Who Wants to Join Me in the “No More Frump Mom Challenge” from Rita Reviews?
You don’t have to be a blogger to be facing this problem… Any woman that works from home probably has faced this dilemma at some point. Heck, any mom that does ANYTHING from home, whether it be blogging, running her business, or just taking care of the kiddo’s {which in itself is a darn full time job!} has probably struggled not to fall into the “Frump Mom” category!
From “Fashion Merchandising” to “Fashion Missing”!
In a former life, I worked in Retail Management and Fashion Merchandising. That means that every single day, I got up, got dressed in trendy outfits, with accessories, and stylish shoes. I used eye liner, mascara, lip gloss, and blush. I regularly polished my fingers and toes, and used a curling iron on a daily basis. I even {it’s hard to imagine…} switched handbags regularly to always have a matching purse. Oh, how times have changed.
Working at home as a blogger means that no one {except the kids} see me during the day. Well, the UPS and FedEx guys visit quite often, but although their visits are always appreciated, I feel no need to wear mascara to sign for my packages. Plus, it’s hard enough to find time to take a full-uninterrupted shower on most days, when would I make time for make-up and curls??
BUT…. It’s time for a change!
After reading Rita’s commitment to herself and her family…
I will get up everyday and get dressed and comb my hair. My family will no longer be ashamed when we go out into public. I will treat my blogging as though it is a regular job and attempt to set normal hours. I will take breaks, get up and move around more and generally spend more time engaging with my family.
…I have decided it is about time I get my booty in gear too!
Here are my goals:
- My first task upon awaking will continue to be the bleary-eyed trek to the kitchen to brew my coffee. BUT, while that columbian-dark-roasted-life-changing-goodness is dripping into the pot, I will spend 5 minutes to do some basic make-up, and another 5 to talk my hair into acting slightly less wild.
- I will get dressed! No, I do not spend the day in my pj’s. {Ok, sometimes in the winter…} But most mornings, I throw on some cut-off sweat-style shorts, a basic tank, and flippy flops. This is a far cry from the old me who would NEVER start the day without being fully accessorized. So, I will start wearing some of the cute tops that I have. I will layer them with a coordinating tank and maybe even a cardigan. And each day, I will accessorize. Oh yes, jewelry box, how I have missed thee…
- I will, like Rita, set some “business hours”, and attempt to stick to them. My goal is one block early in the morning, from 6-10am, and another while the baby naps, from 12-2. And maybe one short evening check in. But no more spending the whole day at the computer. I mean, if I’m going to actually start getting dressed, then I need to {at the VERY least} start taking the kids on a neighborhood walk or something, right? SOMEONE needs to appreciate my accessories.
Who else wants {and, admit it!} NEEDS to join us for the “No More Frump Mom” Challenge??
If so, read Rita’s post here, Rita Reviews Challenge, and grab the button code to show people that YOU are going to snap out of your rut too!
The Big-Butt Fairy
I am one of the oldest first-time moms that I know {I had my baby girl last year, at 31}. I don’t FEEL that old, but so many of my friends had their first babies in their early 20’s. That means, A.) they’re skinnier than me. You lose baby weight much easier at 20 than you do at 30. It’s, like, physics, or geometry or something like that. All I know is that it’s a true fact that while you’re a child, you get frequent visits from the tooth fairy. But after 30, you start getting much-too-frequent {and quite unwanted!} visits from the Big-Butt fairy. And B.) when my little girl starts kindergarten, the odds are high that I will be the oldest mom in her class. So, I need to do what I can, and that includes make-up and accessories. Because sometimes, those are the only weapons that you have.
How about you?
If you relate to the challenge ideas, I’d LOVE to have you share YOUR goals and thoughts in the comments!!
{Also, if you understand where I’m coming from here, you’ll also LOVE this book: My Formerly Hot Life: Dispatches from Just the Other Side of Young I’m halfway through, and I SO relate! This is one of those, laugh-out-loud-while-reading, so-your-kids-think-you’re-crazy kind of books! Love it.}
I accept the challenge!