This is a mini challenge for the Biannual Blogathon Bash, a twice annual blogging marathon; The summer blogathon runs from June 22 to June 25, 2013.
“The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing.}”- Carrie Wilkerson
Let me start off with this – It’s ok to want your blog to earn you an income. It’s also ok if you blog only for creative reasons, and have no interest whatsoever of monetizing your site. It’s your blog, your brand, your choice. But, this post is written for those of you who consider your blog your business, and want to run it in a way that can help you support your family. There are as many ways to earn an income from your blog as there are different types of blogs; I’m going to cover some of the more basic income generators, with suggestions on how to get started with them. And I’ll also give you some tips on how to start branching out – think outside the box, and find creative ways to use the unique voice and influence that you’ve built to bring in more of an income from the work you do. Ready? Ok, let’s go! {And don’t forget – if you’re doing this as part of the Blogathon Challenge, learn how to win prizes below.}
Blogging Income Tip 1: Ad Networks
Ad networks are one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog… You add some code to selected portions of your blogs real estate, the network automatically displays the best ads there, and with no additional work from you, you start earning an income. Sounds simple right? Well, it’s not exactly that easy. This works best once you’ve been blogging long enough to build up a higher level of traffic. And, it can take awhile to figure out the best placement for your ads, or which network is the best fit for you and your content style. But – don’t wait too long: I didn’t put ads on my site until I’d been blogging for almost a year, and I kick myself sometimes thinking of the money I missed out on. Here are a few networks to check out that I’ve either used myself, or have had recommended to me by other bloggers that I trust:
- Glam Media: This is the ad network I use right now, and I love it. I’ve heard of quite a few people who had to apply several times before they were accepted in – so don’t let a “no” answer discourage you! My favorite part of working with Glam is the author program, which brings sponsored posts, and super cool opportunities like our invitation to the Nike Young Athletes Innovation Summit. So amazing.
- Google Adsense: Ok, I’m not a big fan of Adsense – but it does totally rock for SO many people. My issue with it is that Google can decide at any time, for pretty much any reason, that you’ve done something wrong, and will not pay you for your earnings. I know a ton of really great ladies who have had this happen. But, I also know people who have earned hundreds of dollars per month with them for years, no problems. {I do still use them, as my back-up ad network, and in my feedburner emails.} Learn more and sign up for Google Adsense, find some step-by-step help on getting started with Adsense, and tips on how to maximize your Adsense earnings.
- Burst Media: I’ve heard great things about Burst, and they have a sponsored post program similar to Glam. I applied a couple months ago and was denied, so I can’t give any personal feedback on it. But I know many bloggers who love it, so I feel confident in recommending it to you guys. Learn more, and sign up for Burst Media, {link is at the bottom}.
Blogging Income Tip 2: Affiliate Networks
I mentioned that ad networks are a more passive income – throw ’em up there, and after you determine the best placement, they work on their own to bring you an income. With affiliate networks you’ll have to put in some work regularly to see results. If you’re good with SEO, and use affiliate links in your posts, over time those older posts will still get found in search results and can bring in a steady stream of income. {Need some SEO tips? Check out my fave book on the topic: SEO Made Simple.} I have hear a million bloggers tell me that affiliate marketing doesn’t work for them – but honestly, I think it’s usually because they haven’t found the right angle to use on their site. Some people can do great sharing coupons, freebies, and similar offers. If you’re a craft blogger, it would make more sense for you to share your fave craft books from Amazon, or sign up as an affiliate for companies with supplies you mention often in your tutorials. Here are some great networks that I use myself – all are very different, and there should be at least one that’s a good fit for you.
- MySavings: If your readers love coupons, free samples, and other sweet discount offers – then this is a great option for you! MySavings is simple to sign up with, and very easy to use. A few other similar sites that I use are Escalate Media, Logical Media, and Infostable.
- Referred Media: This is a more varied network… It has offers that you can cut and paste, similar to the way the previous networks work, but it has a much wider variety of things that you can promote – examples are to visit the Ella Wrap Facebook page to enter to win their super pretty bridal package, or sharing the free Food on the Table app. Sign up for Referred Media, and if you like it, you might also like Integrate too.
