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Small Victories Sunday Linkup

It’s that time again – ending one week, and beginning a new one. For me, it’s been HECTIC lately. I got super sick at the beginning of the month, then spent a week in the hospital. {I’d never done that before, except when I had my daughter. Hope I never have to do it again!} That also meant I missed my little girl’s first week of kindergarten :( So this past week as I’ve been finishing up recovering at home, I also had to get into the back to school routine, catch up on everything going on – school pictures, fundraiser deadline, cheer camp sign up, etc were all last week! So it’s nice to take a little down time to relax, read all these awesome posts, and share some of my favorites. I hope you read, linkup, and enjoy too!

Sunday Blog Linkup

Hello lovely readers! I am so excited to bring you 8 new hosts to make our Small Victories Sunday Linkup even bigger and better than ever before!! Our Small Victories Sunday Linkup is full to the brim with great ideas to get you to read, eat, craft, live and blog well! Be sure to stop by and welcome Crystal, Leigh, Heather, Tiffani, Karren, Danita, Shandra and Suzanna to our team! [Read more…]


Small Victories Sunday Linkup – 7/4/2012

Small Victories Sunday Linkup

Welcome to our Small Victories Sunday Linkup, now partying on 9 blogs!

This weekly linkup is designed to linkup your BEST posts to inspire others to read, cook, craft, live well and blog well. Share with us anything that will help others live a happier and healthier life. Sunday is the perfect day to reflect and celebrate the week that passed and look forward to the week ahead. Our linkup is open all week long so feel free to stop by anytime, it’s never too late to linkup with us. If you need writing prompts or to see past linkups, visit our main Small Victories Sunday Linkup page. [Read more…]


Join the #PinIt Pinterest Party!

Welcome to another amazing week of our Pinterest party! #PinIt Pin Party – link up your favorite pin of the week, and I’ll repin it and share it around. Then be sure to visit some of the other link-uppers too :)

PinIT-Pin-Party-Collage-2.6.15 (1)

Welcome to the #PinIt Pin Party!

Who is ready to have some fun!?! We had a terrific turn out last week and hope to have you join in the fun this week. Before we begin, check out the MOST CLICKED submissions from last week’s Pin Party! We just LOVE these…




{Simply CLICK the image to #PinIT}

Meet Your Pin Party Hosts


Jen from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Jen’s profile on Pinterest.


Dawn from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Dawn’s profile on Pinterest.


Meagan from Sunshine and Sippycups

Visit Meagan’s profile on Pinterest.


Ashley from Embracing Homemaking

Visit Ashley’s profile on Pinterest.

Jessica and Nellie

Jessica & Nellie from Butter with a Side of Bread

Visit their profile on Pinterest.

Visit their profile on Pinterest.


We encourage all bloggers to join our pin party and link up any post from your blog or Pinterest account that you would like to share.

To make the party even more fun, remember…

  • By linking up at our #PinIt: Pin Parties, you are giving us permission to feature your submissions on our social media outlets and be considered to be featured as a Pinner of the Week… with a link back to you of course :)
  • We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites!
  • Be sure to visit and PIN or comment on at least 2 other links. Let’s spread the love.
  • We would love it if you spread the word about the party on social media or by adding our button to your site.
  • Please only link up to your blog posts or pins. No affiliate posts, sponsored posts, ads or products. If you have an Etsy shop, we would LOVE to feature you in our Shopping Saturday posts so please be sure to contact us!

Need more incentive to join in and #PinIt? Every week, some lucky participants will WIN fun prizes and get featured on our site! Whoo hoo!

Here’s how you can be a part of our Pin Party: Simply insert the URL for your PIN or Blog Post, so that we can showcase your creativeness! This party is open to any FAMILY FRIENDLY posts or pins. We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites! So, be sure to #PinIT!

Let’s introduce our fans, and everyone on Pinterest, to your great posts, pins and creativity :) Have FUN… and Enjoy!


PinIt Pinterest Pin Party!

Welcome to another week of pinning, sharing, and inspiration in our #PinIt Pinterest Party!

PinIt Pin Party -- #PinIt

Welcome to the #PinIt Pin Party!

Who is ready to have some fun!?! We had a terrific turn out last week and hope to have you join in the fun this week. Before we begin, check out the MOST CLICKED submissions from last week’s Pin Party! We just LOVE these…

{Simply CLICK the image to #PinIT}

Meet Your Pin Party Hosts

{Be sure to check out the hosts and follow them on Pinterest!}


Jen from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Jen’s profile on Pinterest.


Dawn from Pin-n-Tell

Visit Dawn’s profile on Pinterest.


Meagan from Sunshine and Sippycups

Visit Meagan’s profile on Pinterest.


Ashley from Embracing Homemaking

Visit Ashley’s profile on Pinterest.

Jessica and Nellie

Jessica & Nellie from Butter with a Side of Bread

Visit their profile on Pinterest.


We encourage all bloggers to join our pin party and link up any post from your blog or Pinterest account that you would like to share.

To make the party even more fun, remember…

  • By linking up at our #PinIt: Pin Parties, you are giving us permission to feature your submissions on our social media outlets and be considered to be featured as a Pinner of the Week… with a link back to you of course :)
  • We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites!
  • Be sure to visit and PIN or comment on at least 2 other links. Let’s spread the love.
  • We would love it if you spread the word about the party on social media or by adding our button to your site.
  • Please only link up to your blog posts or pins. No affiliate posts, sponsored posts, ads or products. If you have an Etsy shop, we would LOVE to feature you in our Shopping Saturday posts so please be sure to contact us!

Need more incentive to join in and #PinIt? Every week, some lucky participants will WIN fun prizes and get featured on our site! Whoo hoo!

Here’s how you can be a part of our Pin Party: Simply insert the URL for your PIN or Blog Post, so that we can showcase your creativeness! This party is open to any FAMILY FRIENDLY posts or pins. We will be monitoring the submissions, checking them out and pinning our favorites! So, be sure to #PinIT!

Let’s introduce our fans, and everyone on Pinterest, to your great posts, pins and creativity :) Have FUN… and Enjoy!



Bloggertunities: Over 20 New Ways to Rock Your Blog!

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde… When it comes to blogging, that’s some of the best advice that you’ll ever get. Perfect grammar, a beautiful design, and good connections to PR are only going to take you so far… It’s the personal connection you make with readers, when you write from the heart, that is what brings success. Plus, when you write “real” – you’ll enjoy what you do MUCH more! I hope you find something helpful in this week’s post – and you have anything awesome to share too, please feel free to add it to the comments!

Bloggertunties: Learn more, earn more! [Read more…]


Want to Give Your Readers a Wii U for the Holidays??

Huge Holiday Giveaway: We’re giving one lucky winner one of the hottest gifts of this holiday season – a Wii u 2012 Gaming System!! Join in – You’ll gain new blog readers, new followers, connect with new people, and get to give someone a totally awesome Christmas gift! Sounds awesome, right?

[Read more…]


Bloggertunities: 35 Ways to Improve Your Blog, Build Traffic, & Earn More Money

“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.” – Timothy Leary… Love this quote, lol. But really – being a mom is a hard job. When you throw in being a blogger on top of that, well, life gets crazy. {You can read about how MY day is going today here. So.Very.Tired…} So many people don’t “get” what we do at home all day – from diapers to carpool to snacks to dinnertime to blogging and business… So, let me be the one to give you a cyber high-five, pat on the back, and enthusiastic “Good job!!” for everything you do each day! {Feel free to cyber high-five me back. It’s been a long week for me, lol.}

opportunities for women bloggers [Read more…]
