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Fathers Survival Kit: $1,200 in Giveaways!

Welcome to the super awesome Survival Kit giveaway… With back to school, crazy fall sports schedules, busy work days, and wild weather….we were thinking a survival kit was in order to help us all relax a little bit during this hectic time! We’ve got 3 separate prize packs that you can win, keep reading to see the links for those too. This giveaway is for the Father’s Survival Kit –  Ladies, enter to win this for the man in your life….or if this box is more your style, win it for you! We’ve combined the best of two worlds – grilling and tinkering – to provide the ultimate man gift! It includes a copy of Cook’n software, a tool set, a sweet grilling set, the George Foreman Grill & some jerky. Totally filled with awesome.

fathers survival kit

The Fathers Survival Kit Giveaway

I have have teamed up with Cook’n (our sponsor) , Give oh GiveawayThrifty Momma Ramblings, I Love My Kids and few awesome bloggers to bring you this amazing giveaway valued at over $1,200Our friends at Cook’n strive to make your life simpler. In addition to sponsoring this awesome giveaway, their software has some amazing features to save you TIME. With Cook’n software you can:

  • Choose  recipes and put them in your menu plan…the ingredients automatically organize into a shopping list by aisle. (This feature rocks!)
  • Print off that recipe you just found online in the size you want! No more loose papers in your cookbook! Make it a 3×5 or a 4×6 or full page! (Awesome!)
  • Adjust serving sizes and ingredient amounts with a few simple clicks!
  • Type ingredients you have on hand and Cook’n supplies you with tons of recipes with those items!
  • So many MORE awesome features. Seriously – I use this, and love it.

A HUGE thanks to Cook’n for sponsoring these awesome prizes! Their program is really great and I am thrilled to be giving not just 1 but 7 copies of the software away in addition to the big prize…but Cook’n rocks and doesn’t stop there, they also put together a Mother’s Kit & a Family Survival Kit….we will have a total of 10 winners at the end of this giveaway. This is what’s up for grabs – a $200 man pack, $220 woman’s kit, $215 family pack and then $565 in Cook’n software prizes too!!! Wow, right?

     *Fill out rafflecopter below*             *ENTER Mother’s Kit HERE*            *ENTER Family’s Kit HERE*   

RULES & Details

Contest is open WORLD WIDE. No purchase necessary. The winner will be selected by and notified by email, and will have 24 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected. Giveaway ends Friday, September 7th, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST. You Must be 18+ to enter this contest. Contest is in no way associated with Facebook. Enter for your chance to win using the form below. Only Mandatory entry is to leave a blog post comment as directed on the rafflecopter form. All other entries are OPTIONAL and may give you better chance All entries will be verified.

{Disclaimer: I did not receive any monetary compensation for sharing this giveaway. Sunshine and Sippy Cups is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Good Luck!}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

More Free Guy Stuff

North American Hunter Magazine



  1. Ruthi Kight says

    My fiance’ would love this! He would freak out! lol

  2. MaryAnn Inabinet says

    I would either give it to my husband who could use a little help with cooking or my father who is the Grill master!

  3. my hubby or my dad would get this surprise

  4. My husband of corse who is very handy and a great cook too. If there were any duplicate tools, i could give them to my son in law

  5. veronica reeves says

    I would give it to my hubby:)

  6. Carol Fuller says

    What man or young man can’t use some tools to start out with, have 2 grandsons that could use this. GLA

  7. I would give this to the hubby!! Thank you for this chance!

  8. My awesome husband who is very busy builing our new house so these thing would come in handy for him

  9. Maureen Butcher says

    I would give this to my hubby. He loves to cook and grill. Our gas grill broke and we are looking to replace it. So yeah, would definitely love to win this for my hubby : )

  10. Michele Henneman says

    I would split it between the males in my family.

  11. Joyce Harrell says

    I would give it to my hubby

  12. My Hubby :)

  13. I would give it to my hubby

  14. my daddy

  15. I would give it to my hubby. =)

  16. Rochelle Dyer says

    I would give this gift to my husband :) He would LOVE it!

  17. Jaclyn Reynolds says

    My husband Tommy!

  18. alyce poalillo says

    I would keep a lot of it and give the rest to my neighbor

  19. I would give this to my son.

  20. Shelbi Stockdale says

    My husband, or split it up for Christmas.

  21. I would give this to my son.

  22. I’d give it to my husband.

  23. I think I would give it to my son in law !

  24. My father’s b-day is in November

    ky2here at msn dot com

  25. addrienne mertens says

    my hunny he does the grillin

  26. I would divide it up and give something to each family member.

  27. I would definitely give this to my husband.

  28. I’d give to Mr BBQ lover here.

  29. would love to give this to my boyfriend, with him being a great father to both his kids and mine it would be great

  30. My husband!

  31. Tari Lawson says

    I would give some to my husband and some to my son.

  32. So many things my husband could fix if he had these …

  33. Oh my husband would absolutely love this.

  34. Yvonne Butler says

    I would give part of it to my son-in-law who is the cook in our family. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. Allison Lane says

    MMMM. I love beef jerky

  36. I would give this to my husband.

  37. I know this is geared towards fathers, but I would give this to my little brother as he heads off to college! I feel that a lot of the items in this prize pack would suit him well!

  38. Janice Whitaker says

    My husband Jefff :)

  39. i would give it to my brother. he is a really good cook. he would love this.

  40. I’d be grillin all winter!

  41. If I had to give it away, I guess my dad.

  42. Darlene Ysaguirre says

    My Husband Are 3 Year Anniversary Is Saturday =)

  43. Ruben Ramos says

    Id Win for a Man like Me

  44. vikki Billings says

    I would give this gift to my fiance…he would love it!

  45. I would give this magnificent prize to my beloved husband who makes all of my dreams come true every single day1 :)

  46. I would give it to my spouse..

  47. Nanette Olson says

    I would keep this for myself

  48. renee walters says

    I would give it to my hubby! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!

  49. CATHY TRUMAN says

    To my wonderful husband Keith.

  50. my wonderful husband who always goes without

  51. To my hubby of course, but I’m keeping the tools for myself cause he always steals mine.

  52. Sarah Harding says

    this would be a great christmas gift for my husband!

  53. So the selfish person in me says I”d keep it all. But, really I’d probably use it as a gift for my husband. he works so hard and deserves a little pampering.

  54. id give this to my hubby :)

  55. Some would go to my hubby, some to my dad.

  56. Coriander Warren says

    definitely my husband……and hopefully he’d use it all !

  57. My hubby is a stay at home dad…he would really enjoy this Gift.

  58. I’d give it to my cousin because he’s a single dad and would love this gift.

  59. My hubby! That way I can use it too ;)

  60. My new Proud Papa would love this set ;) he is always working extra and spending all free time with our baby

  61. I would give it to my amazing husband! :)

  62. i so want this…i love power tools.

  63. MINE! All Mine!

  64. carol gentry says

    My son who has a beautiful set to twins and could really use this.

  65. Buddy Garrett says

    I would give it to myself.

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