- Commission Junction: This is a HUGE affiliate site. I mean, almost anyone should be able to find something here that their readers will be interested in, seriously. Check it out, and sign up today.
- Escalate: This networks pays quicker than ANY other that I use – you usually get a your PayPal deposit within the first week of the following month – LOVE that. They have a wonderful support staff, great offers, and are super simple to get started with. Check out Escalate today.
- Share a Sale: This is quickly becoming my go-to new affiliate network. It’s so easy to use, there is a huge variety of brands to promote so you’re sure to find some good fits for your site, and the payouts are really great. A lot of their affiliate companies will send you goodies each month too – like a code for a free photo product, a giveaway opportunity to host, etc. Love them.
Blogging Income Tip 3: Sponsored Posts and Campaigns
This is how I earn the bulk of my blogging income, and it’s one of the more enjoyable parts of what I do. I mean, the whole reason that I became a blogger is because I love to write, and share things that I love with other busy moms like myself. So when I can be compensated for partnering with great brands, that’s just like the cherry on top. Here are a few resources that can help you get started with sponsored posts and campaigns, and they are all networks that I use myself.
- Mom Central: This is one of my faves, even though they don’t pay in cash. Most posts with Mom Central will compensate you with a gift of an Amazon gift card after the campaign, and since I do most of my shopping at Amazon, that’s as good as cash to me! {Those posts paid for my new laptop last month!}
- Social Fabric/Collective Bias: Ok, it’s not totally fair to share this right now, since they’re not currently taking new members. But, since they’re another of my favorites, I want to make sure you guys know about it, so you can check it out as soon as they’re open to new signs up again. You can learn more about their program here – Social Fabric. And keep an eye out for an update soon when they reopen their membership – it’s SO worth it. {They pay you to do shopping trips, give feedback, and write fun product posts like this one: Pirate Pizza Party.}
- Social Spark: This is a super simple network to work with – Brands offer you “leads,” you check out the info to decide if it’s a good fit for your readers, and accept or decline. Then when you get the offer, everything you need to write the post is right there – links, graphics, and info. And they pay out directly into your PayPal account when you reach at least $50 bucks. Social Spark Sign Up.
- More: See another post I wrote recently – How to Find Sponsored Posts, with over 20 great tips on finding networks to join.
Blogging Income Tip 4: Write an eBook
I think that this can be a really great fit for bloggers, since we’re already writers. It’s just another way to share your best tips, your interesting stories, or amazingly helpful tutorials. Offering a free ebook can be a great way to encourage people to visit your site, or sign up for email subscriptions – and since an ebook often doesn’t take a ton of work to create, you can sell it at a very affordable price and still make a nice income from it. Here are some links to tips on publishing and selling your own ebook – and watch for a few of them from me before the end of the year. {Super excited about that!}
- Great Guide: The Ultimate Guide on How To Write And Sell an Ebook in 7 Weeks. This is a really comprehensive, super easy to follow, and really fun to read set of tutorials to get you rockin’ with your own first ebook. It’s one of my favorite resources. Another post that has a shorter bit of info to give you a quick overview of what it will take to put together your first ebook is here – How to Write an ebook and Get Paid While You Sleep.
- Great Book: Once you write your book, you need a way to get it promoted so you can earn some cash off of it, right? Here’s a great book with some awesome tips: 500 Ways to Promote Your eBook Online: Internet eBook Marketing Tips to Sales Success for Kindle, Kobo, and More!
- Great tips: Offer your ebook for free to a group of your favorite bloggers, and ask them to write a review on their own sites for you to build some buzz. Make a page on your own site to promote your ebook, and share excerpts or links to those reviews – so people can buy your ebook with confidence. Start an affiliate program yourself, for your own ebook – you’ll lose a little bit of earnings on each book, but you’ll balance that by having more people promoting that book for you across the web! I’m sure you’ll come up with tons of new creative ideas too.
Blogging Income Tip 5: Think Outside the Box
Once you’ve built a successful blog, that truly can be a launching pad for even bigger things… You have influence, and a loyal following of readers who trust your opinions and value your thoughts. You’ve built some awesome social networks and amazing connections with other bloggers and business owners. You’re web savvy, know how to communicate well, and have a ton of really great things going for you. So use those skills to branch off into other things outside of your blog that can help you earn more money too! These will totally vary depending on your skills, interests, and motivation, but I’ve included a few ideas here to get you started thinking big:
- Public Speaking: If you’re as comfortable speaking to a crowd as you are writing to one, why not share your smart ideas with others at conferences? You could approach some event planners locally and offer to speak for free, just for the experience – or go right to some of your favorite conference organizers, and propose a topic. An in demand speaker can earn some big speaking fees.
