Huge Holiday Giveaway: We’re giving one lucky winner one of the hottest gifts of this holiday season – a Wii u 2012 Gaming System!! Join in – You’ll gain new blog readers, new followers, connect with new people, and get to give someone a totally awesome Christmas gift! Sounds awesome, right? is sponsoring a great group giveaway and we want you to join in on the fun. About our Giveaway:
- Promotion Will Run November 26- December 20, 2012
- Open in the U.S.
- $3.00 for each social media account you want linked
- $8.00 for three links
- $14.00 for up to six links
- Choose from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Picket Fence votes, Network Blogs, Email, RSS or YouTube.
- EVERYONE GETS A BLOG COMMENT that will be mandatory on the Rafflecopter.
- You don’t have to post an announcement post but if you choose not to, please pay an additional $5.00.
- Please promote the giveaway at least once a week on your social media accounts.
- Make sure you check your email for the giveaway html.
- Post should be up and live by Midnight Eastern on Nov. 26th. If it’s not up by the end of the day on the 26th, you will be removed from the giveaway until it’s up.
- If you’d like to be a co-host, it is $30. This includes a link on the giveaway, a follow page and up to six links. Remember, host pages bring more traffic to your blog and help with page rank and Alexa scores! :D
- If you are not a blogger, or you are a blogger who just isn’t interested in promoting the event, but are interested in participating and having two of your own Rafflecopter links, there is a one-time $25 opt-in fee, which will get you two individual links on the rafflecopter.
Go here for the html you’ll need to help promote this awesome giveaway, help spread the word now, and join me and Mommy Bear Media today!

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