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Are You “Living the Green” with Your Family?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of White Cloud for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

What does “Living the Green” mean? Well, it’s a way of living your life that embraces a simpler, cleaner, greener way of living – without breaking the bank! I know that a lof of my own friends and family assume that making changes to be more eco-friendly mean spending more money, but honestly – that couldn’t be further from the truth. Seriously.

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Get $1,000 for a Bug Free Backyard Bash

Combat Household Pests and Win Big!

This video hits it perfectly – that is exactly what it’s like around here trying to fight pests and bugs! I didn’t have as much trouble when I used to live in town. But now that we live outside of the city, we have big wasp nests out on the shop bays, ants around the patio cracks, and lots of spiders and bugs that try to sneak in from the fields and garden out back. But we’re going to be trying out a few bottles of this Combat spray – I’ve heard awesome things about it. And – if you want to have a Bug Free Backyard Bash too, enter to win today! You’ll also find links to help you make a plan of attack to fight pests, coupons to save on products, and more tips and strategies. Love it, right?

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