- Teach Classes: You could teach your savvy shopping and coupon tips, your cake decorating skills or crafty tutorials, or approach your local Chamber of Commerce about doing classes like “Social Media for Small Businesses.” There are tons of options you could get into.
- Sell Services: If you’re amazing with party ideas, why not offer those services to other local moms who are too busy to plan their kids birthday celebrations? Do you post awesome hair and make-up tutorials? Use those as a way to sell your services locally during prom season, or for wedding parties. Again, so many options!
- Etsy Shop: Are you a crafty lady? Why not start an Etsy shop to sell those great designs that everyone loves… One of the biggest challenges for Etsy shop owners can be getting traffic to their shop – since you already have an active blog and social media community, you’ll have a great way to drive traffic to your Etsy shop.
- Direct Sales: Again, with your expansive networks, and readers who trust your opinions on products to purchase, you have a really great way to sell your favorite products online. If you need some ideas or information on companies to work with, check out my Direct Sales Directory.
“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people wont so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” – A student in Warren G. Tracy’s class
Starting a blog, and building your online brand, is a pretty darn amazing accomplishment in itself – so give yourself a high five for the success you’ve reached so far! I know that most of you put in the crazy-long hours that I do, so I hope that some of these monetization tips help you be compensated for that in a way that helps you to support your family, and have more fun too. Ready for the challenge?? Here we go…
Mini Challenge: Make a Monetization Plan! Get all pre-conceived notions out of your head – if you’ve thought affiliate marketing won’t work, now is the time to give it a second look. If you’ve avoided ad networks because you thought you wouldn’t get approved – apply today. If you’re already covering the basics – today is the day to THINK BIG! Leave me a comment below, telling me 3 things that you are doing TODAY, RIGHT NOW, to boost your income potential on your site, and why you’re excited about them!
If you’re doing this mini-challenge as part of the Blogathon Event – make sure that you’re linked up and eligible for prizes. Then enter to win on the Rafflecopter form. And make sure to check out the Blogathon site for more cool stuff going on all weekend, and follow the hashtag on Twitter at #blogathon2. Let’s have some fun! – This Blogathon Event is over, so there is no prize entry for completing this – But I’d still love hearing from you in the comments!
Remember – nothing changes until you do. So if you want to earn more, you’ve got to try some new things! Good Luck, and I can’t wait to hear how it goes! And – Check out more of my Blogging Tips on this site, and on my Blogging and Social Media board on Pinterest!
{Disclaimer: This post contains a ton of links to additional information, and some of those links are affiliate links for networks that I use and trust. Photo Credit: Wilson Afonso.}

I’d love to do classes some day.. maybe once my kids actually let me work during the day instead of the dead of night!
I attached Googdle adsense to my RSS feed because I have a LOT of people who are subscribing to that, more so than getting my blog in email!
I put together my business plan to present to my friend on Wednesday when he is back to his homebase for our blog tour company plans (spent an hour and I have a powerpoint presentation ready plus a 1 inch three ring binder with SIX goal tabs including GOAL schedule, list of 10 most important things I have learned as a host, I emailed 20 authors I have worked with about their top favorite tour companies, signed up for two more tour companies and told them I wanted to get more experience because I wanted to start my own but not steal any of their people but to learn from them – they are not the genre we would be focusing on) I moved my affiliate button to the top fold, and set a schedule with markers on when I want things done, and made up three logo ideas.)
Got on my artist friend I offered to pay to make me a Tundra Tart icon for the website.
i admit i’m a bit afraid with this i’m not even sure blogger accept argg so complicated but there is some things that can be done outsite internet so i will think about this challenge
thanks you a lot
Love this post! There are so many new ideas I didn’t even no existed. I am an affiliate for a cloth diaper store, but beyond that I don’t do any of the things mentioned above. I am going to sign up for many of them. Also, I am a paper coterie affliate, but haven’t done anything with it, yet. I am going to start.
