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Apply to be a Mom Ambassador

“The Mom Ambassador Program is a network of confident, charismatic, and commited moms who are enthusiastic about parenting and green living.”

I have been a Mom Ambassador for about a year now, and it is such an amazing program! I have had several chances to share new natural products with my group, and the feedback that I get from the other moms is always positive, and we have a ton of fun. 

“Who doesn’t love free samples? Mom Ambassadors receive exclusive invitations to try new healthy, eco-conscious products with their Moms Meet groups—then voice their opinions. With sampling programs for everything from all-natural hand sanitizer to organic yogurt, there’s sure to be a product opportunity your group will love.”

The sample packages that are sent to Mom Ambassadors are incredibly generous! The most recent product that my group got to sample was Xlear Sinus Nasal Spray. Wow, was this a great package!! There were so many samples for each of my guests, and they were all divided into individual bags for me, making it so easy to share them with the other moms. 

 How great is this? Moms Meet sent me a big box filled with over 20 bags to give to my guests, each one filled with all of this great stuff. Our favorite was the little banana baby toothbrushes… So cute :)

I have always suffered from really bad allergies, almost year round. And I was uncomfortable taking the medicated nasal spray that my doctor recommended as a long-term solution. I am so excited to have been introduced to this Xlear natural nasal spray… I use it every day, and it makes a world of difference! And I love that this is a product that all of the kids can use too, and I can feel good giving them a safe product.

Not only did Moms Meet and Xlear send me goodie bags for my guests, they also sent me a seperate shipment with a hostess gift for me! Check it out:

This set is for “Healthier Teeth and Gums in 30 Days”, and I’m pretty excited to begin using these products. The mouthwash is great, and doesn’t burn like the stuff you buy at most drug stores. And I think my favorite is the mints! So good.

I know what you’re thinking… How the heck do I sign up? To get started, go to the Moms Meet site, and fill out the survey, and agree to the terms of the program. You can also get started by checking out their Facebook Page and signing up in the link located under their profile picture.

After signing up, just watch your email for updates. You might get a training email, or a chance to participate in live chats or surveys. When a new testing opportunity opens up, they will send an email to notify you, and give you a chance to apply. After that, they’ll let you know if your group is chosen to receive a sample package.

Are any of my readers Mom Ambassadors? If so, what do you think of the program? I love comments…. :) - Free baby stuff



  1. Brandy Spry says

    It sounds like a great program! I have to laugh this is the first time I’ve seen “spry” oral healthcare products! I guess I can share my last name:)

  2. I just joined & was accepted into the program last week so I haven’t received any goodies yet. I am so looking forward to it! Any tips would be great.

    • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

      Moms Meet doesn’t send you out too many emails… I’d say maybe once a month? You can check the website to see what opportunities are coming up soon, and then watch your email for invites :) I’ve been a Mom Ambassador for about a year, and I’ve gotten to share new products 3 times now, and there was one that I didn’t get chosen for.

      So don’t get discouraged if you don’t see anything from them for awhile. You will, and when you get a chance to get a product package to share with your group, it will be worth the wait!!

      • Thanks for the great review of the Moms Meet program! We really appreciate the ongoing support of our Mom Ambassadors and we’re glad to know that you enjoy the products we can provide. While it’s not possible to accept everyone to every sampling, we’re doing our best to keep samplings coming to those that haven’t been accepted in a while. The good part about Moms Meet is even if you’re not accepted to take part in a sampling, you can still meet up with your like-minded friends to have fun together and talk about what’s important for your family. Thanks again!

        • Sunshine and Sippy Cups says

          Thank you so much for checking out my review! And I’m sure that my readers appreciate hearing a little more about the program from you!!


  1. […] If you are not a member of Moms Meet yet, you can learn more about becoming a Mom Ambassador in my post here. […]

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