for you. Mine had some fancy pants spices – I got to choose which flavors – and a kids snack bar. I’ve heard good things, it’s legit. And after you’re there awhile, you’ll get more offers!
  4. Get a free sample of the new Whole Blends Honey Treasures hair mask treatment from Garnier.
  5. Sign up at Yellow Circles to get a free starter kit, tshirt, stickers, buttons.
  6. Free Tshirt – it’ll be a white tee, size large, with a hardware logo on it. But it’s totally free, grab it here.
  7. Get a free sample of Powerizer Complete All-Purpose Detergent & Cleaner, just fill out a quick survey form.
  8. Sign up at PinchME to get a free sample of Sugru moldable glue – a really cool product, I’ve had a couple of samples of it before. Clever stuff.
  9. Free water bottle from Mucinex. If you’re a member, log in to see if you have the freebie offer available to you! If you’re not a member, do the quick sign up and then keep an eye out for missions to get cool free coupons, deals, and samples.
  10. Free SkinCeuticals personalized sample. Fill in the information below and receive a complimentary serum sample – based on your skin concern.
  11. Same brand, different sample: Request your Complimentary Sample of Discoloration Defense Daily, dark spot corrector targets visible skin discoloration for brighter, more even-looking skin.
  12. BREYLEE free samples – get a trial of their Acne Treatment Serum, and possibly other products from time to time – just fill out the form with your info.
  13. If you, or someone you love, lives with epilepsy – join the Epilepsy Foundation Kids Crew! It has a goal of educating people about epilepsy, and rewarding kids for being involved in activities, local walks, and more. Sign up and get a free starter kit. (Abby doesn’t have epilepsy, but she was diagnosed with a seizure disorder when she was little, which was SO scary. Here’s the post after her first seizure – it ended up NOT being febrile, and we had a scary ride for a couple of years. Definitely puts a soft spot in my heart for parents dealing with this!)
  14. Get a free sample pack of Kiehl’s Skincare products! Complete the form on the page and AFTER you submit it they will confirm your free samples of the Kiehl’s customer favorites skincare routine.
  15. Free sample of Makeup Eraser – scroll down their site. You’ll see the boxes to request a sample. You have to follow them on Instagram, and then you’ll get a small, trial size of their makeup eraser cloth – which I’ve heard cool stuff about. This will be a small piece, not a full size, and shipping is totally free, no credit card, just make sure to UNclick the box at checkout that says .98 cents for shipping protection, ;)
  16. Fill out the form with your info, and get a free sample of the new Garnier Sheet Masks, you do have to sign up for their newsletter though.
  17. Join ALLURE Magazine’s Beauty Enthusiast panel – sign up, and watch for opportunities to get free samples, try free products in home and share feedback, etc.
  18. Request a free Poise sample kit! Currently, they only have the Light Leaks pack available to order. But you get three products, all free – as long as you haven’t ordered a kit from them recently. There are also coupons available to print too – look for the tab up top.
  19. Free Simple Green brand cleaning products – sign up at Viewpoints, enter your info, and request to get the new line of products to sample at home, and fill out a feedback form afterwards, letting them know what you thought of them.
  20. Fill out a form to request a free sample of Dabur Vatika Coconut Hair Oil! There’s a box that says “Pin Code” which I think is supposed to mean PO Box. :)
  21. Get a free ring sizer from Brilliant Earth – who, by the way, have absolutely STUNNING rings, if anyone is like, shopping for my birthday coming up or anything. ;)
  22. Get a free sample of Amazing Grass Amazing Protein Glow in Chocolate Rose flavor!

How to Earn Free Cash

Free Cash

  1. Join Ebates – OMG, my fave way to earn easy money. I do most of my shopping online – and sometimes I’ll specifically buy bigger ticket items I’ve looked at locally from their website, then pick up in store, just to earn the big bonus cash back from Ebates, ;) Join for free and get a $10 gift card after your first purchase of $25 or more.
  2. Here’s a big list of Class Action Settlements: If any apply to you – products you’ve bought, services you’ve used, etc – fill out the forms, and they’ll send you out a refund check or PayPal payment. They usually take awhile to send the payments – and sometimes it’s only a couple of bucks. But I submit a claim for every one that I qualify for, and have gotten some checks for $50+ before. Easy peasy.
  3. Get $20 free, that you can cash out as PayPal, Amazon gift card, etc – from Ibotta! Stop throwing away your receipts after grocery shopping – scan them here, and they give you no-strings free cash back on tons of purchases. It’s quick and easy, and I earn every.single.time I shop. One of my all-time fave frugal living apps, ever.
  4. Sign up and create an account at YouGov – earn free gift cards to places like Amazon, Nike, Target, Lowes – or even cash! You get invites to fill out surveys, and earn points for giving feedback and opinions on things like your shopping habits, feelings about new ads, and thoughts on politics and current events. If you keep an eye out in news articles, you’ll sometimes see statistics pulled from YouGov surveys, so the opinions you give matter!

