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How to Be Prepared When Kids Get Sick – #SickJustGotReal

This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All thoughts and reviews are my own.

I think everyone had started back to school by now, right? I’m amazed at what a difference there is in school start dates across the country. But now at the end of September, we’re fully into fall, and here in the PNW the weather decided to start matching the calendar. Chilly mornings that call for hoodies and boots, early morning bus stops with backpacks full of books, and pumpkin spice everywhere you look.

Fall flower wreaths

But, the cooler weather brings more than just school days and lattes – it also brings coughs and colds and kiddos with a runny nose. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten through a winter without at least one cold – and now that I have a little one in elementary, the germs are everywhere. So, it’s pretty inevitable that someone in your home, somewhere, at some time this season, is going to come down with a cold, or at least cold-like symptoms of stuffy head, body aches, coughs, and more. [Read more…]


Tips for Living Confident and Doing What You Love #PoiseLinerLove

This post is a partnership with Acorn Influence, to spread the word about LBL and Poise Microliners. Of course, all thoughts are my own. #poiselinerlove

Ok ladies, let’s chat. Have a little girl talk. How many of you guys sometimes have a little bit of LBL when you LOL? You know… LBL, light bladder leakage? {LBL sounds cooler. Like, “that joke was so funny I literally LBL’ed dude, seriously.”} It’s not something we moms always talk about, because it can be kind of embarrassing. But, I’m here to fix that – by sharing my own accident story, and an awesome product to help you prevent any messy mishaps of your own. Mom life can be tough, so anything that helps me worry less, gives me confidence, and keeps me feeling fresh and free on the go is super important. So, today I’ll share this magical must-have, along with a few other tips to help you feel free and fresh too!The best products for moms - #poiselinerlove [Read more…]


Pumpkin Spice Muffins – Grain Free Recipe

Physician Advises: Skip the Grains But Not the Treats This Holiday Season… Cardiologist and Best-Selling Author Dr. William Davis Shares Grain-Free Recipes for the holidays and tips to stay healthy. This post wasn’t compensated – just wanted to share some cool info.

At a time when we most want to look and feel our best, we seem to do everything possible to ensure we don’t, says cardiologist Dr. William Davis. “The weather starts to change and we reach for the pumpkin-spice cookies, cider doughnuts and beer, which launches us into processed carbohydrates season,” says Dr. Davis, author of “Wheat Belly Total Health,” (, the latest in his bestselling “Wheat Belly” series. {And I’m the first to admit that I am a processed carb-aholic. Seriously.}

Wheat Belly, Total Health, Grain Free Recipe Ideas [Read more…]


5 Must-Have Herbs for Winter Illness You Might Not Have Heard Of

With cold and flu season officially upon us, many have started stocking the medicine cabinet with various OTC pills in preparation for when illness inevitably strikes – but believe it or not, sometimes the best remedies can be found in our kitchen! Rather than purchasing expensive pills from your local pharmacy, go with herbal remedies – the natural, effective, and cheaper alternative to traditional medicine. I’ve had to really explore these options this year… I was diagnosed earlier this year with majorly high blood pressure {like, 190/120, totally not cool} and realized a few weeks ago when I got the flu that many cold meds say not to take if you have high blood pressure. Which no one had told me about – good thing I read packaging! So, whether you worry about medical issues, drug interactions, are just are trying to avoid lots of OTC meds {which I also try to do} – here are some great tips….

5 Must-Have Herbs for Winter Illnes

5 Must-Have Herbs for Winter Illness: Tips from Dr. Christopher Hobbs of Rainbow Light

[Read more…]


When it Comes to Girl Scouts – Together Counts!

Big thank you to Together Counts and the Girl Scouts of the USA for giving the compensated opportunity to share my thoughts about the new #HealthyHabits campaign!

I think that it’s super important for kids to be active. Not just physically active, but also active in their communities, active in their world. Which is why a new partnership between the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation and the Girl Scouts makes perfect sense to me. And, as a former Girl Scout, I might be biased, but I do love the Girl Scouts. {I was a rockstar Girl Scout, and sold the most cookies in our county. Now, I eat the most Girl Scout cookies in our county. But that’s a separate blog post….} I love that it gives little girls a sense of belonging, a role model, in case they don’t have one at home, and a set of goals and adventures to embark on. {The experience stuck with me so much that about a year ago I bought You Can Do It!: The Merit Badge Handbook for Grown-Up Girls, which I can’t wait to finally get started on. I’ll be blogging it, don’t worry :)} And next year when Abby is old enough to start, I’ll be leading our own Daisy troop. I can’t wait! {They can become a Daisy Scout as early as Kindergarten.}

Little girls, scouting, and healthy living tips! [Read more…]


Are You Losing the Diet Game?

“The fad diets that many Americans are on are perfect if you want to be hungry all the time and miserable.” – Nathan Pritikin…. That quote really does kind of sum it up, right? Now, don’t get me wrong – I don’t think every program out there is bad. Not at all. I’ve had great success with both Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem. My best friend has lost 100 pounds using the Omni drops. I know several success stories from Isagenix and Advocare. But, the basic way to lose weight, get fit, and be healthy is the same as it’s always been – a diet based on real, whole foods, exercise, and a positive attitude. A diet like Weight Watchers is great – if you use it as a way to jump start learning about nutrition and healthy choices, and make it a lifestyle. But the simplest way to weight loss isn’t “going on a diet,” it’s changing your diet. Check out the tips in the infographic below, and leave me some comments to let me know what you think….. [Read more…]


How to Raise Healthier, Happier Children

One of my favorite quotes about parenting is this one, “Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.” – David Bly. I was so terrified to become a mom, and had a long, winding road that brought me to motherhood. But this quote was one I clung to – there are a lot of small things that, really, in the long run, don’t matter that much. Whether I cloth diaper or use disposables, whether I buy the coolest new baby gear, whether I know the “best” ways to do every thing… Well, she’s still going to make it through in one piece. The more important thing in the whole world to me is that she grows up to be kind. Someone who treats others with understanding and compassion, who gives back to those around her, who does her small part to make the world a little brighter and better. Oh yeah – and I want her to be funny. :) Which she totally is. So, I try to set the best example that I can, apologize when I’m wrong, and explain when I make mistakes. And along the way, I hope I’m teaching her some important lessons about living healthy and happy…

Making kids happy quote

“The Best Way to Make Children Good is to Make them Happy” –  Oscar Wilde [Read more…]
