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FAN-tastic Freebie Friday! Samples, Free Products, and Cash!

free samples

Happy Freebie Friday!

Use the list to snag some great new free samples available right now, and check out the bottom links for some great companies you can join, for new product sampling opp’s. Have a great weekend!

Free Samples:

  • CottonWorks: Get a free measuring tape, fabric samples, and more. Free Cottonworks Package.
  • Dog Sleeping Bag: Yes, I said it, a free sleeping bag for your dog. Funny, right? Get one here,
  • Dog Food: Get another doggy freebie- A sample of the new Rachel Ray Pet Food. Nutrish Sample.
  • House Party: NEW House Parties to apply for! Chef Boyardee, Spin Master, and more. These are an uh-MAY-zing way to entertain on a super tight budget. Apply Here.
  • Shark Love: Love Sharks? Want to share your love of Shark Week all year? Then grab a super cute shark sticker-
  • Chilis: Need to print another Free Chips and Queso coupon? Here ya go! Free Food.
  • P&G Brand Sampler Boxes: Get samples of Infinity by Always, Prilosec, and Head & Shoulders. EverydaySolutions.
  • Prilosec: Get another sample of this heartburn med if you need it. {It’s pricey, and my bf uses it a lot, so I stock up on as many freebies as possible.} Click Here.
  • Essential Oils: Get a free package of these oils, use Extension Code #76477 in the first box. Sample Request.
  • Spa Treatments: Sign up to win FREE laser treatments, or other prizes. New winners each month… I enter every month!! Win it!
  • StarChemLabs: Get a free sample product and a shaker cup. Scroll to the bottom to see the sample request box. Get it here.
  • AboutOne: I am so in love with this service already! Free online service, you can safely store EVERYTHING important for you family: medical, home, and school documents, fun pics and kids artwork, receipts, etc. You can access it from your phone or computer, and always be able to find what you’re looking for. It’ll auto-generate family newsletters or photo books, and more. So, so cool. Sign up FREE- AboutOne.

Earn Free Money and Rewards:

These survey sites are such a great way to get free stuff. You often get to try out new products and services for FREE, and then you earn cash or gift cards when you share your opinions about what you tried out. Love it. And the more you join, the more opportunities you’ll get, and the more money you can earn.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the freebies!


Free Old Navy Flip Flops!

Are you a member of Crowdtap yet?

If not, get on it!! Sign up at Crowdtap, and get a buck in your account just for joining. Then, have some fun and start participating in polls and discussions! The more active you are, the more chances you’ll have to win money, and get to participate in fun product parties and events!

old navy, crowdtap, style council

My Old Navy Parties:

Summer Shorts Party: I got to take 3 friends on a shopping spree… For FREE! It doesn’t get better than that, I tell ya. Each of us got to pick one new pair of Old Navy shorts {loved the selection this year too!}, plus a fun summer top and accessory to match.

Tank Top Party: I got to take another set of 3 friends shopping, and we each got to pick out a fun new summer tank top from Old Navy! I got a super cute pink one, with a ruffled shoulder, and I stinkin’ love it. Fits perfect.

New Fall Denim: I’m doing this one next week- I get to take one of my besties with me, and we each get to choose a brand new pair of Jeans from Old Navy’s great new styles for back-to-school! I’m thinking some new skinnys to tuck into boots…

Now, the Flip Flop product test! Bunches of us lucky Crowdtap ladies will get to try out some new Old Navy flips that haven’t hit stores yet, to give some feedback. I. Love. Flip. Flops. I wear them all year, even in winter. And I live in Washington state, which is NOT a flip-flop-friendly state in the winter! But I love ’em.

What are you waiting for? Get signed up at Crowdtap today!


Toluna: New $10 Survey Today!

Make money online

New Toluna Survey-

If you’re a member of Toluna too, check your email for a new $10 survey today.

I qualified, and it was actually a pretty fun one… Watch some new product ad’s and give some feedback on them. Took about 15 minutes to complete, and I earned $10!

And there’s MORE!

There is a second part that goes along with the survey, and I’ll get the other half tomorrow, where I can earn another $10! Sweet, right? That’s $20 for about a half hours worth of time. Love it.

Want in on this?

If you’re not a member, but would like to learn more about Toluna, check out their site for more info. It’s easy peasy to sign up, and they have a lot of surveys like this that are worth higher dollar amounts. I’ve had tons of surveys in the $10-$20 range over the past few months. Good luck!


HUNDREDS of Freebies Linked Up Here!

FAN-tastic Freebie Friday was HUGE!

Yesterday I posted the FAN-tastic Freebie Friday goodies in FOUR seperate posts, since I had SO many to share! There are a few repeats between categories, since some of the free samples fit into more than one, but mostly they’re all different goodies for ya.

One weeks worth of free stuff....

Did you miss some freebies?

I’ve heard from a few of you who missed some of the posts, so I’m putting it all together here in one place, so you can check them all out, and get your mailbox STUFFED FULL of free stuff over the next couple of weeks!

Freebie Posts for you:

And MORE great freebies: Best of the Week!

  • Rafflecopter Giveaway List: Find links to all of my current Rafflecopter giveaways, including the Black & Decker Steam Mop!!
  • No Health Insurance? Free Resources: This is a big list of places that I use to help us with our medical expenses, since we currently don’t have insurance. The prescription form that you take to your pharmacy really does save you a lot on med’s!
  • Grocery Shopping Savings: Find tons of ways to save big bucks on your families grocery bills!
There you go… HUNDREDS of freebies, coupons, deals, and more. Feel free to use the social buttons to share this post with your freebie lovin’ friends on Facebook and Twitter!

