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Trendy Mealtimes for Tots with Embelle Baby Bibs

Baby Bibs, Funny Bibs, funny gifts for babies

Makin’ Mealtimes Fun!

Ok, mealtime with a baby is already fun, right? Who doesn’t love some mashed potatoes in their hair? The baby obviously thinks it’s hilarious. Don’t you? Maybe a green bean up the nose? Woah baby, we’re havin’ fun now! – Ok, but seriously. When you’ve got a baby or a toddler – {maybe you’re super lucky, and have both at the same time} – you deal with a lot of stressful, messy situations during your day. So – why not get some gear to make it at least a little bit more fashionable and fun, right?

Baby Bibs, Designer baby bibs

Embelle Bibs from Target!

Check out these super fun bibs from Embelle – Are these super fun, or what? They look like a designer bib – but they’re available for a totally non-designer price at your local Target. Or Tar-jaaaay if you want to get fancy about it. And, since we all know that it’s not possible to go into Target and walk out again without somehow spending over $100 on pretty, trendy, sparkly things – I’ve got a coupon to save you some cash on these adorable bibs – Embelle Baby Bib Coupon – from Type in your zipcode, and if these sweet bibs are available at your local Target, then you’ll see the coupon to save!

{Disclaimer: This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Global Influence. Coupon may not be available in all zipcodes.}


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