Tips on organizing your home using bins and baskets…. Ok. I admit it. I have a little bit of an OCD problem. I like my books and dvds organized by color, my drinking glass in order by height, and all of the clothes in my closet have to be facing the same direction, in categories marked with dividers. Maybe it’s because of all of the other chaos that I deal with daily – running my own business from home, Mike running a business of his own from home too, and life with an incredibly energetic toddler. So keeping the house clean, neat, and organized helps me feel a little more in control. And the best tip I’ve found for helping keep things picked up and put away is to use baskets and bins to organize around the house – they work in every single room, and can solve just about any challenge you have. Check out a few of my favorite ideas…

Baskets to organize bookshelves – I have a ton of bookshelves in my house. And it’s easy for them to quickly get overwhelmed by all of the “stuff” that’s kept there. But using some simple baskets or bins on my shelves helps to corral all of the clutter – books look a little neater when they’re housed in a basket. Magazines are cleaner when in a cute bin. And they can be used to disguise all of your messy stuff too – like paperwork or mail.

Organizing Toys with bins and baskets – this is a lifesaver in my house! We have a bunch of big baskets like this in the living room… They make clean up time way easier. Every day at naptime and bedtime we grab a bin and gather up any of the toys and dollies that have been enjoying adventures around the house with Abby, and easily haul them back to the playroom. Easy peasy, and they look great too!

What are your favorite tips for organizing quickly? Share some advice in the comments below!
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I love the rustic look of the wooden crate in the Traditional Porch photo!
Me too! What a find.
I love that closet! I need to invest in more baskets!
I love that closet. Yesterday was National Pack Rat Day! I hope that a lot of people decided to start doing some organization because of it {to fight being a pack rat, so to speak}. These ideas would come in handy!