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DIY Luau Flower Hair Clips and Beach Bag

Kids crafts that are cheap, easy, cute, and super fun? That’s what we’re all about! Add in some inspiration from our fave Disney film and some great supplies from Dollar Tree – Winning!!

This Dollar Tree DIY Luau Flower Hair Clip and Beach Bag super awesome craft tutorial is a partnership with, #DollarTree, and contains affiliate links that support this site. :)

DIY Luau Flower Accessories - #DollarTree DIY

I love DIY and crafting and making things. I’m on a budget. A very, very tight budget. So – we do a lot of creating and upcycling around here. So this project is SO “us” – it’s thrifty, really simple to make, easy to customize with different materials, is something useful, and it’s just fun. All of the supplies are from Dollar Tree. This is an awesome project to do on your own, or with a big group, which is what we did. For just $2 in supplies per kiddo, every girl went home with a new set of handmade luau flower summer accessories!

[Read more…]


Simple DIY Unicorn Party Ideas

Hi, my name is Meagan, and I like to party. {Has anyone else ever seen Hot Rod? Such an underated, super silly-funny film.} I love to entertain – huge, formal holiday gatherings, birthday pool parties, impromptu backyard BBQs, or simple “just because” celebrations, to brighten up boring days. I’m big on embracing the silly, creating your own happy, celebrating small joys. A few favorites we’ve had:

I love creative, personalized celebrations. I’m also a busy momma, and on a tight budget. So, I use inexpensive store-bought goodies, jazz them up with a bit of clever DIY, and BAM! – Fun themed parties that are easy peasy to create and keep my wallet happy. Know what the secret is to most of those? Walmart. Yeppers. Almost all of my parties start at my local Walmart.

Simple DIY Unicorn Party Ideas on a Budget [Read more…]


DIY Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Tree

This DIY Nightmare Before Christmas tree post is a partnership with Treetopia – get your own pre-lit black Christmas tree, or any other color you can imagine! – and start creating awesome new holiday memories today!

Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Tree #witchesandwonders

“This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween….” Man, I so love this movie. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing your a fan of Halloween. And if you like Halloween, I’m willing to bet you also like the Tim Burton movie, “Nightmare Before Christmas.” Abby fell in love with the movie Coraline years ago, so I knew she’d love this movie too. Both have that quirky, slightly creepy vibe to them, but have a good message and good heart. So, when I found out that I would be partnering with Treetopia to decorate a black Christmas-style tree in a Halloween theme, I knew immediately that this would be the inspiration for it. I mean – it’s the perfect match: A Christmas tree + Halloween decor = Nightmare Before Christmas, for sure.

In my house, we are crazy holiday fanatics. We go a bit overboard when decorating and celebrating festive occasions. The Christmas tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving, sometimes even sooner. And it stays up through New Years. We’ve decorated an Easter tree every year since I was a little girl – some cool branches, painted white, in a pretty metal bucket, with beautiful spring-colored ornaments hung from each branch. But I’ve never had a Halloween tree! Why? NO IDEA! Because it’s pretty much the coolest thing ever. [Read more…]


Free Do-It-Herself Workshops at Home Depot

This compensated post is a partnership between me and the awesome people at Home Depot to tell you more about their free Do-It-Herself Workshops at local stores across the country! #DIHWorkshop I love them, and know you will too….

We all know that The Home Depot rocks, right? I mean, I could seriously spend hours there, just browsing flooring, paint colors, bathroom fixtures…. Love it. But there’s one super awesome thing about them you might not know – they have free workshops every month. Almost none of my friends or family knew about these until I told them, so I’m guessing some of you ladies might not be familiar with them yet. But they ROCK.

Ladies love RYOBI power tools! [Read more…]


Make This a How-To Holiday – Marquee Sign DIY Project

This post has been sponsored by my buddies over at Home Depot. All awesomeness is a collaboration between us….

So. The holidays are upon us. It seems so crazy – am I the only one who feels like 2014 only just started? I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by!

If you’re ready to get your home holiday-prepped – the Home Depot is you GO-TO spot. Seriously. I can spend all day there. I told ya’all about how we’re in the middle of a major home makeover – new floors, trim, paint, etc. So I love browsing the goodies in their aisles. Which is why I’m super excited about partnering with them to present a super awesome DIH Workshop!

Home Depot DIH Workshop Marquee Light Project

We’ll be showing you how to make a DIY Holiday Marquee sign – how cool is that, right? You can use this in so many ways – to spell out a holiday phrase, or like I’m going to use it – to spell out my 4 year old little girls name to hang up in her playroom. Super fun. And they’ll show you how to use some simple power tools, that you can try out yourself too, so you can have the know-how to conquer DIY projects anytime you want. We made a less fancy version of this very last minute last year, during football season… [Read more…]


Love DIY? Join the BEHR Online Home Improvement Network!

This is a sponsored post about a new DIY community from BEHR. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Are you a DIY enthusiast? I know I am. We moved into a new house a couple of years ago – but just finally finalized the sale on it a few months ago. Which means I am SO excited to finally carve out some time to start on major DIY projects through every room in this place. We’ll be doing painting, trim, furniture makeovers, organizing projects, new furniture, fixtures, flooring – the works! Which is why I’m excited about this new online community from BEHR, and thought some of you would like to learn more too. Check it out…

BEHR - new online community for DIY types, share opinions, get rewards!

BEHR wants homeowners like you to help advise their brand!

Yep, BEHR wants to hear from you. Because who’s more important than their own customers, right? So – If you’ve completed a painting, staining or exterior floor coating project in the past year or plan to in the future, apply for BEHR’s new super cool exclusive online community where you can learn from others working on home improvement projects and provide your opinions and feedback directly to BEHR decision-makers.

As a member you’ll be part of an exclusive group that provides BEHR with feedback and perspective on their products and how they impact you in your own personal DIY projects. Personally, I truly enjoy sharing my thoughts with brands who want to hear them {part of why I got into online surveys and blogging and writing in the first place!} But to sweeten the deal a bit and make it worth your time, to thank you for your impact on the brand, you’ll receive a $5 Amazon gift code for joining and an additional $10 Amazon gift code each month just for participating.

Interested in joining? See if you qualify here:

A fun way to interact with an awesome brand we all love, some free Amazon shopping monthly – sounds good, right? :) If you get approved, leave me a comment and let me know! I’d love to hear about your experience. And be sure to share this with any friends you know who might be interested too….