How to Get Free Makeup Deals

Free Deals

  1. Free burgers! Yep, this post has a list of 15 different restaurants that have different ways to reward you with totally FREE hamburgers!
  2. Free bowling all summer! We have done this every year, for awhile now? Love it! Go to, choose your state, then choose which participating bowling area in your city you want free passes to. You can sign up all of your kids under 15 — Kids Bowl Free allows your family to bowl 2 Games FREE everyday, all summer. Plus, there’s a family pass option where parents, grandparents, older children that don’t qualify for the Kids Bowl Free passes and babysitters can join in the fun and get the same great 2 FREE Game offer every day too. When you register please enter my email address so our family is entered to win some great prizes including Gas Cards, Gift Cards, Weekend Hotel Trips, Restaurant Gift Cards and many more! (You’ll get the same thing after signing up, a referral link to share to earn prizes too.) Totally legit, we have two options here in little ol’ Yakima, so I’m betting you’ll have participating bowling alleys too!
  3. I didn’t try this one myself, because it didn’t seem to apply to me? But, you can get a free $10 Starbucks gift card, by filling out a survey about your role at work, and connecting using LinkedIn.
  4. Knowing your credit score is super important, and making sure the info that’s on your credit report is crazy-important – errors need to be appealed and fixed, asap! You can that info here – Sign up to get your FREE credit score sent to you monthly, and personalized savings advice, from Credit Sesame. They never require a credit card, totally legit.
  5. Until 4/7 on Hollar you can get freebies – Buy One, Get One FREE on all qualifying Easter items! Use code BUNNYBOGO We do a big Easter egg hunt + dinner at my house, the day before Easter, every year. And I like to have lots of goodies for Easter baskets and prizes, so this was an awesome way for me to stock up. {I bought 12 pairs of different colored bunny ears, that I’ll force all of the kiddos – even the super cool teens, lol – to wear for a family photo. Love it!}
  6. FREE MAKEUP! Ok, this isn’t technically “free,” – but practically. I’ve signed up for BoxyCharm in January – and am freaking amazed at the amount of value they pack into their pretty packages! All the products are full sized, high end, and they do a fab job of choosing the right stuff for me based on my profile questions. Then, once you are a member, you can get on the Waitlist for BoxyLuxe, which ships 4 times a year. You can see what that box looks like here: BoxyLuxe Uh-MAY-Zing First Shipment on Instagram. Just ONE product, the IT Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream (you know how much I love IT Cosmetics, since being introduced during the Mom Makeover), would’ve been the price I paid for the ENTIRE box – so it’s like getting all of the other palettes, brushes, polishes, and pretties for free! Every month is $20 bucks, at at least one item alone is worth that, every time. I’m blown away by these guys.
  7. Free $10 on FabFitFun: I kept seeing posts about it, freaking everywhere. So, I finally signed up for FabFitFun – it was the cute little floral robe that was a choice in the Spring Subscription Box that sold me, actually. That alone was worth the price I paid for the box. If you’ve been eyeing it too – the Summer Box will be shipping soon! Boxes of are full of fabulous goodies in beauty, wellness, fashion, and fitness – you indicate which of those you like best, when you fill out the sign-up profile. I thought they did a rad job of picking things perfect for me, based off of what I told them, and seeing what was available in other’s boxes (from spying on Instagram, ha) — I’m giving you $10 to spend. You can thank me later :)
  8. Free $20 Simply Earth Gift Card with Essential Oil Subscription Box – you can see what these look like in my Simply Earth subscription box post here on Instagram – I’m “simply” in love. (See what I did there? Lol.) I was super interested in essential oils, but had no clue where to start. This sends you a themed package each month – like beauty, with oils, pigments, and containers to create DIY products, or wellness like I got last month, that was perfect for me! Using my link and coupon code MEGSSUNSHINEFREE you get the bonus free $20 gift card + the BIG BONUS BOX you’ll see in my post too. You’ll love it!

How to Get Free Money and Free Stuff Online - Totally Legit, great tips from a real mom!

