Starting a blog is loads of work, but can also be loads of fun. In my short time blogging, I’ve already met so many great new people, made great relationships, partnered with some awesome brands, and have gotten some cool experiences!
About Me- The face behind Sunshine and Sippy Cups
As many of you already know, my name is Meagan, and I’m the stay-at-home momma of a little girl who will be turning a year old this month. I started Sunshine and Sippy Cups back in February of 2011, so I’ve only been blogging for about 6 months… But, I do it almost full time, and put a lot of work and effort into learning as much as I can. I was a totally NON-techy person when I started this site, so, um… It was challenging, to say the least! I was SO proud of myself when I realized that I had just purchased a domain name, installed WordPress on a Blog Hosting at
account that I had set up all by myself, and now had my very own self-hosted WordPress blog! Wooo! I thought that the hard part was over, and it’d be easy peasy from then on.
I was wrong, lol.
There have been HUGE challenges… Learning some basic HTML code, SEO tips, how to add photo and video to my blog posts, and, even though I swore I’d never do it, I had to learn how to use Twitter! {A social networking site that EVERYONE uses but me, then not being able to figure it out, made me feel much older than my 31 years…}
But there have also been HUGE rewards! I’m steadily growing in followers, revenue, and partnerships, which is so exciting. I’ve gotten to partner with Baby Brezza for their new cookbook {you’ll see the baby and I in their new book, released soon!}, I’ve learned so much as a syndicate partner for the ultra-amazing Digitwirl weekly videos, and had a blast learning and connecting with some great ladies at the recent Lady Bloggers Society Online Conference. {I highly reccommend this one if you are a newer blogger who can’t yet afford the time and money to go to one of the big blogging conferences!}
Sharing is Caring, right?
So, since I learned a lot from the advice and tips that other bloggers shared with me, I want to give back and share some of what I’ve learned! I felt like it was really hard to find blogging advice that applied to me when I first started, so I hope I can share some helpful tips with you guys, and answer some questions that I’ve been asked really often lately.
Blogging Tips Series Starts Today!
Over the next two weeks, I’ll be sharing at LEAST one post a day, maybe more, filled with tips and resources to help you be a better blogger.
I’m starting today with some tips on increasing the revenue you earn from your blog, since that is the question that I get asked the most. Over the next two weeks I plan to share on the following topics:
- Giveaways: How to run an effective giveaway, some do’s and don’ts, how to promote your giveaway and get more entries, and how to get prizes for those giveaways!
- Followers: When I first started blogging, I would publish a post, and it seemed like I could hear the crickets chirping, you know? Was ANYONE out there reading my posts? I know we don’t do it just for the attention, but it’s nice to know that someone is reading, and that you’re information is appreciated. I’ll share some tips on how to get your blog seen by more people, and how to find some new faces!
- Product Reviews: I’ll also share a TON of great resources that can help you get FREE products to review, some tips on effective review writing, and more.
- Networks: There are so many great networks out there, you’re sure to find a few that are a good fit for you! Joining a network is an amazing way to learn from other bloggers like yourself, ask questions, and partner with others for fun events. You can also find great brand sponsorship partnerships through some of these networks, to get paid post opportunties and giveaway prizes.
- More Revenue Options: Like I mentioned, this is the question that I get asked the most, so I’ll have 3-4 posts sharing different ways to earn money from your blog. There are a million different types of blogs, and a million different goals, so I want to give you a lot of fun options to choose from to help you meet YOUR unique goals as a blogger!
- Social Networking: Some tips to make the most of Facebook and Twitter, some etiquette tips, and some stuff thats just for fun.
Share your questions and goals!
I’d LOVE to hear more from you guys, about what you want to learn. I don’t know everything {surprising, I know}, and am no expert on blogging at all. But I’ve read a ton of books, subscribed to a load of great newsletters, and have learned so much already. I know many of you are also working full time jobs in addition to blogging, and don’t have as much time to track down the info you need, so I hope the resources I share will help you!
Share your goals for your blog in the comments… One of the things that I like most about blogging is the community of it. I love sharing my thoughts, and then getting to hear back from others when they add to it with their comments. So share with me, and the other lovely ladies reading: Why did you start blogging? What are your goals? What are your biggest challenges? Or, if you have a great tip to share, post it!
Related Content:
Day 1: Blogging Tips: How to Earn an Income from Your Blog: Affiliate Marketing, Ad Networks, and Selling your own Ad Space.
Day 2: How to host a Giveaway. Why a giveaway is important, how it can give your blog a big boost, and how to find partnerships for prize sponsorships.
Day 3: Tips for a Successful Givaway. This covers the basics of how to set it up and run it fairly, some do’s and don’ts, and some great linkys to help you promote your giveaway!

Looking forward to reading the series about blogging!
Thanks so much Meg! I hope that you find some helpful tips… Is there anything particular that you would like to learn more about??
Hi Meagan. Thank you for doing this series! I have been blogging less than a year and I am also amazed as to what I have taught myself. I have come a long way but noticed that my Facebook Fan Page has more than double the followers as my blog. I would love how to get more traffic to my blog and know that more people are reading my articles and parenting tips. I of course also want to learn more about making money too. Thanks again!
Mommy Masters
I just posted the first in the series, how to earn an income from your blog…. I hope it helps you! There will also be several more posts about income opportunties, since there is just way too much to cover in one post!! :)
I have the same issue on my blog, over 2,000 followers on Facebook, but much less following the blog itself. For me, I don’t feel too worried about it… I share all of my posts to my Facebook page, and I get a lot of traffic to the site from Facebook, so I’m ok with that! :) Are you using Google Analytics? If so, you can head there and see where your traffic is coming from, and how many people see your posts on Facebook and then really DO head to your blog to see more! If you have a lot of traffic coming in that way, then I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
If you’d like to increase the followers tho, I do have a post coming up on that too… I’ve found that joining and being active in blogging networks is really helpful, as is joining in on blog hops and linky parties! I’ll share some favorites later this week!
