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99+ Ways to Find Paid Blogging Opportunities

One of the biggest questions I get asked about blogging is, “How do you make money blogging?” And to be honest, there’s no simple answer to that. There are as many ways to earn an income with a blog as there are types of blogs out there across the net. Which is to say – there are a LOT of ways to make money with a blog. Like, a LOT. From sponsored posts to ebooks to ad networks to social media shares to ambassadorships, and more. Your blog can be just the starting point – launching you into TV, YouTube, podcasts, published books, freelance work, speaking, teaching…. The sky is truly the limit when you’re building an online presence!

99+ Ways to Make Money Blogging

The other common questions I often get asked are, “When should I start trying to monetize my blog? How big/how much traffic/how long should I be blogging before I can earn an income?” Most advice I’ve read around the web recommends waiting – there are a lot of different benchmarks out there that they suggest you reach first. But I say – start today! I started my blog as a business. From the beginning I placed ads on my site, signed up for as many sponsored post and affiliate networks as I could, and got to work building a brand where I could fit those paid opportunities in organically. Sure, it was pennies at first. But I am now earning a full-time income from blogging and my other freelance and consulting work, plus enough to hire help – including my Mister, who now works from home with me as my partner.

10 Ways to Earn Money from Home – My most popular post of all time

So whether you’re a brand new blogger who wants to get started with paid posts, or an established blogger wanting to expand your options – this list of networks should give you some great places to start! If you have any others to add, please leave links in the comments below. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me – in a comment here, on Twitter @sunandsipcups, on join my Google+ group – Rock Your Blog.

  1. Pollinate Media
  2. Mom Select
  3. Mom Spark Media
  4. Linqia Network
  5. Mommerce
  6. Social Chorus
  7. Glam Media
  8. Glitter Network
  9. Blog Paws Network
  10. Review Wire Media
  11. Vet IQ Street Team
  12. Link Vehicle
  13. Weave Made
  14. Lunchbox
  15. Global Influence
  16. Millennial Blogs
  17. Niche Parent Mom Blog Network
  18. Social Spark – No longer active, part of IZEA.
  19. Mami Innovative Media
  20. Double Duty Divas
  21. Mom Central
  22. Social Fabric
  23. Cooperatize
  24. Blueprint Social
  25. Markerly
  26. Tap Influence
  27. SITS Girls
  28. The Motherhood
  29. Stiletto Media
  30. Burst Media
  31. Mom Bloggers Club
  32. Business 2 Blogger
  33. She Speaks
  34. US Family Guide
  35. Socialyte
  36. Healthy Green Network
  37. One 2 One Network
  38. Blogs Release
  39. Ignite Social Media
  40. Simply Sassy Media
  41. Bookieboo
  42. Federated Media
  43. Style Coalition
  44. Women’s Forum
  45. Moms Meet
  46. Blogging Edge
  47. Splash Creative Media
  48. Talented Talkers
  49. Sponsored Tweets {Twitter only} No longer active – part of IZEA.
  50. Technorati
  51. Sverve
  52. Bloggy Moms
  53. Mommy Mindset
  54. Ella Media
  55. Millenial Central
  56. Social Influenz
  57. Tomoson
  58. Blogdash
  59. Sponsored Reviews
  60. Bloggers Required
  61. Book Look Bloggers {books only – as are the next two}
  62. Litfuse Publicity
  63. Bethany House
  64. Buzz Seeker

There are also programs directly through different brands that you can sign up for. Not all of these will offer paid opportunities – many may just be product reviews or projects that pay in gift cards. But, they’re still fun, and an awesome way to get to try out products from your favorite brands, share them with your readers, and build relationships.

  1. Best Buy WOLF program
  2. Rubbermaid Buzz
  3. Costume Reviewers
  4. Purex
  6. Crafting team
  7. OXO Blogger Program
  9. Hamilton Beach
  10. Carmex Blog Squad
  11. Sunoco Bloggers
  12. Daily’s Cocktails
  13. Pear Greetings
  14. Gorton’s Seafood
  15. Ebates {get paid just to share your link, no posts required. Great bonus pay!}
  16. Ah Goo Baby
  17. Big Dog Boutique {pet owners}
  18. Boba Ambassadors
  19. Boon, Inc.
  20. Go Dogger Dog Toys
  21. Earth Mama Angel Baby
  22. Eco Store USA
  23. Firmoo Ambassador
  24. Frito-Lay
  25. Fresh Baby
  26. Fuzzi Bunz

