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Are You a Beauty Junkie? Get $125 in FREE Makeup – Learn How!!


Who loves free makeup?  

You? Great!  We have a GREAT giveaway JUST FOR YOU hosted by Front Page Freebies  – I’ve joined in with a few other awesome blogs to be able to give you guys a chance to win a “Back to Beauty” prize package! One super duper lucky lady will win a Revlon & Physician’s Formula Prize Pack valued at $125! How cool is THAT, right?

The contents will be:

  • (1) Revlon Color Stay Mineral Blush (Honey Miel)
  • (1) Revlon Age Defying Makeup SPF 15 (Bare Buff)
  • (1) Revlon Age Defying Makeup SPF 20 (Nude Beige)
  • (1) PF Organic Wear Lash Boosting Mascara (Ultra Black)
  • (1) PF Mineral Wear Correcting Concealer (Yellow/Light/Pink Trio)
  • (1) PF Perfecting Concealer Duo (Green/Light)
  • (1) PF Multi-Colored Eyelighter (Hint of Taupaz)
  • (2) PF 2-in-1 Correct & Cover Cream Concealer (Yellow/Light)
  • (1) PF Eye Definer Felt-Tip Eye Marker (Ultra Black)
  • (1) PF Multi-Colored Blush Powder Palette (Blushing Peach)
  • (1) PF Baked Collection Wet/Dry Eye Shadow (Baked Sands)
  • (1) PF Matte Collection Quad Eye Shadow (Canyon Classics)

For better luck – Enter on EACH blog for more chances to win!

Enter to win by using the Rafflecopter form below.  This contest starts at 12:01am EST on 8.25.12 and ends at 12:01am EST on 9.8.12

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. This would be perfect for me since I recently had to get rid of most of my makeup. Allergic reactions and age of it and now I have to basically start all over again.. pick me pick me pick me

  2. lip gloss!!

  3. What an awesome giveaway!! Thank-you1

  4. Would love to win this! Definitely am a Make-up Junky haha :) <3

  5. I can’t live with out my concealer!

  6. Tammie Flynn says

    I always wear lipgloss.

  7. I need my lip stick or chap stick.

  8. Lipbalm :D

  9. Lipstick!! have to have it!

  10. I need cover stick under my eyes and on a spot on my cheek to leave the house

  11. Samantha C. says

    Cannot leave the house without my lip gloss.

  12. Some kind of lip gloss or lip stick is #1. Secondly, foundation.

  13. Powder foundation and I’m good to go!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!


  14. Foundation! My face feels naked w/o it!

  15. Mascara!! (and my eyebrows filled in)

  16. I can’t live without lip gloss.

  17. I always have to wear chapstick! But if I’m in my right mind, I always wear at least some mascara! :)

  18. Ellen Levickis says

    foundation at a minimum

  19. michelle oakley warner says

    i dont leave my house without eye liner on, at the least

  20. I can’t live without mascaara.

  21. Tari Lawson says

    I don’t leave home without concealer.

  22. Adrienne gordon says

    I need lip gloss

  23. I need a great foundation and won’t leave home without it.

  24. Chapstick. I take it everywhere.

  25. I have to foundation on before I leave the house.

  26. Linda Pardee says


  27. I always use my loose powder foundation.

  28. Lip tint!

  29. Linda White says

    lip balm lip gloss

  30. carol gentry says

    My lipstick.

  31. susan wiener says

    have to have mascara.

  32. Valarie Brewer says

    Mascara for sure!!

  33. PF Organic Wear Lash Boosting Mascara … I always have to have mascara :) and a little lipstick too

  34. Mary Casper says

    I cant leave the house without lipstick

  35. I have to have my lipgloss.

  36. Elizabeth Johnson says

    lipstick – I cannot live without it

  37. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I have fine, blond, nearly invisible eyelashes—mascara is an absolute must! I hate to answer the door without it,much less go anyplace.

  38. Have to have good lipgloss. Always.

  39. Ruben Ramos says


  40. ELIZABETH C. says

    I DEFINATELY need my mascara.

  41. bernadette c says

    Usually its foundation.

  42. diana shenderovich says

    lipgloss for me it`s a must

  43. Eyeliner!

  44. Mascara as I have blonde eyelashes. My eyes look like two little pencil dots without it.

  45. Jeffrey Antill says

    chap stick of course

  46. sara m ford says

    Cover up cover up cover up!

  47. Chrystal D says

    Mine is eyeliner pencils!

  48. elven johnson says


  49. Lip gloss!!

  50. I cant leave home without lip gloss.

  51. mascara is a must if nothing else

  52. It’s have to be mascara for me :)

  53. tracy davis says

    I can’t live without lip gloss.

  54. concealer

  55. Lipgloss! Thank you for the giveaway.

  56. I need my carmex…Does that count? I am big on lip products.

  57. Devona Fryer says

    Lip Gloss

  58. Jen Morrison says

    I can’t live without eyeshadow and mascara

  59. Chelle Jones says

    Chapstick. Or moisturizer.