I love when I see other bloggers posting things like this. I felt like the odd man out when I posted tips for everyone to see, because it seems lots of folks like to keep their tips secret. I think it’s time for us all to help one another with posts just like this one. :)
I saw you in the blog group and would love to know what you personally think about the question I asked: Is it tacky to make a post explaining to your readers how much you make, how you do it, etc? I have seen “monthly earnings reports” on blogs and I like knowing that it’s possible to make that much, but I’ve also heard that it’s “tacky”. So, I’d love your input before I go and make a post that is going to make me lose readers. :)
I really don’t think it’s tacky at all…. And I’ve seen the way Simply Stacie posts her earnings, and I know that I didn’t find it tacky, and I really liked seeing the results that she has with different companies, and being able to compare my earnings.
I think that the problem is, that some readers feel we shouldn’t be making money off of our blogs, and some bloggers feel almost guilty for earning money. But I find this attitude from some readers to be pretty confusing… If you start a business, and put lots of hours into it, you should earn an income, right? And that’s what many of us consider our job- our blogs!
It takes me a TON of time to search for cool new freebies to share or great deals matched up with coupon codes, it takes me hours of time to reach out and partner with cool companies to sponsor fun giveaways for my readers, set up the giveaway, promote it, verify entries, contact winners, ship prizes, etc. All of the prizes for the first few months were things I supplied myself, and paid shipping for. That was a big expense, but I did it to make the blog more fun for my readers :)
If I find a super cool new free offer that I KNOW my readers are going to love, but I also get paid a few cents when they check it out, I think it’s a win-win type of situation!
Plus, it’s SO hard to know what type of income to expect… What others make, what is a realistic goal to expect, what to charge for ad’s or paid posts… Since everyone is pretty secretive with that stuff. I think that blogs are really changing the way a lot of business’s do some of their marketing, since they’re realizing that we bloggers can really drive new traffic to their sites, and increase their sales. So I think it is totally fair that we’re compensated for that, right?
I’m not brave enough to share what I make… The good OR the bad… But I love seeing others who do post their info! So, I say, if you think it can benefit your readers, and you’re comfortable doing it, share it! You’re not sharing to brag, you’re sharing to help others set reasonable goals. Nothing tacky in that! :)
I’m still so new at this blogging thing that I feel like I’m walking on egg shells… always afraid of losing a reader or two. I guess I will see what my earnings are like at the end of July, and hopefully get a few more opinions between now and then, and either post… or be a chicken and not post LOL.
Thanks for the advice!!
Since you’ve only been doing it for 6 months how can you offer us what we need in ways of blogging?
Well, I know that I’m not an expert on blogging, and I admitted that in my post :) But, even though I’ve only been doing this for 6 months, I’ve put a TON of time and effort into learning as much as possible… And I know that lots of other bloggers out there also work full time jobs outside of the home, and maybe don’t have as much time to go looking for the info that they need. I wanted to share a lot of the resources and tips that I’ve come across, put together in one place, to make it easier to find.
If you’ve been blogging for a long time already, my tips might not be that helpful to you. But I am trying to share all of the info that I wish I had known when I first started, since I’m sure it could be really helpful for a lot of newer bloggers out there! I’m sorry that you didn’t find anything here that was helpful to you, but I’d love it if you’d like to share some tips of your own…. I’m ALWAYS interested in learning from others!
I’ve only been blogging seriously since April, and I always offer advice like what you wrote in this blog post. It seems that some “expert” bloggers are tight lipped about how to do things, so why not let the newbies try to help? Take it or leave it, is my motto. ;)
Hey Meagan,
Thanks for the great blog tips!! We also love blogging and words of wisdom coming from a true master are much appreciated. Keep blogging!!
I am just now finding this series so I have to play a little catch up!! I’m going to introduce it to my Newbie Blog Hop as soon as I can so they will all start coming here for the education as well. My hop is on Wednesdays and is for blogs less than 6 mths old and is for us all to encourage and learn together. I’ve been blogging since August 2 so I’m a newbie too, but I’m having some much fun encouraging everyone while learning at the same time. Thank you so much for this!!!
Janet- You’re SO welcome! I’m really glad that this was helpful for you!!
And that is such a great idea- the Newbie Blog Hop. I learn SO much from other bloggers– Even when you’re new, everyone has cool tricks, tips, and ideas to share. If you guys have any questions I can help you with, {not that I’m an expert, lol} feel free to email me anytime at sunshineandsippycups@gmail- And I’ll do my best to help :)
Thanks for doing this to help out us newer bloggers! I’m just getting started in blogging and find this really helpful. I have been using blogger but am going to be start using wordpress very soon. Thanks for all that you do!
You’re SO welcome Deanna! I know how overwhelming it felt when I first got started blogging… And while I’m no expert, I’ve learned a lot along the way – and if any of the tips I’ve learned can help someone else, then I’m happy to share :)
Will be following and keeping and eye and reading through the hints…could do with them my blog is coming up to a year old i am just on blog spot n just taking it seriously now!!!!
Thank you so much for all the information! You have inspired me! I reserved my domain name tonight and have been on your site for a few hours…so much information you provide I have learned so much from you already. It’s 2am and I don’t want to go to bed just want to keep reading. I hope to tell you in 6 months that you were an intricate part in helping me change my financial and blogging life…this post to be continued in 6 months…