Kids crafts that are cheap, easy, cute, and super fun? That’s what we’re all about! Add in some inspiration from our fave Disney film and some great supplies from Dollar Tree – Winning!!
This Dollar Tree DIY Luau Flower Hair Clip and Beach Bag super awesome craft tutorial is a partnership with, #DollarTree, and contains affiliate links that support this site. :)
I love DIY and crafting and making things. I’m on a budget. A very, very tight budget. So – we do a lot of creating and upcycling around here. So this project is SO “us” – it’s thrifty, really simple to make, easy to customize with different materials, is something useful, and it’s just fun. All of the supplies are from Dollar Tree. This is an awesome project to do on your own, or with a big group, which is what we did. For just $2 in supplies per kiddo, every girl went home with a new set of handmade luau flower summer accessories!