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Build a Better Blog During the Blogathon Bash! #Blogathon2

Biannual Blogathon BashThe Blogathon Bash is ON!! I’m super excited to devote some time this weekend to improving my blog – learning new skills, connecting with new people, and pushing myself to complete some challenges that will make my blog a little better and brighter. If you’ve never heard of the Blogathon Bash before, here’s a quick rundown of what it’s all about…

The Biannual Blogathon Bash is a twice yearly event designed for bloggers to get much needed work done on their blog. All bloggers are welcome. The event is 72 hours, do as much blogging as you can during this time. Aim for 24 hours total but we are flexible! We will have mini challenges (fun, easy projects that will better your blog) and prizes to be won. In between blogathons, watch for posts about blogging.

Sounds pretty cool, right?

Many of you know that Abby was in the hospital with a series of seizures last week – which means I’ve once again, been knocked off of my schedule. The past few months seem to have just been one thing after another… The hard drive crashed on my computer, taking with it my mostly-completed ebook, every picture I had of Abby as a baby, and tons of programs and info. Then my site got hacked, and I lost an entire week of access to my blog. {What I learned getting hacked.} But that’s the glamorous life of a rockstar super mom blogger, right? :) Since I’ve been so off schedule the past few months, I know that there are a few upgrades I need to make, so the mini-challenges are perfect for me. Challenges like “Boost Your Blog Design with No Budget,” and “Tools to Make Twitter Work for Your Blog” are totally going to help me, and are worth cutting into my weekend time to accomplish.

Will You Join Me?

I hope to see some of you ladies {and gentlemen, if you’re reading too!} at the Twitter party tomorrow morning. And if you’d like to get a jump-start on the mini-challenges, you can check out mine here – How to Monetize Your Blog: 5 Simple Steps #Blogathon2. Make sure to click through that one to the Blogathon site, so you can sign up and be entered to win some pretty sweet prizes.

Let’s get bloggin’!!


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