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Beautiful State Necklaces – 2 for $20 Deal!

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Cent’s of Style has SO many amazing deals every day. But this holiday shopping week they are totally killin’ it you guys. It starts today with the 2-For-Tuesday deal, which means you can pick two of their most popular necklaces for just $20 total, shipped completely FREE. Check it out.

IMAGE: Holiday State Necklace Gifts

So pretty! Choose the combo that is closest to your heart – A set to show your love of the state you live in, or a combo with a state you grew up in paired with the state you live in now. Buy one and give one as a gift. Buy a set for every lady on your list. At this price you can load up your online cart with lots of fun pieces!

state necklace gift

Choose from 2 super popular styles – The classic state outline version like this. Or…

IMAGE: Holiday State Necklace Gifts

The all new bar style. Both super fun on their own, and even cuter partnered together.

IMAGE: Holiday State Necklace Gifts

Get the Deal:

Pick your favorites, choose some gifts {maybe send a necklace featuring the state you went to college in to all of your old sorority sisters? Favorite high school buddies that are now scattered around the country?} These make for perfect teacher, girlfriend and grandma gifts too. Then use the code STATEGIFT to get two necklacces for $20 plus FREE SHIPPING. Awesomesauce, right?

2-For-Tuesday– State Necklaces- 2 for $20 & FREE SHIPPING w/ Code STATEGIFT!!


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