This post contains a referral link.
I am SO over-the-top in love with Erin Condren products. Her site is my favorite designed site ever. Her products are so bright and cheerful and fun – and so functional and high-quality. Seriously, once you make a purchase, you’ll be hooked. {If you don’t have a planner yet, Erin Condren Life Planners are the bomb.}
Today I got an email about a really cute deal she’s got going on – a Love Notes Kit. How cute is this?? You have everything you need to put together some really cute little Valentine’s Day notes – or use them anytime! They don’t SAY Valentine’s Day anywhere on them. You could use them to add to the kid’s lunches, to surprise your husband in his briefcase or coat pocket, or surprise a coworker by leaving one on her desk. And February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. What a great way to celebrate it, by giving out random little happy cards? :) It’s also a really great deal right now!
I was in love with this, and thought you might be too, so I just had to share! Here’s the link to go check it out: It brings you to a page to sign up for an account {which I totally recommend, since that’s how you get emails with her cool deals and coupon codes!} If you’re not interested in that, just click to the homepage and you’ll see more info about the kit. Enjoy!
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