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Moms Meet Halloween Party with Kashi!

Moms Meet - Kashi Halloween Party!

Moms Meet Halloween Party!

My latest Moms Meet sample party with my Mommy Group was a Halloween party – featuring the amazing Kashi TLC Peanutty Dark Chocolate Layered Granola Bars! These bars were seriously soooo good! The kids all loved them, and the moms loved that I didn’t load everyone up on sugary candy.

Alternative to candy:

I was super excited when I got my shipment of these great new Kashi bars, because I knew that they’d be just perfect for my Mommy Group’s Halloween party. I knew that most of the kids were having Halloween parties at school today – {why today? Monday would make more sense, right? But they had parties today. Weird.} – and I wanted to have snacks that were still sweet and fun, but healthier and more nutritious. Well, these Peanutty Dark Chocolate Layered Granola Bars sure hit the spot!

Learn a little more about these Kashi Bars:

“Kashi’s all natural TLC® Peanutty Dark Chocolate Layered Granola Bars start with a chewy granola base made with peanut butter and peanut chunks for a nutty flavor. A thick layer of real soft fruit mixed with rich, dark chocolate tops the granola along with roasted runner peanuts and dark chocolate pieces for hearty, natural goodness you can see and taste.” Are you hungry yet?? They really are as good as they sound too – they’re a perfect combination of sweet and salty, crunchy and smooth. They almost taste like a candy bar, but much better – there’s not that artificial taste you get with a candy bar that’s filled with bad stuff. These are totally guilt free!

Abby Loves Kashi!Abby Loves Kashi Too!

These layered granola bars are a great choice for everyone – the moms {and one dad!} loved ’em, the kids gobbled ’em up, and even my toddler wanted to eat more than one! Here are some reasons why I feel great serving these as her snacks:

  • They’re free of high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, and unnatural preservatives. Meaning – no yucky stuff.
  • They’ve got 7 grams of whole grains, 4 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of protein from peanuts and soy crisps. Meaning – they’re full of good stuff!

We eat a lot of different types of bars in our house – from cereal bars {the Kashi fruit and grain Pumpkin Pie bars are another BIG favorite!}, to the trail mix style bars, and of course loads of chewy granola bars. But I’m really liking this new bar from Kashi – the texture is pretty unique, and I like that combination of sweet and salty. Perfect.

Abby LOVES Kashi’s Peanutty Dark Chocolate Layered Granola Bars!

This is the little wiggle she does to show her total approval of something. She’d already had one with the other kiddo’s. When I didn’t see her in the playroom, I went looking…. and found her in the kitchen, where she’d snuck away with another granola bar. So I asked her if it was yummy – and you can see her reaction! Make sure to watch for these at YOUR favorite local grocery store, and pick up a box to try with your family. And check out Moms Meet Mom Ambassador program for your chance to host great parties like this too!

{Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meet blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.}

Moms Meet: New Sampling Opportunitys!

“The Mom Ambassador Program is a network of confident, charismatic, and commited moms who are enthusiastic about parenting and green living.”

If you are not a member of Moms Meet yet, you can learn more about becoming a Mom Ambassador in my post here.

I have been a Mom Ambassador for about a year now, and it has been such a great experience! Not only do they provide your group with very generous sampling kits of healthy family products to test out, they also offer FREE webinars on tons of interesting topics.

I know that when I did my last post a lot of you had questions about getting started, and how you would be notified when new events were available. Sampling opportunities are invite only, based on your profile… Things such as the age of your children, area of the country that you live in, etc.

If you did sign up last time, I just wanted to let you ladies know that new event invitations are going out now!! I’ve gotten two invitations today, one for an eco-friendly dish detergent, and another for a new gummy supplement program. So check your email to see if you have an invite too!

If not, don’t get discouraged… There are a bunch more events coming very soon for spring, and I’m sure you’ll get to participate in at least one! When you do, be sure to come share your experience with everyone else :)



Apply to be a Mom Ambassador

“The Mom Ambassador Program is a network of confident, charismatic, and commited moms who are enthusiastic about parenting and green living.”

I have been a Mom Ambassador for about a year now, and it is such an amazing program! I have had several chances to share new natural products with my group, and the feedback that I get from the other moms is always positive, and we have a ton of fun. 

“Who doesn’t love free samples? Mom Ambassadors receive exclusive invitations to try new healthy, eco-conscious products with their Moms Meet groups—then voice their opinions. With sampling programs for everything from all-natural hand sanitizer to organic yogurt, there’s sure to be a product opportunity your group will love.”

The sample packages that are sent to Mom Ambassadors are incredibly generous! The most recent product that my group got to sample was Xlear Sinus Nasal Spray. Wow, was this a great package!! There were so many samples for each of my guests, and they were all divided into individual bags for me, making it so easy to share them with the other moms. 

 How great is this? Moms Meet sent me a big box filled with over 20 bags to give to my guests, each one filled with all of this great stuff. Our favorite was the little banana baby toothbrushes… So cute :)

I have always suffered from really bad allergies, almost year round. And I was uncomfortable taking the medicated nasal spray that my doctor recommended as a long-term solution. I am so excited to have been introduced to this Xlear natural nasal spray… I use it every day, and it makes a world of difference! And I love that this is a product that all of the kids can use too, and I can feel good giving them a safe product.

Not only did Moms Meet and Xlear send me goodie bags for my guests, they also sent me a seperate shipment with a hostess gift for me! Check it out:

This set is for “Healthier Teeth and Gums in 30 Days”, and I’m pretty excited to begin using these products. The mouthwash is great, and doesn’t burn like the stuff you buy at most drug stores. And I think my favorite is the mints! So good.

I know what you’re thinking… How the heck do I sign up? To get started, go to the Moms Meet site, and fill out the survey, and agree to the terms of the program. You can also get started by checking out their Facebook Page and signing up in the link located under their profile picture.

After signing up, just watch your email for updates. You might get a training email, or a chance to participate in live chats or surveys. When a new testing opportunity opens up, they will send an email to notify you, and give you a chance to apply. After that, they’ll let you know if your group is chosen to receive a sample package.

Are any of my readers Mom Ambassadors? If so, what do you think of the program? I love comments…. :) - Free baby stuff
