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Host a Barbie and the Secret Door Party

I participated in an In-Home Party Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mattel. I received product samples to facilitate my party and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

When I was a little girl, I had no other girls to play with. I had three brothers. Almost all of my cousins were boys – the ones that weren’t were way older than me. The kids that lived on my street were pretty much all boys. I could get my brothers to play Barbies with me every once in awhile, if I let He-Man or G.I. Joe come hang out and drive her pink Mustang convertible, but that was about it. So, now that I have a little girl of my own, who loves to play with dolls, I’m totally living it up. Which is why I was super excited for this new movie to come out – Barbie and the Secret Door.

Barbie and the Secret Door Party Ideas [Read more…]
