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School Year Stain-Busting Tips

This year, resolve to NOT throw out your money by having to throw out stained kids clothes… We all know that kids can be hard on clothes. I had always thought my nephews were bad – as little boys, they could find any spot of mud or dirt within a 20 mile radius, I swear. But my 3 year old is just as bad – whether it’s a shirt full of juice as she learns to use a big-girl cup, a smear of tomato sauce across her pants at dinner time, or just general sticky-messy-yuckiness of toddlerhood – she dirties up her clothes just as much! Partner that with a Mister who is a race car driver – and I have a ton of household stains to deal with.

Resolve to tackle stains – Join the Stain Tip Exchange [Read more…]


Ride the Tide Into Summer Giveaway!

Win a Year’s Supply of Tide!

Oh yeah! We did it again :) Acadiana’s Thrifty Mom has teamed up with FreebieShark and an awesome group of bloggers to bring you this AWESOME prize! One lucky fan will win a year’s supply (600+ loads) of Tide laundry detergent! WOW, can you imagine not buying laundry detergent for an entire year? Well, all you have to do is complete this super easy rafflecopter and you’re on your way to your chance of winning!

Feelin’ Lucky?

Then make sure to enter to win all of the other amazing prizes I’m giving away this month! After the huge hacker mess I went through last month, I’ve teamed up with some great groups, to offer a ton of awesome prizes – to make up for being down and unavailable for a week. So enter ’em all – the more you enter, the more chances to win!

Have fun & Good Luck!

*This giveaway is opened to U.S. residents only. You must be 18 years old to enter to win. This giveaway is in NO WAY affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google.*

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