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LOTS of Prizes! Cash, Gear, Tech, and More!

I have teamed with a few other awesome bloggers to help celebrate the one year blogging anniversary of Sunshine and Roller Coasters with a BIG Blogiversary Giveaway Bash!! Lots of fun prizes to win, and cool people to follow. Enjoy! And be sure to share with anyone you think might like to win too :)

Blogiversary Giveaway Bash Prizes:


$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash from Sunshine and RollerCoasters Blog

Bubble Fog Machine from Froggy’s Fog

EZVIZ Pink Mini-O Security Camera

Exercise Gear from Limm

Enter here to be win one of these great prizes! There will be 4 winners, so good luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway




  1. The BUBBLE FOG MACHINE would be great on Halloween. Thanks for hosting.

  2. What fun prizes! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Denise Low says

    Thank you for your great giveaways.

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