Other Cool Free Stuff

  1. Apply to be a Step2 Toy Tester!! This is really cool, and I know a few people who have been picked for this in previous years. You sign up – and must have at least one kiddo under the age of 5 in your home, which excludes me, sad panda face. :( But if you have little ones – you then get to choose your favorite option from the ones available, that you’d like to test at home. And these are big toys, like the Rain Showers and Unicorn water play table set that I’ve been eyeing for out by the pool this summer!! If you get picked, be sure to tag me when you share about what you got to test out, so I can see!! :)
  2. Check out the FREE workshops available at your local Home Depot! I’ve helped host a couple of the Do It Herself events here at my local store, and Abby is a HUGE fan of the Kid’s Workshops – we still have the bird house she built at one, when she was 4 years old, hanging outside. :)
  3. Join Moms Meet – they focus on healthy, clean, green, eco-friendly products that fit perfectly into the mom life. I’ve worked with them for YEARS, love them. They have opportunities to test products for free, and sometimes earn free gift cards too – for regular moms, for social media influencers, for bloggers, for hosting home parties, etc.
  4. Apply to host a free Little Tikes World’s Biggest Playdate House Party! Those selected will receive a free party pack with gift cards, toys, party supplies, and more.

Be sure to share this using the easy peasy share tools below! And sign up for my email newsletters – in the upper right corner! – to get these weekly updates straight to your own inbox! Thanks for ready, y’all. :)


HUGE Weekly List of Freebies and Samples!

Heeey guys. I’m going to try to start doing these posts once a week. With a roundup of all of the cool deals, free samples, free money, cool giveaways, etc that I find from around the web. Some of these include referral or affiliate links – meaning I get credit if you sign up – but not all of them. And I’d recommend all of these either way, :) You know how much I love free stuff, right? Enjoy, and be sure to share with friends who might appreciate this too!

How to Earn Free Cash

Here’s an absolute fave of mine at the moment – Ibotta. You get the app. After you shop, you scan your receipts. And it adds up free cash for you, that you can cash out as PayPal payments, or a ton of different gift cards. I use mine for Amazon credit. :) Like, you are going to buy groceries anyway. And gas. And book travel. And buy liquor…. yep, you can even get cash back for having cocktails! — so, why not get FREE cash back on those purchases? Seriously so easy, I’m always making people sign up, and no one has ever regretted it, for reals. Check it out here to get your bonus welcome freebie!

More Free Stuff:

  1. Sign up and tell them why you’re blessed – and they’ll send you a free “I’m Blessed” t-shirt!
  2. Free Sample of Ziploc sandwich bags in either Frozen or Star Wars design. Sign up as a new member at DigiTry if you’re not a member yet.
  3. Choose your favorite scent, and then request free samples from Jewelry in Candles.
  4. Get another fun scented freebie – request a sample from Pink Zebra.
  5. Apply to be a Toy Tester for Our Generation dolls – and possibly get your own doll and accessories! Just fill out the form, and they’ll be in touch via email.
  6. Check out this Crazy Coupon Lady post {her site is always filled with good stuff!} to learn how to get a totally free 3-pack of Clorox Cleaning and Disinfecting Wipes at Walmart.
  7. Get a free sample of Mocha Cafe Charcoal coffee.
  8. Join Ebates and get $10 cash free bonus – all you do is use it to shop online, and they’ll give you the best coupon codes available, PLUS give you free cash back on your purchase. This is one of my ALL TIME fave tools, and if you shop online without some type of cash back site, you are missing out on totally free money!!
  9. Free Chanel product samples on their Facebook page.
  10. Join the Budweiser Rewards program, to have chances to win big in their sweepstakes, earn free gear like t-shirts and stickers, and more!
  11. Set up an account for free at Influenster – then you have TONS of chances to sample free beauty products! They also do bunches of giveaways too. And they have really good stuff. If you search on Instagram you’ll see so many cool things that people get there.
  12. Get an Atkins Free Quick Start Kit and coupons.
  13. Get a FREE $10 credit to spend at ThreadUp – and be sure to request a bag, if you’re doing the Kon-Mari stuff, and send it all of your unwanted clothing to earn even MORE credit to spend!!
  14. Did you know that you can get a discounted rate on Amazon Prime if you are on Medicaid or are an EBT card holder? Check it out and sign up for the free trial, and then get Prime – which includes loads of movies, free shipping, exclusive discounts, and more! – for only $5.99 a month after the trial ends.
  15. Apply to test out a free personal safety device – you’ll have to create a profile if you’re not a member, which takes a few extra minutes.
  16. Free Avon ANEW Clinical Eye Lift Pro sample – just fill out a quick form.
  17. Join Blue Apron with this link, and it’ll give you a coupon to save $50 off your first two boxes!! Awesome deal on recipe delivery.
  18. Sign up at, fill out a quick profile, and they may send you a big box of freebies! It took me awhile to get my first one, and I’ve only qualified for a few since then – but they’re totally awesome when you get them.
  19. Free admission to national parks for all 4th graders – learn more and sign up.
  20. Get a free 7-day trial to Brittanica Kids – great for helping with homework and research projects, homeschooling, and more.
  21. Request a free skincare sample from Te Mana Tahiti.
  22. Home Tester Club has some new freebies available, like toothpaste sets.
  23. Free $2 in credit when you sign up at Hollar! That doesn’t sound like a lot, until you see how amazingly CHEAP everything is there! Their shipping is super fast, not like a lot of the places where you can find really cheap stuff, but it takes eleventy hundred years to ship from overseas, lol. I’m so addicted to this site it’s not even funny.
  24. Get a free Kids Spring Crafts ebook with tons of simple, creative craft projects for kids.
  25. Get a free sample of Herbalife Lift Off product – an energy, wellness product.
  26. Free Folgers 1850 coffee sample, from PinchMe.
  27. Sign up at Pillsbury – General Mills – to get free samples. I get random stuff from them throughout the year by being on the mailing and email list – free calendar, free samples, free coupons, cool stuff.
  28. Enter to WIN a movie swag bag prize package from me – for A Dog’s Way Home film.
  29. If you regularly buy Disney movies, or go to see movies in the theater a lot – join the Disney Movie Rewards site. You enter those codes that are in all of your Disney DVD boxes, which add up to get you free stuff. There are also bonus points sometimes for seeing a movie in theater, or other activities. Also check out the Disney Premiere Pack, if you’re a big Disney lover.
  30. Join PinchMe for free sample boxes packed with cool stuff.
  31. Get $10 off your purchase at ULTA, by signing up at Top Cash Back, plus earn free cash back on all of your purchases.
  32. Get a totally free copy of your credit report, and other info, from Credit Sesame. I use this every year.
  33. Get a free one-month subscription to Rocksbox, a gorgeous accessory box you get monthly – with code SHOPROCKSXOXO.
  34. Sign up at Tryazon – Then apply to host a party and get a big box of free goodies to share with guests! Right now there’s a Frey Chocolate party available to apply for.
  35. Free Walmart Beauty Box – just pay $5 shipping. You sign up with your credit card info, and 4 times a year they’ll ship you out a box of beauty products for just $5. It is SO worth it. I’ve shared pics of mine on my Instagram in the past – always definitely have a value of way over $5 bucks, and have coupons inside too. Love these. Also – check out Boxycharm: An amazing deal on beauty products, if you have ever seen people post their boxes on Insta, you know how awesome of a value these are! Just $21 a month, get over $100 in product, all full size. SO cool.

