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X-Men: Days of Future Past Freebies and More!

Thank you to Global Influence for the chance to share this fun info about freebies from X-Men: Days of Future Past with you guys in a compensated post – enjoy!

I’m pretty sure that everyone reading this has heard of the X-Men movies, right? Most were already familiar with them from the comics we read as kids, and there have been quite a few of the movies made in the past few years. {I tried to look it up to find exactly how many it’s been, and found a lot of different answers. I know we personally have seen 4. And I was very amused that on a page about the Wolverine movie, there was an ad for Great Wolf Lodge. I’m easily amused…. :)} Anyway – needless to say, we’re pretty excited for the new film coming out soon – X-Men: Days of Future Past. X-Men movies are always super popular when my nephews come to stay for a sleepover, and taking them to the theater to see this when it comes out May 23rd would be serious fun. If you haven’t seen the previews yet, check out the epic awesomeness {and keep reading to learn how to get some cool free stuff!}

{If you’re reading this in an email and can’t watch the video, visit my site to view it.} Looks so good, right? A great mixture of humor with thrills and action. A quick synopsis: The characters from the original X-Men film trilogy join forces with their younger selves from X-Men: First Class in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future. And… If you’re as excited as we are about the movie’s release, check this out:

Free X-Men poster

You can visit select Walgreen’s stores to snap up an exclusive X-Men: Days of Future Past Axe® gift pack that comes with a FREE movie poster inside! Enter your zip code into the store locator below to find a Walgreens near you. Because Axe men love X-Men, right?

And there’s even more free stuff – I’m giving you the chance to win free movie tickets too! Three winners will each receive one certificate that is good for purchasing TWO movie tickets. Take the kids, or have a date night – this is a great movie for everyone.

free X-Men movie tickets

Use the easy peasy Rafflecopter form below to enter to win free sets of movie tickets! Winners will be chosen at random by me, and the prize will be fulfilled by Global Influence. Your email info will ONLY be shared to fulfill your prize info – promise :) Have fun – and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Just entered! I grew up on the X-men. I’m so excited to see this!

  2. colleenmaul says

    Im so excited about this give away. Cant wait hope to win. Thank you for this chance ;-)

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