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Memorial Day: Support Our Troops at the Virtual Wall of Remembrance

The real meaning of Memorial Day For so many of us, Memorial Day means a day off of work, the first real kick-off to summer, burgers and BBQ’s, camping and good times with family. And – I don’t think that there is anything wrong with celebrating like this, and enjoying a great day. But I do think that it’s important to take a little time today to remember why we observe this holiday, and show some respect and honor the memories of our soldiers past and present.

Memorial Day: remembering the fallen

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell

Visit the Virtual Wall of Remembrance – If you’d like to take a moment today to honor family or friends who have or are still serving, or even just a general show of support to our military men and women, you can visit the Virtual Wall of Remembrance today, on Just click on one of the conflicts listed on the left to submit a remembrance of your own, or to read moving remembrances submitted by others. For those who request it, they will ceremonially hand-carry your eulogies and remembrances directly to the appropriate memorial site – the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, the Vietnam War Memorial or Arlington National Cemetery (for Iraq & Afghanistan). What an amazing thing that they’re doing here, right?

Watch Remembering Our Fallen on PBS. See more from National Memorial Day Concert.

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – From a headstone in Ireland

My grandpa was in the service, but never spoke of it. And my mother has been a member of the ladies auxillary at the VFW {Veterans of Foreign Wars} local hall for years. I have spent so many hours over the years sitting down there with her, talking with the older vets who come in for a beer and conversation. It’s amazing what some of these guys have been through in their lives – and shocking at how little our government sometimes does to support them, their injuries, and their needs after the war is over. I know that a few kind words, and a thank you for their service, sincerely mean the world to them. So – there is no reason to feel guilty for using a great summer day to celebrate the sunshine with your friends and family – but I do urge you to also take a minute to celebrate the great deeds done by our military members too. Visit the Wall of Remembrance, leave a message of support, and learn more about the real meaning of Memorial Day. If you or someone you know needs additional assistance, there is also a link to some great services for veterans too.

Thank you for showing some support – and have a Happy Memorial Day!

{Disclaimer: I was in no way compensated for this post. I read about this Wall of Remembrance yesterday, and knew that there were a lot of you who would probably appreciate it as much as I do.}



  1. What a beautiful way to tribute the soldiers who fought and continue to fight for us. It is such a humbling thing to think of their sacrifice!

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