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Getting Our Home Ready for the Holidays

I cleaned up with Zep Commercial® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #TryZep

We moved into our house about 3 years ago. We were buying it from a family member, but it was a long process. {Also, a looooong story.} We just finalized the deal earlier this year – so it’s finally really-really-truly ours! Yay! I co-own it with my mom. She lives her part of the year, when her boyfriend travels. But we’re best buddies so it works great :) Well, now that it’s ours, and the summer months of building our giant garden and taking care of the pool are over, it’s time for some awesome home improvement and DIY projects. Especially with the holidays on the way!

Living room furniture - green [Read more…]


Do You Know What’s Missing From Your Beauty Routine?

I’m excited to partner with Mom It Forward Blogger Network to share some awesome beauty tips – including info about the NEW #ColgateEnamelHealth Toothpaste. Compensation was received – all opinions are totally mine :)

Do you know what's missing from your beauty routine?

Do you know what’s missing from your beauty routine?

I love me some beauty products. I may have spent way more money than necessary at Sephora the past few years. {Especially when I’m a work at home mom, and don’t even wear make-up every day….} I also love lotions and potions, sprays and scrubs, perfumes and polishes…. All the girly stuff. But there’s one place that I recently realized I should give more thought to…. [Read more…]


How to Organize Your Pool Supplies

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Rubbermaid, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #FastTrack….

“Hi. My name is Meagan, and I have an organizational problem.” – It’s true. But I guess I should say I have a couple of organizational problems. As in – I have some pretty hard core OCD when it comes to how I like things to be arranged and sorted and displayed, which can annoy the people who live with me. I also have the problem that over the past 4 years, my home has been like a game of musical chairs – My mom moved in, bringing her dogs. Then my brother remodeled my basement and moved in with the kids. Then I found out I was pregnant. Then my Mister moved in – and WE got a dog. And then I had a baby. And then we moved and bought a new house. Then my brother moved out the next year. My mom only stays here part time now. My Mister’s oldest daughter moved in. Then out, to go to college. Then his middle daughter moved in. And we got another dog. Craziness, right? With all of the moving and swapping rooms and storing people’s stuff and on and on – the house is not the temple of color-coded organization that I would like. {To say the least, lol.} But, this is the year of getting things caught up!

{Update: This was written in 2014, it’s now 2019, and our house is JUST Abby and I, plus the same dog, but two new cats. Calmer, quieter-ish, and more consistently organized. But recently this post has gone bonkers, getting shared all over Pinterest. So, I thought I’d update y’all a little, if you’re new here!}

How to organize pool supplies and gear [Read more…]


What is Your Pet Beggin for this Holiday Season?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Is your little fur-baby #BegginForPresents?… Mine is. I mean, it’s not surprising. He comes from a family that loves bacon. I mean, not just loves bacon. But, if bacon were the new currancy, we’d be broke. Because we’d eat it all. We L-O-V-E bacon. So of course, since my little guy gets only the best, we get him Beggin Treats.

[Read more…]


What Makes Your Family’s Tail Wag?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of ALPO® Brand Dog Food for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

What makes your family’s tail wag? Well, ok – I don’t have a tail. {Except on days that Abby and I play dress up or pretend to be animals. But I don’t usually have a tail.} I’m talking about the tail – or tails – of the pets in your family – specifically, your dog. If you don’t have a dog, feel free to disregard this post. Or, send it to a friend who’s a dog-lovin’-owner. Or read it for reference in case the apocalypse comes and we run out of food and you want to know about the next best thing to eat – which would be these amazing homestyle dinners from ALPO®. No lie. I’m not surprised my dogs loooove them, since they look good enough for me to eat too. {Not that I’ve tried them. Yet… Lol.}

[Read more…]


3 Steps to Make Sure Cold Sores Don’t Ruin Your Holiday Fun

Cold sores are nasty little buggers, aren’t they? And they can totally ruin your day any time of year – but especially at the holidays, when you have lots of special occasions, parties, and pictures being taken. Almost everyone has been exposed to the virus that causes cold sores – about 90% of us, when we were kids. But only about 2-40% of peeps are the unlucky ones, who regularly get outbreaks of ’em. If you get a big ol’ nasty one, it can totally stop you from wanting to see people – which means no parties, no dates, no fun times. But – there is a trick to help you totally prevent them. Keep reading…

How to avoid bad cold sores [Read more…]


4 Tips to Avoid Crazy Holiday Weight Gain

When you think of the holiday season, you think of beautiful twinkling lights carefully hung on a beautifully decorated tree. Wrapping up the perfect gift to surprise someone special. And – if you’re anything like me – you definitely think of holiday dinners and cookies and treats too! And while festive foods are always going to be a part of celebrating the season, you don’t have to let all of that holiday excess lead to a bigger you in the New Year. Follow these tips to help keep your weight under control, without feeling like you’re missing out on all of the fun…

How to keep off the holiday pounds [Read more…]