Applying to Glam is on my to-do list. Great list of monetization ideas you’ve compiled!
THis is a great list! I love Glam, MC, and SF. You have compiled a great list- thanks so much!
Well not today, as it’s my day off, BUT I’ve been working big time on:
1. converting my blog into a very targeted community with a specific goal,
2. recruiting bloggers who can benefit from my PR to write new, interesting, diverse content for that niche
3. and working to create very special partnerships with a few brands that closely target my group. Partnership meaning, not just ads on my site, but how we can work together and do things outside of the box to build audience in both directions.
That’s it !
Great summary, thanks. I need to do more, and want to write an ebook. I just need more time…
I will be applying for MySavings again. I applied long ago when I was operating another domain. I’ll also stock up on a few Avon products, as I sell Avon so I can do a few “get the look” posts/reviews. I’ll be checking out Commission Junction again to see if I can find content relative to my blog!
So I’m not able to fully participate-but this did motivate me to *finally* apply for Glam–so thanks :D
Yayaya! Good luck Nicole!
oki my blog is about books reviews after thinking i took a break to speak to some people and the result so 1) i’ve asked to be the one to recommend english books in the local library ( with the potential that they will buy some by my site and i will have files taken from my website for some books)( include book reading group )- accepted
2)i ‘ve been asked to do a introduction to some mangas for a shop ( free books perhaps or pourcentage as an option)
3) i’m trying to see if i can become a bookdepository affiliate ( but i can’t have an answer before the end of the blogathon because i’ve no bank card so no paypal account so far-i’m checking to change that too)
so do you think i’ve completed this challenge?
Great job!! I’m glad to see you doing so many “outside the box” creative ideas!!! You rock :)
This is amazing information. Thank you! I have been searching for just this! I signed up for Glam Media, Burst Media, Escalate, Social Spark & Commission Junction. I have not been able to figure out analytics for my main blog, so I hesitate to sign up for Mom Central as I don’t know my Unique visitors and still don’t know what Alexa ranking is. The link for Referred Media is working, so I wanted to check with you to see if you get credit for referring- can you send new link or fix and let me know so I can sign up?
Do you use ALL these? Do you need to let them know you are using several? How do you make Adsense JUST your back up? (I am using Adsense, but not well yet) The learning curve is steep, but I’m climbing!
I have an ebook that I hope will be finished by the end of July.
Thanks, again!
Thanks for letting me know about the Referred Media link- I’ll look at it now! It wasn’t a referral link, so feel free to just google them and sign up :) I do use a lot of them – all of these places listed. And it’s not a problem for any of them that you use several affiliates.
For the Adsense – I use Glam for my ads on my site, but they don’t always have ads to fill all of my spots. So I use Adsense as a “back up” code, and if Glam doesn’t have ads to show, they’ll post my Adsense ones instead so I don’t miss out on any money :)
I just signed up for Indiebound, Smashwords, and Linkshare. (I run a book blog!)
I’m already a member of BlogAds, so I’m working on tweaking it to make it work.
I’m also heading to Mysavings and Social Spark. They’d be good for my second blog.
I just got the email back from Google AdSense, so I’m going to figure out how to work with that. I have been an Amazon Affiliate for a while, but haven’t done much with it–going to start promoting things there more, since I’m looking to monetize.
I have been fairly successfuly as an affiliate for Party Plan Divas, Inc. I regularly post & repost about products that I use there for my direct sales business & am regularly notified of sales from that. So I’m gong to continue to write/tweet & FB that information.
Amazon works great for me – anytime I write a review, I link to the item on Amazon. And once a day I find one really cool item, and use the affiliate toolbar on Amazon to auto share it to FB and Twitter. That helps a TON!
Hi Meagan! Many of these ideas I was doing already, but I needed a more organized effort. I signed up for Mom Central, applied to Glam Media, and I am going to make sure my Adsense is doing what it is supposed to be doing. I am not sure I even have it on this site, so that is my next step. I am using Social Spark and Referred Media, and some other monetizing tools.
I am writing a book, and was nervous about the idea of e-publishing. However, reading this post, I have some ideas about publishing other material that can be faster and start generating income sooner, rather than later. Thank you!