Whew! That was a lot of good stuff. Hope you enjoy! Be sure to follow me on social for more tips and cool stuff:

Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Facebook 


C Space Wants to Reward Your Opinions with Amazon Gift Codes!

This is a sponsored post. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. If you’re a blogger or social media influencer interested in working with C Space too, learn more and join here:

Have you ever wished you could share an idea or opinion directly with a company you love to create positive change? C Space is a company that helps brands grow by connecting them with their customers, who in turn create impactful insights for their brand.

You know how sometimes you have the most brilliant idea on how a brand should redesign a package, or a flavor that they should add to their line, or a feature that would be oh-so-freaking-helpful to moms like yourself that you super wish they would think of? Well, this is your chance to speak directly to those brands you love, and help them make positive changes! Plus, they’ll reward you for it. #winning, right?

“You’re invited to join Catch by C Space where you will have the opportunity to join online communities and take surveys so that you can directly impact a variety of brands who work with C Space like Bose, Nestle, Walmart, McDonald’s, and Samsung (just to name a few). Whether you’re interested in retail, athletics, and beauty, food, or technology brands there’s a large assortment of research activities to interact with.” [Read more…]


OREO Chocolate Candy Bars Feel Like My Childhood…

This post was sponsored by Nabisco as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

You guys. You GUYS.

How fun is this? New OREO Chocolate King Size Candy Bars are everything you love about childhood – like cookies and milk. The price is totally retro too – on Rollback at Walmart makes them only $1.00, and each King Size pack has two individually wrapped bars perfect for sharing with your bestie!

So grab your quarters, snag this Rollback deal, and enjoy OREO cookie flavor mixed with super smooth Milka chocolate with your BFF today :) And – keep reading until the end, for a chance to win BIG….

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Do These 3 Things Before Shopping to Save Big!

This money-saving post is sponsored by Groupon Coupons, all opinions are my mine. #GrouponCoupons

A little bit of planning before shopping can save you major amounts of money. Just an extra 5-10 minutes can lead to savings. I know that we’re all busy mommas, but once you get into a routine of regularly doing these three things before sitting down to do some online shopping or heading out to run errands for the day will be totally worth it, pinky promise.

Groupon Coupons savings ideas

I’m on a ridiculously small budget these days. I didn’t work all of last year, due to some scary health stuff going on, so we’ve gotten to use to living a pretty simple, frugal lifestyle. But we still like to have some fun, which means I have to make our limited funds stretch as far as possible. Here are the three simple things I do before doing any shopping – whether it’s groceries, clothing, household supplies, or a night out. Easy peasy stuff: [Read more…]