  60. I always have to have lip balm with me.

  61. krista dailey says

    my fave fall make up is golden eye shadow

  62. Sarah Cannon Williams says

    Black Mascara

  63. Michelle.A. says

    I never leave the house without mascara on.

  64. julie lear says


  65. Martha Preller says

    Would love this!

  66. Liz Reynolds says

    I always have lipstick.

  67. Kristin Gilbert says


  68. ChapsticK

  69. I feel naked without at least mascara on, but in reality, I don’t leave the house without a full face of makeup!

  70. Kimberly Buchanan says

    Concealer for my dark circles and lip gloss!!

  71. I can’t leave home without mascara

  72. foundation

  73. I never leave with out black mascara… even if I don’t have time to put it on before leaving the house I always have it with me…

  74. Carissa Clemons says


  75. Jennifer Madigan says

    I can’t live without my mascara

  76. Misty Ramos says

    I cant live without my mascara :)

  77. Angie Riggs says

    Awesome prize!!!

  78. Amy McHargue says

    I never leave home without mascara on!

  79. Eyelinear and mascara(:

  80. Bonnie Cantrell says

    Toss up between Mascara and lip balm

  81. Need my foundation!

  82. The one piece of makeup that I could not live without? Any of it! Lol If I had to pick just one though I would pick lip gloss/lip stick. Even when I don’t have time to do all of my makeup at least there is that.

  83. MASCARA!!

  84. Liquid Eyeliner!!

  85. This is awesome.. Thanks for the chance :)

  86. I need undereye concealer!

  87. Foundation

  88. lipstick of course

  89. I can’t live without lip balm!

  90. Love this and I need it all. Thank you for the chance to win.

  91. Amber Lamphere says

    Mascara!!! Always!

  92. Holly Robinson says


  93. Marie Atwood says

    Mascara for sure….I have the lightest eyelashes…Looks like I don’t have any. Thanks for this giveaway!!!!

  94. Mascara without a doubt. My eyelashes are almost see thru -and I have light eyes -not a great combo without the mascara.. lol

  95. Mascara

  96. Tiffany Christie says

    Lipgloss. I don’t leave home without it

  97. Mascara

  98. Karen Gonyea says

    Mascara :)

  99. Lipstick!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  100. I love makeup. ALL makeup. I will have so much fun with this if I win it!

  101. Carla Maire says

    Lip gloss! Thanks for doing the giveaway! Good luck to everybody who enters! :-)

  102. Eyeliner

  103. I can’t leave without mascara.

  104. I cannont leave without concealer and lipstick.

  105. Lipstick, I always have some in my purse.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  106. Concealer….. :-)

  107. Kristal Orr says


  108. Keri Jenkins says

    lip gloss

  109. Brittnay Urdahl says

    Eyeliner and mascara. Other wise I look 12 or homeless:(

  110. Christina A says

    my tinted lip gloss from Mary Kay :)

  111. Chasity Johnson says


  112. Jerrica Sumner says

    I never leave home without my compact powder by Covergirl!!

  113. i use the ) PF Baked Collection Wet/Dry Eye Shadow (Baked Sands) DAILY! love it

  114. Lipgloss!!!

  115. Cindi Thornton says

    Have to have lip gloss or lip balm at all times!

  116. Ohh this looks great~!

  117. I have to have my Chapstick . I always have 2 or more!

  118. Eyeshadow I am a sucker for eyeshadow

  119. Cassandra Eastman says

    I can’t leave home without Mascara!

  120. Moisturizer and foundation.

  121. I always need new makeup !!! THANKS

  122. Marcy Strahan says

    Miracle Skin Transformer Concealor…I can’t live without it!

  123. Eyeliner!!!
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  124. Lipgloss!

  125. Ines Silvestre says

    Eyeliner :)

  126. I can’t leave without eyeliner.

  127. Sherry Compton says

    Lipstick. I like having some color plus it helps keep my lips moisturized.

  128. Mascara

  129. Mommyofone Shanna says


  130. I can’t leave home without mascara and eye liner!

  131. mona zavala says


  132. I would have to say lip gloss. Although, my concealer is pretty important as well!

  133. spf and chapstick

  134. I actually prefer not to leave the house without foundation & concealer (which are the mineral kind) and mascara.

  135. Lipstick, Moisturizer and foundation! The 3 must haves!!

  136. Julie Stevens says

    Mascara… it reminds people that I’m actually awake (despite my lack of energy!) :-)

  137. Foundation

  138. Lipgloss or chapstick! Always have atleast one!

  139. lynn mcpherson says

    i can not live without my cover girl mascara!!

  140. Mascara!

  141. I can’t leave home without my moisturizer with SPF and my lip gloss/chapstick.

  142. I love giveaways! Thank you so much!!! Your blog is amazing :)

  143. Heather Garcia says

    lip gloss!!!

  144. christina barnes says

    Eyeliner at the least!