{HURRY!} Synovate is OPEN Again- Limited Time!

My FAVORITE Survey Site is taking new members again!

You’ve heard me talk about Synovate before, and I’m sure you’ve heard other bloggers talk about it too… It really is the best survey site I’ve ever used.

This is why I love them:

  • Surveys are targeted well; meaning that you will qualify for almost every survey that you get. It’s so frustrating to get 10 surveys a week from some sites, and have 9 of them tell you “Sorry, you don’t qualify”, after you’ve take time to start them. This rarely happens with Synovate.
  • You earn CASH rewards, and you earn them quickly. Once you’ve earned enough to request a check, the check comes really quickly too. Love that.
  • You get LOADS of free product testing opportunities. Especially if you have kids… It seems like there are a TON of great ones for moms with little ones.

Some of the products that I’ve tested lately:

  • A 24 Pack of Diapers.
  • A Volumizing Shampoo.
  • A set of three new {and super cool, actually} wall plug-in air fresheners.
  • A new Kids Snack Food.
  • And more!

So… What are you waiting for, right? Get started by signing up at Synovate right now, before they close enrollment again. It could be later today, or it could stay open for a week. But why wait to start earning free cash rewards for giving your opinion about free products?? Let me know if you get in!


{Limited Time} Openings for 3 Groups ONLY. Are you in one of them??

As part of the Ipsos i-Say Community, you get to see new products and ideas before anyone else. Share your unique point of view with brands that need it to develop and improve their products and new ideas! Your opinion rocks, right? So get paid to share it!

Ipsos is looking for YOU!

Well, maybe, lol. There are a few groups that are under-represented in the majority of their surveys, so they’re looking for more members in these groups to join. But the following groups are the ONLY new members that they’re taking right now.

YOUR opinions are important to the companies, brands, and advertising companies that work with Ipsos…. So see if you are in one of these groups, and join today!!

I-Say Young Adults Survey Panel:

Ages 18-30 *Only* Qualify. If you’re in this age group, join the panel, test out cool new products, and get rewarded for YOUR opinions!

Join Here: Young Adults Survey Panel.

Ipsos I-Say African Americans Survey Panel:

I-Say African American Adults Survey. Must be African American to Qualify. Ipsos wants to hear from YOU! Earn great rewards, test out new products before they’re even released, and more!

Join here: African Americans Survey Panel.

Ipsos I-Say Hispanics Survey Panel:

I-Say Hispanic Adults Survey. Must be Hispanic to qualify. Ipsos is looking for YOUR views on new product development, and will reward you for sharing your opinions and feedback with big brands and companies!

Join here: Hispanics Survey Panel.

If you don’t fall in one of these groups, join one of my other favorites:

Check ’em out!



No Health Insurance? Use these Free Products, Coupons, & Resources.

No Health Insurance?

If you’re like me, and are without health insurance, here are some great resources, coupons, freebies, and more. I hope that some of you guys can find some money-saving help here!

Or, if you have a family member or friend who can use this help, pass it on, or sign them up. Medical costs are so hard to afford these days, every little bit of savings counts.

Free Resources:

Free RX Drug Card

Get this Free Prescription Discount Card to get savings of up to 75% on needed med’s. Click Here to sign up. All you do is enter your basic info, and then print off a form. Bring that form to your pharmacy, and they’ll keep it on file. The next time you needs med’s, you’ll get the discounts if it’s on the list. Very simple, and can be really helpful.

Free Pharmacy Card

You can also sign up for this Free Pharmacy Card too. With both, you should be able to find just about any medicine that you need on one of their lists. We don’t use these a lot, but when I’ve needed prescriptions, these help us out so much! This one works just the same as the above.


Get a FREE sample of Prilosec. If you suffer from heartburn, you know how darn expensive it is to buy Prilosec! I watch for new free sample links, and request them as often as possible, to stock up for my boyfriend.

Printable RX Coupons

No health insurance? Taking prescription drugs? Print a free prescription coupon and save up to 75% on your next trip to the pharmacy. Click Here, type in the med you take, and it’ll show you if there is a coupon to print. Easy peasy savings.

This is a really amazing opportunity if you live in an area that qualifies. {Unfortunately, we don’t. Which is a huge bummer, since I have horrible allergies, and could really use some help, but can’t afford my seasonal doctor appt’s anymore.} Check it out, see if you qualify, and get your appointments and med’s free, plus get paid for participating!

Get two different Bausch & Lomb freebies. Print a certificate for the new PureVision2 HD products here: Printable Coupon, or get the Soft Lens product free here: Printable Freebie.

Free book and supplies to help you treat and manage your arthritis pain. Get it free for joining their online support community.

Free COPD assessment, and if you qualify you’ll get access to free samples, information, and more. All you do is answer a few questions, about 6 or 7, and it’ll give you a quick score to let you know your risk.

See if Lasik is right for you with this Free 30 second Lasik evaluation. Discount information available if you qualify. Click Here to see if you qualify for this.

If you suffer from acne or other skin problems, and can’t afford a dermatologist, try out Proactiv. This is a great time, since there are some valuable freebies you can access.

I hope this helps some of you!

Is anyone else reading this without health insurance too? It’s such a scary feeling… And it’s only the second time in my whole life I’ve gone without it! We try to eat healthy, exercise, and take vitamins… While stocking up on any medical freebies or coupons that I can get. Do you have any tips for saving on medical expenses? I’d love to hear them in the comments….
