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From Above the World of Cars… Comes Planes!

Who loves Disney??…. Ok, that has to be pretty much everyone, am I right? And, some of my family’s favorite Disney movies {it’s hard to pick just one fave, they’re all so good} – are the Disney-Pixar Cars movies. Why? Because we’re a total racing family! Keep reading to learn more, and learn what else the makers of the Cars movies have in store for you soon….

Family friendly racing [Read more…]


Tech Toys that Grow with Your Kids – We Love Ubooly!

“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs, Educational Consultant If you’ve read this site much, you know my opinion on kid’s toys. I’m not often a fan of toys that beep and bloop and flash their lights, that kind of just play on their own, while kids watch. I like toys that really stimulate the senses, that encourage kids to use their imagination and creativity. But at the same time – I’m clearly a lover of tech, {I make my living on these crazy inter-webs} – and appreciate all of the amazing ways technology can help kids learn and grow in amazing ways that didn’t exist when I was a kid. With that background, you’ll understand why I am over-the-top, over-the-moon, over-use-of-silly-phrases in love with the new Ubooly toy and smartphone app for kids. Check it out:

[Read more…]


Unplug Your Kids: Lilliputiens Toys for Sensory Stimulation and Creative Learning

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso… As a blogger, I obviously see the amazing value of the internet – I’m constantly connected to the web on my smartphone, my laptop, my Kindle, my iPod… You get the picture. So I’m definitely OK with my almost 3-year old having some cool tech toys – she adores learning letters on her LeapPad, and the new Ubooly we’ve been playing makes acting out imaginary scenes super fun. But – I do still love toys that really help kids develop their imagination. Toys that are simple – but clever. So many toys these days have a million flashing lights and beeping noises and moving parts – it’s almost like they play themselves, and kids just sorta follow along. So, I’m super excited to share a new toy we recently tried out that I am IN.LOVE.WITH. She’s called Ophelia, she has 4 adorable chicks, and I think you’ll love her too….

Ophelia and her chicks - great unplugged play for kids [Read more…]


Never watch a mediocre movie again

I love family movie night. In our family, it’s me, the Mister, and my little girl who will be three in July. A toddler makes a family night out a little more challenging… She wants to climb over the table and dump the salt shaker onto the heads of the customers at the next table if we go to a restaurant. She has a hard time staying quiet or in one place in a big movie theater. She loves to dance – but I don’t think a nightclub is quite our style, lol. So, making special movie nights at home is one of our regular weekend rituals!

movie night with family [Read more…]


DIY Movie Night on a Budget – Princess Style! #PopSecretMovieNight

How to create a memorable Family Movie Night…. A night at home, snuggled up on the couch together, enjoying a fab flick – that can be one of the best family nights ever, right? Movie night is a budget-friendly choice for weekend entertainment – It involves very minimal prep, and can be adjusted in a million ways, to make uniquely perfect for each family. So – keep reading to get a few of my best tips on creating a DIY movie night on a budget.

Princess movie night [Read more…]


Do Your Kids Want to Be Race Car Drivers?

“If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” – Mario Andretti…. We’re a racing family in here in my house. I have so many great memories of going to the races with my dad at our local speedway when I was a little girl. My uncle drove a race car there for years too. And now, my Mister has been driving race cars there too for years. One of his best friends even got a job recently over in North Carolina, working for some big-time racers. So I was super excited to give Abby a surprise present recently – the Mega Bloks® Whirl ‘n Twirl™ Race Car!! Check it out….

Whirl n Twirl Race Car [Read more…]


Fashion and kids

See updated post: Following in their Parents’ Footsteps – check out this spring’s new GUESS Kids!