  145. I love this giveaway! I cannot leave home without mascara!

  146. Nicole Stotts says

    I can go anywhere & do anything as long as I have my lip gloss!


    Concealer :)

  148. Kemberley Crosswhite says

    concealer and chap stick

  149. I have very dark circles under my eyes so I have to use a concealer and powder or else I look horrible & sick!!!

  150. I also cant live without my foundation.


  152. Concealer and chapstick!

  153. it is definitely lipstick/lip colour!:)

  154. For me, the one part of my beauty routine that I can’t leave home without would be MASCARA!!! I have blonde hair and my eyelashes are nearly as light, and believe me, it’s amazing what a little mascara can do!

  155. Rachel Buntyn says

    I can not go anywhere w/o mascara.

  156. lip gloss…I would LOVE this!!

  157. colleen boudreau says

    holliister at gmail dot com

  158. Ashley Morrissey says

    Concealer and bronzer!!

    -Ashley Marie Morrissey

  159. I can’t leave home without powder and lip gloss.

  160. I CANNOT leave the house without my organic skin foundations and blushes. That way I know that my complexion will always be clear and beautiful. :D

  161. Lucy Schwartz says

    I would not leave the house without my eye liner on.

  162. Kate Strycker says

    My blush for sure!

  163. if nothing else I have to have foundation and powder, I can handle nothing else if I have those

  164. Mia Everette says

    Gotta have a good tube if lipstick

  165. Tiffany Hearn says

    Lip gloss, I love it! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  166. I have to have my burt’s bees lip balm.

  167. I mostly use lip balms ^_^

  168. Sarah Harding says

    gotta have my chapstick

  169. Katherine Dunn says


    kylie8cake (at) gmail (dot) com

  170. definitely lip gloss and mascara!! Essentials! :) Thanks for the opportunity!

  171. Lori Williams says


  172. I have to have mascara.

  173. If I have absolutely no time whatsoever to get ready, then I need to make sure I have my EOS chap stick in my pocket. If I do have a few minutes, foundation is the first thing I reach for.

  174. Dawn Sterner says

    I cannot leave home without wearing foundation!

  175. I always put on eyeliner and mascara before I leave the house, even if nothing else.

  176. cant leave home without my chapstick

  177. Foundation, definitely foundation :)

  178. I’m a lipbalm junkie – order them 20 at a time.

  179. chap stick or lip stick

  180. I always have some chapstick in my bag. I tend to use it all day long

  181. Richard Hicks says

    I only take chapstick that has sunscreen!

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  182. Lisa Garner says

    Mascara for my pale lashes!

  183. Valerie Taylor Mabrey says

    like my lipgloss
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  184. Candice Hull says

    lip gloss and sunscreen moisturizer
    thank you

  185. Ashley Syvertsen says

    Looooove it!

  186. Carolyn Daley says


  187. Deborah Hogue says

    I cannot leave the house without foundation and blush

  188. tracy hutchinson says

    Gotta have my lip gloss

  189. laurie nemeth says

    lip gloss, foundation and mascara

  190. Concealer to hide the dark circles.

  191. Susan Smith says

    I need mascara

  192. I can’t live without foundation

  193. Kate Schaefer says

    My favorite piece is my sparkly lid primer but I usually will not leave without mascara!

  194. lip balm

  195. Chrissy Nestor says

    Concealer! it is a MUST

    chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com

  196. I CANNOT leave the house without foundation – It is a must for me!

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  197. Tanya Bartlett says

    Lip stick

  198. I don’t leave the house without concealer. :) LOVE PF.

  199. concealer

  200. My liquid foundation makeup is an essential.

  201. Right now it’s eyeshadow.

  202. Mascara

  203. susan smoaks says

    i cannot leave home without my lip gloss and mascara

  204. cannot leave the house without eyeliner

  205. jules mcnubbin says

    lately, i cant leave home without concealer… but normally its lip balm

  206. A bright red lipstick!

  207. Tanya White says

    I can’t live without bronzer and lip gloss

  208. Kathy Pease says

    i need my eyeliner

  209. Jennifer Peaslee says

    I don’t leave home without foundation and eye liner…those are must haves for me… jenniferpeaslee at gmail dot com

  210. I can’t leave with chapstick.

  211. Coriander Warren says


  212. Blush. I don’t leave home without it.

  213. A bit of shadow and lip colour are all I really need!

    Terri P
    pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

  214. Ash Johnson says

    Eyeliner, for sure.

  215. Trisha McKee says

    I always need to have green eyeliner on.

  216. Definitely mascara!

  217. lip gloss, most definitely

  218. cassandra (rab pom) says

    i cant leave without eyeliner!

  219. I can’t leave the house without eyeshadow.

  220. Chrystal J. says

    Neutrogena foundation

  221. Leah Shumack says

    lip gloss

  222. I can’t leave home without my awesome mascara!

  223. Lipsmackers.

  224. Sarah Yurga says

    lipgloss – peach colored

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