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{Digitwirl} How Dropcam Keeps Your Family Safe!

Dropcam Lets You Keep An Eye On Your House When You’re Out!

Unless you’re under house arrest chances are you’re out of your house most of the day. Wouldn’t it be great if you could check in our your baby while your out (especially if it’s first steps season), monitor who’s coming a knockin’ or look in on your pet? We thought so, which is why we are now card-carrying Dropcam fans.

Dropcam is a wireless security camera and online recording device that’s simple to set up and to get viewing. Once it shakes hands with your home’s wireless network connection, this little guy can be placed anywhere around your house where there’s an outlet–although we highly recommend you exclude the bathroom…ick. Then, you can get a live feed, or with certain plans, look back at what’s already happened right on your computer or through the Dropcam app for both iPhones and Androids. Yes, that’s right, you can view everything Dropcam sees right on your Smartphone.

Watch this weeks Twirl and see what Carley caught her son doing. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.

{And… Get 10% off a Dropcam or a Dropcam Echo by entering the discount code “DIGITWIRL” at check out! Sweet deal, right?}

Check out Dropcam in action:

What do you think? Awesome, right?

The price is kinda high, but really, I think it’s worth it. It’s a pretty moderate price really, for something this cool, that can give you this much peace of mind.


I can imagine a few scenarios:

  • You go on vacation, and want to make sure you’re home is safe. From robber-type bad guys, of course. But also from a pipe bursting, or some other type of disaster. I know that when we go away for a bit, I ALWAYS worry about things at home. And we don’t have a trusty neighbor to check in. So this would really ease my wildly imaginative mind!
  • Speaking of neighbors watching the house…. Wouldn’t it be nice to see what they’re up to when they come by to water the plants or feed the cat? Do they snoop through your cupboard? Or pick their nose? All of the important type of things that I need to know. Right?
  • And speaking of the cat, maybe I want to check on her and see how she’s doing during the day. Maybe not, since cats are pretty darn boring. But maybe? Or, as I saw suggested on the Digitwirl website, maybe you want to check on your chickens. A live Chicken Cam. Don’t laugh. It wasn’t my idea, but I like it. I’d watch Reality Chicken TV. Really. I’m like that.
  • And speaking of robber type bad guys… Imagine that your home DOES get broken in to sometime. How great would it be to have it on VIDEO, to catch the people that did it? Yup. Batman can’t always be there to save the day. Sometimes you need Dropcam.

So, you can see this is a pretty valuable purchase, and totally worth the investment.

I also like that I could use it as a baby monitor, and let daddy get to watch the baby from his iPhone while he’s at work. Super fun idea.

What do you guys think?

  • What other scenarios can you think of where having this sweet camera would really come in handy?
  • Do you think this is something that you could use at your house?
  • Are you excited to use this awesome coupon deal on a Dropcam for your family?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please share in the comments! I can tell ya for sure, this is now on my list of presents that I’d love to get in a couple of weeks for my birthday… *hint hint*

Digitwirl is the weekly web show that offers simple solutions to modern day problems. In 3-minutes, Digitwirl brings busy women the very best time, money, and sanity-saving technology, and then teaches them how to use it, step-by-step. Digitwirl was created by technology lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, who uses lots of technology to manage her busy life as mom of two and entrepreneur. Become a subscriber to get weekly show alerts and exclusive deals at, or follow Digitwirl on Twitter at @digitwirl.


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