One of my favorite quotes about parenting is this one, “Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.” – David Bly. I was so terrified to become a mom, and had a long, winding road that brought me to motherhood. But this quote was one I clung to – there are a lot of small things that, really, in the long run, don’t matter that much. Whether I cloth diaper or use disposables, whether I buy the coolest new baby gear, whether I know the “best” ways to do every thing… Well, she’s still going to make it through in one piece. The more important thing in the whole world to me is that she grows up to be kind. Someone who treats others with understanding and compassion, who gives back to those around her, who does her small part to make the world a little brighter and better. Oh yeah – and I want her to be funny. :) Which she totally is. So, I try to set the best example that I can, apologize when I’m wrong, and explain when I make mistakes. And along the way, I hope I’m teaching her some important lessons about living healthy and happy…
“The Best Way to Make Children Good is to Make them Happy” – Oscar Wilde
I really believe this quote is so true. Not as in, give in to everything, spoil them, and give them anything they want, like more candy or video games. But a lot of the time, the reason kids act out is because they’re unhappy – they’re bored, they’re not being challenged enough at school, they don’t feel listened to or appreciated, or even because they’re not getting a balanced diet… And the younger the child, the less they know how to process those types of feelings, so they throw fits, talk back, or act out. Which isn’t good for anyone’s mood – and that stress can lead to actual health problems too. So being sure to take a bit of time every day to truly focus on your little on, fully listen, and try to see the world and your daily family routines from their view can make a huge difference in their behavior. Leading to a less stressful day for everyone.
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots. The other is wings.” – Hodding Carter
Another quote I love. There is a balance to motherhood. While I understand -fully, completely, obsessively! – the urge to protect our children at all cost, we must remember that our job is to eventually let them go. {Bear with me while I get all cheesy here…} Just like a momma bird can’t keep a baby in the nest until their fully grown, and then expect them to be able to leave and fly off successfully on their own, holding onto our own little ones too tightly isn’t healthy either. As you help them grow roots, you’re instilling your family values and expectations in them, guiding them into learning good decision making skills, and slowly letting them test out those new wings of independence. The more controlled independence you give them now, the stronger they’ll be as they get to the age where you can’t be there all of the time to protect them, right?
“There is always a moment in childhood where a door opens, and lets the future in.” – Graham Green
One of the things I love most about being a mom is watching her grow, and discover things for the first time. Whether it’s a new taste, visiting new places, learning new skills, or simply that wide-eyed wonder they get doing simple things, like finding out that when you pick up a rock in the garden – there are bugs underneath! It’s amazes me to watch her grow so fast, and learn about the world so quickly. I do my best not only to help nourish her imagination and wonder, and set an example of who I hope she will grow up to be – but it’s super important to nourish that little growing body too. We have a big, new garden out back that should start giving us lots of healthy home-grown fruits and veggies by next summer, we bought a freezer full of locally raised, organic beef, and try to make sure we incorporate regular exercise and good habits into our daily routines. But since it can sometimes be hard to get a toddler to eat a balanced diet every day, there’s a super hero product that I absolutely rely on too – check it out:
L’il Critters™ are the #1 child gummy vitamin. We are the better tasting gummy vitamin that is preferred by Kids and trusted by Moms. “We Make Nutrition Taste Good.”
So, as you help encourage your children to dream big – help them to grow up bigger and healthier too! Add L’il Critters to your daily morning routine – then give yourself a pat on the back. You’re doing great out there, moms :)

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