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The Pain of Working from Home

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Osteopathic Association for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Being able to have a job that I love, that also allows me to be here at home every day with my little girl, is an amazing thing. I woudn’t trade it for the world. But, there are a lot of “pains” that come along with the awesome parts….

The Pain of Working from Home

Some of the pains I deal with are due to the unpredictability of working online – things like an income that varies greatly from month to month, changes in social media or search results that can impact my traffic, and just keeping up with the ever-changing world of the web. There is also the pain of trying to balance both of my important jobs each day – the job of running and growing my online businesses, and the job of being a mom. But, there’s one pain that some of you probably share with me – the type of chronic pain that stops you from being able to live your life the way you’d like to.

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2 out of 3 office workers have experienced pain 

And… In addition to that startling statistic, 1 out of 4 think that the pain they feel is just part of having an office job. Something they just have to “deal with.” I totally understand – because that’s exactly what I thought too. In a previous life {before becoming a mom} – I worked in retail. I managed stores, and did displays and fashion merchandising. I was always on the go, and loved it. So, it’s been a HUGE change working from home, and sitting at a computer all day. I realized late last year that my back was regularly hurting, and my shoulders were super sore at least a few nights a week. But I was one of those people who figured that was just part of the job, and that there wasn’t too much I could do with it.

Break Through Your Pain

Well – there ARE things that you can do about it! I can’t afford to see a chiropractor, and our limited-coverage insurance means getting into our assigned doctor is almost impossible sometimes. But I found loads of super helpful resources on the Break Through Your Pain website. I loved the “At Your Desk” makeover tips – which teach you better ways to position yourself while sitting at your desk. And there’s also a list of things to STOP doing, like sitting for hours without taking a break to move around. {Ahem. I’m very guilty of this on bid deadline days…} And things to START doing, like setting an alarm on your phone to remind you to stretch and take a quick walk. {A few bloggers have told me that they do this daily too.} There are a lot of other cool tools too – an assessment you can take, links to more information, and more.

Let’s Chat: Do you notice problems from sitting at a desk or computer all day too? Whether it’s a home office, a corner office, or your own cubical office – chronic pain can hit any of us. What other tips do you have to share? Leave some comments below – I love hearing from you guys!

Be sure to share the infographic on your social media too – Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter – to help any friends who are dealing with this pain too.

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