I am also buying the SEO book. I understand SEO but I am not putting what I know from my work a communications professional to work like I should be in my blogging career. I need to be more organized and targeted about my approach.
The SEO book ROCKS – you’ll love it! Starts with really simple stuff, and moves into more advanced. Even for a newbie like me, it was really easy to understand. Good luck with it!! :)
BlogHer is pretty great, too. They pay every $25, and even for my tiny blog that really adds up because they go by traffic and not ad clicks. Plus every now and then they might pick one of your posts to push really hard on their main page and that gets you traffic.
I love working with ad networks that help promote your posts too – such a great way to support each other :)
Thanks SO much for all the info in one, organized, well-explained place! I applied for Mom Central, and bookmarked the page for the ebook information. I’ve had an ebook in my head (even have a notebook full of content notes!) and just didn’t know how to go about doing it. I’m already on Social Spark, but I’m going to look through commission junction and see what I can find. ♥ I also have example buttons for sidebar sponsors for small businesses and blogs, and just haven’t had the guts to create a Sponsor page – I’m doing that today!!
Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!!
Don’t get nervous about trying new things – This whole blogging world is just one big ol’ learning experience :) If you create a page and end up hating it – change it! Easy as that – but I bet after your done, you’ll think, “Well THAT was easy! Why didn’t I do that sooner!” :)
I have an Etsy shop, Google Adsense on my blog, and I am currently writing an ebook! Google Adsense is something new to my blog so I haven’t seen any results yet but I am going to give it some time. I am always excited about my Etsy shop because it is the best feeling to sell things you make. The ebook is something I have been wanting to do for awhile but I am just now making the time and finding the courage to do it!
Yayaya!! You’re doing great :) Finding time to get things done is always MY biggest challenge too!
I love your tip about thinking outside the box. I don’t use ad networks much and I don’t generally like affiliates so campaigns are generally how I generate income great post
Thanks for such wonderful information! I haven’t had the best luck with affiliates, but I also haven’t done much to ‘make it happen’. So, I will be taking a look at working on my affiliate links.
I have set up an account with Social Spark and am awaiting a response back from Social Fabric from an application that I put in before they stopped taking applications :)
I am also going to check out your links on ebooks… not sure if I’m there, but won’t know if I don’t push myself! :)
There are SO many types of affiliates, there has to be something that could work great for you :) Here’s my tip: Go into Google Analytics, and find what are your top 10 most popular posts over the past 6 months. Then, find one affiliate that matches the content of each post, add it in, and repromote those posts. Like, if it’s a craft tutorial, find an affiliate for craft supplies. If it’s an article on outdoor fun with the kids, see if there’s an item on Amazon that you can link to.
Good luck!!
Right now I have adsense, and I use MySavings, Escalate, and Infostable. I am signed up with SoFab, and Mom Central. I’m going to check out a few of the others you listed. I am also going to check which of the ones I currently use bring in the most money and bump them up, and possibly drop the ones NOT bringing much in. Seriously contemplating a children’s farm book too. Thanks for the lesson!!
Great idea to evaluate which ones are working the best for you – Love it!
I am going to sign up for Burst Media (haven’t heard of them before this post), start thinking of an ebook that I can write related to my blog niche (I’ve been a freelance writer since 2008 so I can do this! *positive vibes*), and start drafting a services page for my blog advertising my freelance writing services.
Thanks for this mini-challenge, it has me thinking about more ways to monetize!
I already belong to most of the programs you’ve listed. I’ve tried affiliates in the past but don’t have great luck with them. Right now I’m working on listing my giveaways on more sites so my page views & hence my ad revenue increase. I have updated my stats on the networks I belong to now so that I hopefully get chosen for more campaigns. I am going to start including more Amazon affiliate links in my reviews since I seem to do fairly well with them. Thanks!
Great list! I just re-applied for Glam (fingers crossed this time!!) and I would love to get more into affiliate marketing. I have also wanted to start an etsy shop, so that may be next on my list this summer too :)
Great ideas, Meagan! My problem is that I love to give to people but hate to ask them to do anything for me. I’m great at promoting giveaways, free items, and other bloggers’ posts, but I don’t like to ask people to buy things. I’m working on it, since it’s ridiculous to work 8-12 hours a day and spend more money on my blog (mainly e-mail costs) than I make. It’s embarrassing to say that I’ve had my blogs monetized from the beginning (over 2 years) and still don’t make any money even though I have lots of traffic. I only promote products I really believe in, so I should be able to do better than I do at monetizing my blogs.
