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Tres Jolie! The March Glam Bag from Ipsy!

This post may contain affiliate and referral links.

Hey ladies! I was very overwhelmed last week. Funeral, health stuff, scheduling appointments, the not-fun side of life. But I’m back, to share my latest Ipsy Glam Bag with you guys! It’s all about spring, color, light, easy, and fresh. I mentioned on Friday how much spring makes me long for pretty styles and happy looks – so this fits perfectly into my mood!

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Ipsy March Glam Bag – Tres Jolie!

How fun is this collection? The story behind it is Tres Jolie, an easy, understated French girl makeup style and vibe. The bag is a chic, pale pink color on one side, with this fun print on the other that kind of reminds me of mermaids :) It was filled with pieces that coordinate perfectly, give a nice rose gold, sun kissed bit of brightness to my face, and as always – are matched to my exact skin type and shades. {You fill out a questionnaire when you join Ipsy, so they can find the best choices that are uniquely right for you!} [Read more…]


How to Pack a “Potty Bag” for Potty Training On-The-Go

Thanks to Huggies Clutch ‘n’ Clean* Wipes new stylish baby wipes for sponsoring today’s discussion about how to pack a “potty bag” for potty training while traveling or on-the-go…

Recently I shared some tips on how to potty train when traveling – or just on-the-go during the busy summer months. Abby has got this whole potty training thing down pretty darn good, finally. But long car rides or flights, unfamiliar locations, and changes in routine can throw even the most consistent kids off track. So, even for just a day of running errands or an afternoon at the park for play dates – we pack a “potty bag.” Here are a few of my absolute must-haves {including some new super stylish baby wipes!} for a day on-the-go with a toddler or preschooler – and be sure to add your own suggestions in the comments too.

timi and leslie diaper bag - works as a stylish bag for mom, or "potty bag" for on-the-go potty training! [Read more…]


Super Style Giveaway: Win $175 in Prizes!!

Sneakpeeq Gift Card

Win prizes from sneakpeeq!!

I am SO super excited to share this great new giveaway with you…. For this event – Everyone wins! sneakpeeq is giving away 20% off purchase codes to EVERYONE just for entering – how cool is that? Plus, one of you will win the Grand Prize – a $50 sneakpeeq Gift Card to shop your favorite food, style, and home products!

There’s more!

THREE Second Place winners will each get a $25 sneakpeeq Gift Card, and FIVE more lucky fans will each get a $10 Gift Card – which goes a LONG way in sneakpeeq’s amazingly low-priced boutiques!

Come see all the things you love but haven’t discovered!

To enter this super fun giveaway, use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form below! Your first entry asks you to visit the sneakpeek site – and that’s where you’ll get your exclusive 20% off code to use on your next purchase! Then, there are a few other bonus entries you can complete if you want to – the more you complete, the more opportunities to WIN!

{P.S. Make sure to check out the other giveaways going on right now too – Check my sidebar to see the most current ones each time you stop by!}

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