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Tips for Living Confident and Doing What You Love #PoiseLinerLove

This post is a partnership with Acorn Influence, to spread the word about LBL and Poise Microliners. Of course, all thoughts are my own. #poiselinerlove

Ok ladies, let’s chat. Have a little girl talk. How many of you guys sometimes have a little bit of LBL when you LOL? You know… LBL, light bladder leakage? {LBL sounds cooler. Like, “that joke was so funny I literally LBL’ed dude, seriously.”} It’s not something we moms always talk about, because it can be kind of embarrassing. But, I’m here to fix that – by sharing my own accident story, and an awesome product to help you prevent any messy mishaps of your own. Mom life can be tough, so anything that helps me worry less, gives me confidence, and keeps me feeling fresh and free on the go is super important. So, today I’ll share this magical must-have, along with a few other tips to help you feel free and fresh too!The best products for moms - #poiselinerlove

Here are a few of the basics that I totally rely on to stay feeling fresh even during my craziest hectic days, and you can grab almost all of them at your local Walmart, while you’re picking up other essentials like dish soap, snacks, and pet food. The body wash has an exfoliating scrub in it, so it does double duty in the shower – important when Abby is hollering for me to hurry up. Because motherhood means never having enough alone time in the bathroom, right? I use the dry oil and dry shampoo in my hair, to keep it looking freshened up even when it’s missed a shampoo or two. And deodorant, because, duh. With all the running around I do, I use an extra strength version. Makeup is something I used to just skip, since I worked from home, and didn’t go out and about much. But just a quick 5 minute routine – some concealer, a bit of mascara, a sweep of blush – and suddenly I look brighter, which gives me a little confidence boost each time I see that pretty face in the mirror :) And the biggest mom must-have: Poise Microliners!

Products to keep you confident - #poiselinerlove

These microliners are super duper thin and discreet, so you can just tuck a few right into your makeup bag, or even your pants pocket. Why use Poise Microliners you ask? Well, we already talked about how the majority of us women have some level of light bladder leakage – which can happen when you’re pregnant, after you have a baby, as a natural part of getting older… Tons of reasons. Me? My first experience with this was when I was pregnant with Abby. I was at work, trying to unpack some boxes of merchandise. One was just a bit heavier than the others, and when I picked it up, that tiny bit of extra straining while lifting led to a trickle of a leak. I was SO embarrassed – I was totally naive, and had no idea that peeing your pants a little {or even a lot!} was a totally normal thing sometimes. I totally feel bad for that old me. I wish I’d known about these microliners back then – I just used period style pads, as a precaution. But Poise products are totally different – they are specially created to offer 3 in 1 fancy pants protection, keeping you dry, comfy, and odor-free. Important stuff. And since you can grab them at an awesome price at Walmart, you can afford to have these stashed everywhere you might need them – your car, gym bag, purse, diaper bag, office, etc. So that nothing gets in the way of doing what you love, and feeling confident doing it!

Feel Confident with Poise - #poiselinerlove

You’re totally ready to add these to your shopping list, aren’t ya? :) You’ll find them at Walmart, or at {And when you shop at Walmart, be sure to use the Savings Catcher app. I enter my receipt every time I shop, and it adds up fast!} If you shop in-store, check out the cool graphic that they have set up, that shows you the different products, how they work, and which one is best for you. These microliners are the lightest ones. So light actually that I was skeptical that they could work, since I barely noticed wearing them. But they are little ninja liners – totally powerful. Leak protection doesn’t have to be the big bulky stuff that our grandmas wore. Want to learn more? Follow the #poiselinerlove on your favorite social media – Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook – to hear what other ladies have to say about these, why they use them, and how they build confidence for every woman!

And – join the fun! Chat with us about all things motherhood, LBL, Poise products, and more, during an awesome Facebook Live event – August 30th, at 8pm EST, hosted by Amy at Mom Spark. Join in, ask questions, share stories, and bond online. You’ll love it. Promise.


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