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{8/3} Daily Bit of Sunshine…

Today’s Daily Bit of Sunshine….

“There are those whose lives affect all others around them. Quietly touching one heart, who in turn, touches another. Reaching out to ends further than they would ever know.”
~William Bradfield

My Thoughts:

I love this quote. This is the type of person that I want to be, and the kind of mother I hope to be. Becoming a mother is such an intensely beautiful experience, yet filled with so much worry and stress.

I want to raise my daughter to be a happy, healthy, balanced young lady… And my actions have such a huge impact on who she will become. Such a great responsibility, and I think it’s why we examine our lives, and make so many changes, once a baby arrives. We all want to make sure that we are a person that our children can be proud of.

So, this quote is going on my wall, to remind me that my actions each day have far reaching consequences… And that is a good thing! I can spread some happiness to others every day, and be a positive influence not just to my baby girl, but to every person in my day….



  1. I also, want to raise my daughters to be happy, healthy, and balanced young ladies! Thank you for reminding me how my actions have such a huge impact on who they are and who they will become. A great responsibility indeed! May God Bless you and your work!

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