Remember when I told you that we’d be heading out soon to the Nike Young Athletes Innovation Summit at the Nike World Headquarters, in Beaverton, Oregon? Well – We’re HEEEEEERE!!!! The campus here at the Nike is over-the-top amazing. They call it a campus, and I can see why – It’s set up just like a college campus, with lots of separate buildings set around some beautiful open outdoor spaces. It is absolutely GORGEOUS, and must be just an amazing site to go to work at each day. This place is over 190 acres of pure awesomeness.
“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t ‘ is you. And you don’t have to listen.” – Nike
We have had a total blast today touring the Nike World Headquarters, meeting some totally amazing people, and getting to join in on some super fun stuff. The kids got along great – and some really good new friends were made – I think that Cade has a total new best friend!! And it wasn’t JUST the kids making new friends – I LOVED finally getting a chance to meet some of my favorite online bloggy buddies in real life, like Mickey from A Helicopter Mom, Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug, Linette from Kids Fun Review, Daisy from The It Mom, Angela from About a Mom – and I met some totally amazing new people too. Seriously, I could not have asked for a better bunch of ladies to spend the weekend with!
He Just DID It…. Designed his own one-of-a-kind Nike shoes!
There were so, so, SO very many amazing things that we saw, heard, and learned about during the day. And there were so, so, SO very many amazing activities that the kids got to do. But – since I’m super limited on time today – Here are just a few highlights from our adventures at Nike:
- The kids got to climb rock walls, go swimming in the Lance Armstrong Center pool, create their own, totally customized shoes with the Nike design team – and they even got to go into some Top Secret areas where the athletes help test out new products!
- The moms – and the 2 dads! – got to tour the campus, learn about some super-cool upcoming products Nike will be launching later this year, had a Q & A Skype session with Mia Hamm, and got to do some serious shopping at the Nike Company Store. LOVE it!
- They even set up two separate lounge areas – one for the kids, that had a Wii, an XBox, AND a Playstation – and loads of snacks. And another for the adults, with some of the best cookies and pastries I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. Seriously.
I know that you guys have been waiting for some updates on our trip – but since I don’t have a laptop, I’m using the business center computer here at The Nines hotel to give you this quick update – which means I don’t have a way to load up any cool new pics to share! Our flight leaves soon – so I’m going to have to make this post short and sweet. But – I’ve been posting updates on social media like crazy all weekend, and you can check out more of the pics and cool info here:
- Instagram: You can find me on Instagram at sunandsipcups, or if you want to check out my pics on the web, you can see them here – web.stagram.
- Facebook: You KNOW I’m on Facebook all darn day, right? Lol. So watch for fun photos, updates, and cool stuff from the trip posted on my Facebook wall too! Have questions for Nike? Post ’em to my wall and I’ll try to get you some answers while I’m there!
- Twitter: You can follow me at @sunandsipcups, and see all of the fun tweets, pics, and posts from the event by following hashtag #NikeKids!
Kids Nike FREE Run: If your feet flex, shouldn’t your shoes flex too? Must-have flexibility for young feet.
HUGE thank you’s to the Nike team, and to the great people from Glam – for setting up such an amazing experience for our kids! Every detail was planned and thought of, we were all treated to some amazing gear, meals, and good times, and both the adults and the kiddo’s made some really wonderful new friends that will last long after this event. I know I speak for all of us when we say – Nike Kids Rocks!!!!
{Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike.}

Ding Dang! I can’t believe how well you summarized the trip. I’m on the first plane home and writing a novel about my new Nike Obsession. I should scrap it and just make a list.
Reason #743,849 why I love Nike…
Reason #743,850 why I love Nike….
Reason #743,851 why I love Nike….
It sounds like Nike treated you all so well! I love that you got to take your son and that he got to design his own shoes – very cool!
It seems like a really fun time. I bet your son will be talking about it forever.
Wow it sounds like an amazing time. I cannot wait to learn more!
It really was fantastic! It was great meeting you and the other amazing bloggers and I’m glad we got to experience it with such a great group!
Super awesome meeting you too! They seriously couldn’t have picked better people :)
Love this post and am so happy to have finally met you in person at the event. Nike is so amazing and our family will never wear another brand!
Awesomeness is a great way to describe it! It was so great to finally get to meet some of my online blogging buddies:-)
Sounds like an amazing trip filled with a lot of fun and information. Thanks so much for sharing!
WOW – that looks just to cool – I’d love to do this maybe when the kids get a little bit older
He looks so excited! I would be too, how awesome to design your own that quote, stealing it! Cant wait to hear more!!
Wow what a great opportunity! I’ve never even felt a Nike shoe let alone wore one LOL. I love that the lounge had all three game systems, wow!
What a great experience, I am sooo jealous!
It was pretty much the raddest trip we’ve ever been on!
Sounds like such a fun trip! I love my Nikes – but it would be awesome to design my own pair!!
I can’t wait to see his when they get here :) He had a BLAST!!
What a great experience!
What a wonderful opportunity! Your son looks so happy.
I cannot wait to see pictures and learn more about your amazing trip! What a lucky girl (and your son as well) you are! Love it!
How fun! I am so jealous that you got to do something so cool! When I grow up, I want to be a blogger like Meagan! :)
Thanks for sharing about your trip! Love it!