Freelance Writing and guest posting are other great ways to earn money from the influence you’re building online through your blog. There might be topics you’d love to write about, but maybe they’re not a good fit for your blog. It’s important to have some type of niche to your blog – whether it’s a specific topic like recipes or fashion, or even just something that makes you – “you,” like your humor or photography style. So, if you have other things you’d like to write about, freelance writing can be a perfect choice. You can use it to try out a new niche before committing to a new blog {because once you start blogging – ohmyheck, you’ll have a million new ideas a week, I tell ya.} Or, use it as another outlet to randomly post about whatever flavor of the week is on your mind. Here are some places you can get started, and be paid for your work:

  3. Squidoo
  4. Type A Parent
  5. Yahoo Contributors
  6. Problogger
  7. Wise Bread
  8. HubPages
  9. Helium Network
  10. Demand Studios
  11. Constant Content
  12. Triond
  13. Elance
  14. Odesk
  15. Guru
  16. iFreelance
  18. Your Online Biz
  19. Read Learn Write
  20. One Spoon at a Time

Again – if you have any other suggestions that I should add – PLEASE leave some comments below. And – this is still a work in progress. I’ll be adding to it once a month, and will also try to organize the list a little better, with a snippet of info about each site, to make it easier to figure out which ones are a good fit for you. Until then – I hope you find some info that’s helpful, and share with any other bloggers you know who want to boost their income and find new opportunities too!

More links you might find helpful:

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  1. Thank you for this list. Getting started in blogging again is tedious work…trying to remember the many different ways to make money.

    • Meagan Paullin says

      There are SO many ways to make money from your blog! Not just ads and sponsored posts, but also using it as a starting point for other work. I hope you find some stuff here that helps!

  2. Great list Meagan! Found some I didn’t know about yet!

    • Meagan Paullin says

      Woo hoo! You’re a rock star, so if you found some new ones, I feel like I put together a good list!! <3

  3. Thank you for the lists. I feel behind in my blogging the past year but plan to pick it up again. I will definitely contact these resources.

  4. Thanks, you just saved me a ton of time searching for blogging opportunities.

  5. Beautiful list Meagan.Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom. :)

  6. Hi I love your blog, And I am going to follow it and like your facebook,
    Hope that you will come over to mine and check it out.
    And follow me.

    also like me on facebook

    I am in the process of a name change. so soon it will be sewmanysavings!!!
    thanks so much

  7. Thank you! I am hoping to get to do more with this soon.

    More items here than I’ve seen in a post before!

  8. Sara Kowalski says

    I know you use is there where you recommend starting? I have a blog on WordPress but I highly doubt it allows links and such like you post.

  9. You are so awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to put all of this in one place for us!

  10. How do you use Technorati?

  11. This has been very helpful, so thank you! There’s 1 thing im still unsure about. Is it a good idea to get an agent to handle paid post/reviews ect. Also is it best to set a price for your posts, or go with companies are willing to pay? I just dont want to be working for free when I should be getting paid….. your thoughts on this would be amazing!

  12. I use Reward Style too :) And I’m part of BlogHer. They pay for sponsored posts too.

  13. Great list Meagan! I actually write for – so you can add them to your list. :) This is link –>

  14. thank you so much for the list. I have been blogging for all of two weeks you have so much info I am going to bookmark this page so I can fully explore my options thanks again this is going to help me immensely.

    • Meagan Paullin says

      I’m so glad you found it helpful! If you have any questions about anything, feel free to get in touch on Facebook or Twitter too! I get busy and distracted, but I love to help :)

  15. I just spent my time going through this list. Thanks so much for sharing this. It was so helpful!

  16. THANK YOU!!!!!

  17. Thank you so much for the links, information, and inspiration!

  18. What a great list! This would make a good resource for both established and new bloggers alike.

  19. Thank you! I found several new ones to look into!

  20. Jenna Wood says

    What a great list to start the new year off right, thanks for such a detailed and well laid out post!

  21. Great list, thank you for taking the time to put it together and share! I already work with a couple of these, but you’ve definitely given me new things to check into. I’ve pinned this post to my “Blog Like A Boss” board, and now I’m off to follow your blogging board!

  22. Thank you for sharing this wonderful list! It is so helpful & exactly what I’ve been looking for!


  1. […] haven’t blogged about blogging in awhile. Well have no fear my friend Megan shared this post she wrote about 99+ ways to make money blogging for everyone to check out. I need […]

  2. […] I found this great article about 99 + Ways to Make Money Blogging and I’d like to  share it with you here, as it is a great tool for ideas: 99+ WAYS TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGING […]

  3. […] 99 Ways to Find Paid Blogger Opportunities […]

  4. […] She has been blogging for some time now.Megan blogs about 99 opportunities! […]

  5. […] 99+ Ways to Find Paid Blogging Opportunities from Sunshine and Sippy Cups […]

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