Source: via Sunshine and on Pinterest
Anyone else relate?
Do you find Target stores hard to resist? Ever walk out with no idea how your cart got filled with $100+ of pretty things? You’re not alone….
Oh Target, how I love thee. Trendy fashions for home and family, at prices affordable for middle class mommas on a budget. You bring designer lines to the masses, offer perfectly modern home decor that’s not over the top, and the cutest stinkin’ baby clothes around. {Have you seen them? Seriously.} And I know it’s not just me…. There’s a whole website devoted to them – Because truly, we are ALL slaves to Target. They even have their own nickname -“Tar-zhay” – how many stores have their own nickname? Only ones you spend so much time with….
The safest way to shop at Target – and it’s still dangerous, don’t get me wrong – is to shop online. It’s easier to stay focused. The mysteriously hypnotizing Target eye won’t be as easily able to trick you into those new curtains… and matching throw rugs… and cute boots… and did you see those pretty new drinking glasses? No – online you’ll have a chance to get in, and out, with only what you truly need. Be strong.
Share your Target Story in the comments. I know you have one. We all do….

Oh I can so relate. I wrote about it here:
And here:
I’m proud to say I haven’t been in a Target since January 6th!
LOVE your posts Tricia – I swear, there’s just something about Target, so different than anywhere else….. It must really be that big eye, tricking us and hypnotizing us into the low-prize fashion wonderland…. Lol.
lol I love target
So funny. I just went into Target this am and came out $200 poorer,lol:)
The closest Target for me is almost an hour away, so when we go, we always go crazy! I can’t wait until we move and I can have one within 10 minutes from me. Thumbs up! :)
Pretty sure that target is my second home. Once when I was in maternity leave and had nothing to do I went on a tour of targets and drove around to 4 targets. =)
That is THE funniest thing I’ve heard in forever! Lol – I love it :)
it used to be $100 until they added their rock bottom price groceries!! now it’s closer to $200~
I had never checked out their groceries until a few weeks ago – We don’t even have the “real” grocery section, just a small part of the store. But they had EVERYTHING in that small section – and you’re right, dirt cheap! I ended up with an overflowing cart. Big surprise, right? :)
I love target but stick to shopping around the outside. This way at least the extras are on clearance. Lol
Seriously!! How you speak the truth. I am in Canada and we are only just now getting to have our own Targets (oh dear lord help me now) up until now we have had to take trips to the states with the sole purpose of buying more than our allowable limits at duty would allow. Oh dear, I think now I will have to take out another mortgage on the house or heaven forbid – get a job.