For the mini challenge, I updated my products page at Living Montessori Now: I also added a new affiliate, ProBlogger, since I love ProBlogger’s products, especially 31 Days to Build a Better Blog. I really wish I could be an Amazon affiliate, but we’re not allowed in Colorado. Barnes & Noble doesn’t work for me at all even though I link to books through them when I review a book I love. (I’ve had people say they read my reviews and then go order the book from their library or from Amazon.) And I’m working on the final stages of an eBook about using Montessori to teach grace and courtesy at home or school. I bookmarked the eBook links and added the last book to my Amazon shopping cart.
I use Google Adsense, which brings in a bit of money each month (which isn’t bad considering that it’s at the bottom of my sidebar). I’d like to add something like Glam if I can put their ads lower on my sidebar. I don’t want to use ad networks that will require their ads to be at the top of my sidebar. Do you know if some will allow their ads to be placed anywhere on the sidebar?
Sorry for the novel-length comment. Yes, a lot of my monetization problems are with who I am as a person. When I took a Kuder preference test in high school, it said I should be a social worker or teacher. It said the last thing I should be is a salesperson. I was involved in education always, and the “teaching” part of my blogging goes very well. Now I just have to figure out how I can grow comfortable with the concept of selling something. ;)
Don’t be sorry – I LOVE reading all of your ideas and plans here :) It’s super motivating to read everyone’s comments on this post :) Love it!!
I have only recently started to see the fruits of my labor when it comes to making actual money on my blog. I joined an add network and although I have not seen anything yet, I am excited about it!
Also, I have started pitching companies via email to advertise with me. This is fun, even if I get a lot of “no’s”
I made some physical cards with my blog’s info on them to hand out around town here and again, although I have not heard back yet, I am excited to finally be taking that step!
I’ve applied for Glam, signed up for mysavings, and also for Escalate!
With my sister and my (we have a collaborative blog) goals in mind of monetizing our blog through doing reviews and advertisement for saving money and budget-friendly meals, these should definitely start us in the right direction.
Thanks so much!
I use Social Spark, IZea and Adsense. I havent applied to Glam yet but I think I will at least try to apply. All they can say is no right? I am also a member of So Fab and I LOVE it! I sometimes use Mysavings or Escalate but only when they have offers I like. I really really wanna be a part of Clever Girls but I have been denied twice now and I am scared to reapply :(
These are great. I’m still hoping that SoFab will open up again soon. Thanks for sharing!
I book marked this. That way I can look back at this when I get home and can take some notes! I need a lot of help in this area. Thanks for sharing!
Great, great info! I’ve been thinking about Ad Networks for awhile and will definitely be looking into them more now! THANKS!
Great tips as always! You are such a great resource for all Bloggers!
Great tips! I’m a big fan of Linkshare for my affiliate traffic, but I also use GAN and Commission Junction. Anymore than that, I think I’d lose my mind!
Fantastic tips! I agree with all of these methods. Very well thought out and detailed post to help those who want to monetize their blogs. I have a new site I am still working on some of these methods on.
These are some truly amazing tips, I will have to check them out in more detail. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent tips that I am bookmarking so I can keep referring back. Thanks!
I want to start a blog. What is the best way to do it? How do I do it? Then yes, I do want to start earning money through it.
This is the best resources I have read. Thank you!
Thank you for the links and names of actual sites! I am so inspired, I’m going to try a few new ones out.
Hello Meagan, I am new to blogging , 3 mos old, I would like to know what number of traffic should I start thinking to monetize my blog.
I started working on monetizing my site from day 1 – but I also went into blogging with the idea of it being a business for me. Obviously the higher your traffic, the more earnings you’ll be able to create, but if making an income is your goal, there’s no reason to wait :) I’d jump in and get started today!
My own blog has been up and running for a few months now, and I just wanted to say thank you for all of the information, inspiration and honesty I get from you! You’ve got so much info I had to incorporate it into a calendar so I can accomplish them bit by bit.