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Trucks aren’t just for boys

Toy truck for kids

“Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn’t music.” – William Stafford

My favorite thing about being a mom is watching Abby discover new things. {Well that, and those big hugs around the neck and sloppy kisses. Those rock.} I love being able to give her new toys, and watching the creative ways that she finds to play with them. And… My little girl is a total contradiction – she loves dressing up in mommy’s accessories and shoes, loves pink, loves her baby dolls – but also loves her trucks, and going to watch the race cars with daddy! And, I totally encourage that contradiction, you know? A few months ago I’d bought her a Pink Dump Truck, and she was over the moon. So I was super excited to bring home the Steer-me Steve from MEGA Blocks, and see how she would react…

girls like trucks too

“A little girl is sugar and spice and everything nice – especially when she’s taking a nap.” – Unknown

This is her, playing with Steer-me Steve, in all her gap-toothed, wild haired, crazy outfitted glory. {She insisted on wearing her coat. It has dog shaped pockets. And she loves dogs. She is the boss….} I have quite a few better pics than this, but still – this is my favorite. She is a little silly-bug, and I love it. The brand says, ” Steer-me Steve is perfectly designed for little hands to grip the steer along wheel as they drive through the house picking up the included blocks in the set as his cargo.” And that is the best part of this little guy – She can “drive” him as she pushes him through the house, bringing her favorite things along for the ride. And she usually stops to discover something new along the way, and add it into the truck too, to join her trip through the house…

Steer-me Steve from Mega Blocks

“What is a home without children? Quiet.” – Henny Youngman

This is how Steer-me Steve hangs out at our house – filled with “babies,” just waiting for a chance to go for a cruise. If you have a toddler, you know how much they love filling things up, and then emptying them back out. They also LOVE to transport things from one place to another. So, this toy totally combines their fave things into one adorable toy. Abby will load him with her fastest race cars and drive them all over to her toy track, or she’ll fill it full of dollies to take into the living room for movie and snuggle time. The dump truck empties out super easily at the push of a little lever – simple for little hands, and super fun.

“Having a two-year-old is like having a blender that you don’t have the top for.” – Jerry Seinfeld

If you have kids, then you HAVE to sign up for the MEGA Blocks Family Club. You’ll get sweet updates on new products and promotions, have access to exclusive giveaways that ONLY members can enter {Like the Mother’s Day Giveaway for an iPad going on now!} and more cool stuff.

Want to WIN a Steer-me Steve for your little Discoverer too?

Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form to get your entries in – you don’t have to complete them all, but the more of them you do, the more chances that you have to win. And – speaking of wining – I have a TON of amazing prizes to give away to you guys this month. You can find them all in a big list in the side bar.

Have fun & good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I want to win because this little truck is the cutest :)

  2. I have 2 little boys! They would love this truck!

  3. i want to win this for my son, hes been threw alot since he was born and hes only 2 and i cant always afford to buy him everything he wants and it sure would be nice to win this for him

  4. carol t. says

    Am a nursery School teacher assistant & for my grand-children!

  5. jennifer says

    my son would love this because of the blocks

  6. Rebecca jones says

    I would absolutely love to win this, because my little girls would go crazy over it. Thank you so Michele.

  7. Amanda Stauffer says

    Because my little girl loves trucks too =)

  8. Sam Eagle says

    I want to win it for my daughter her birthday is next month

  9. Evelyn Alejandro says

    My son is going on three and he loves trucks. He’s just learning how to stack and use imaginative play, so this truck would be great to help him continue learning both!

  10. This would be awesome for my sons first birthday since i am stretched for money

  11. Jessica Aldridge says

    I want to win because it looks like an awesome toy that my daughter will love! Plus it helps her with hand/eye coordination and colors!

  12. Lindsay Sorensen says

    because my daughter loves trucks too!

  13. I want to win because we need more trucks in this house! We have so many girl toys we need more boy toys :D

  14. Kathy Davis says

    My FB name: Kathy Newsom Davis

  15. Kathy Davis says

    I would like to win for my granddaughter Nellie because girls can drive trucks too.

  16. StephanieH says

    I would keep it in my toy box for my little visitors which are many I am the emergency babysitter for several parents when their child is sick or if their is an emergency in the family

  17. EMMA L HORTON says


  18. I want to win to give this to my little grandson.

  19. Because Bella needs less pink in that toy box!

  20. My son loves trucks!

  21. scottsgal says

    my friend’s 3 year old twins would love to have this
    msboatgal at

  22. Kathleen Walsh says

    I want to win this for my grandson! He would love it!

  23. Danielle Davis/Grady says

    I want to win bc my boys would love this!
    Thank you!

  24. My daughter is a bit like yours– a contradiction. She loves baby dolls, shoes, purses and the like but also loves playing outside in the dirt, playing cars and loves tractors! I know she would love this truck too.

  25. Monique Rizzo says

    My niece would LOVE this.Thanks for the chance.

  26. Rochel S says

    Because my son would looooove this!

  27. I want to win for my grandson

  28. Virginia Rowell says

    I would love this for my granddaughter Ivy!

  29. I would like to win this for my kiddos! We have a 9 month old girl, 4 year old girl and a 7 year old boy I know they would all really like it.

  30. All my kids love megablocks!

  31. I’d like to win this for my son

  32. Mary Beth Elderton says

    My Grand-DAUGHTER would love this–no, trucks aren’t just for boys!

  33. I would like to win this for my grandson’s birthday next month.

  34. I would like to win because I have one little boy who would love this!!

  35. Well I have a son and a daughter and I think both of ’em would love it :)

  36. Pauline M says

    My son loves construction vehicles and can name them all! A dump truck would make his day!

  37. Angela Cisco says

    I would like to win this for my nephews birthday

  38. I would love to win this for my nieces. They love playing with my boys trucks but don’t have any of their own at home.

  39. Paula Tavernie says

    I would love to win because both of my grandkids would love this!!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  40. I want to win because it’s cute and sturdy.

  41. Laurie Emerson says

    I would love to win as my daughter is always hiding her brother’s trucks so she can play with them. It would be so great if she had her very own.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  42. Dawn Reid says

    My son Mason would flip ifI won this.

  43. carol lewis says

    for my grandson

  44. Huston Smith says

    My kids would have a blast adding to their collection

  45. Christine says

    cause my grandson would love

  46. Michelle Tucker says

    I’d love to win this for my husband’s little nephew. He’d have a ball!

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