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Celebrate Your Favorite Person – Win $2,500!

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. But, as always – I’m not a shyster, I only share stuff I truly think is awesome, and that I use myself. Because I love you guys.

You might already know about how much I love Blurb. I mean, I do admit – I love photo books, and have made them at almost every single one of the online sites that make them. And they’re all great. But Blurb just has a more…. professional style, I guess you’d call it? And they have amazing tools – you can even self-publish a book with them. They have amazing ways to help you market your blog or business with photo-based books, but they also are fantastic for creating your own family photo albums. And right now they have a seriously sweet promotion going on that I do NOT want you to miss – Make a Book About Your Favorite Person and You Could Win $2,500 from Blurb!! How cool is that, right?

Did you know that Blurb could possibly give you $2,500 to write about your favorite person? All you have to do is make a book about a loved one filled with kind words, creativity, stories, inspiration, and love – and if selected, you could win the grand prize! For every book you make (there are seven different categories, so seven different chances to win – great odds!) you will receive a 30% discount on the printed product. Go to Blurb to check out the details of the contest to see what the categories are and when the entries are due. The 30% discount on My Favorite books will be applied at checkout when you use the promo code: MYFAVORITE. (And, even if you don’t enter, you can still get 30% off on all My Favorite books orsave 15% on all printed orders through April 30th!)

Not sure what to write about? Take a look at what some of the people at Blurb say about their favorite people. I’m sure you’ll think of a ton of great ideas – your kids, your parents, your siblings, friends, grandparents, teachers…..

So don’t delay – be sure to get your books created and entries in right away. Photo books make amazing gifts for any occasion – they’re personalized, full of memories and heart, and are the type of DIY gift that even the un-craftiest person can make. Why not make a bunch now, to save for gifts all through the year – while also having the chance to win big? Here are a few more ideas, of books I’ve made:

  • Family albums, once each year, to celebrate all of our adventures and milestones. I print a bunch of copies, one for everyone.
  • Photos of baby’s first year, as a birthday gift.
  • Photos through the years, paired with words of wisdom and advice, as a gift for graduation.
  • A “why I love you” book, filled with photos, stories, and reasons why someone is important to you.
  • An ABC book – these work great for kids, by using photos of toys or favorite things they love for each letter. They also work great for friends and family – use a different pic of times you’ve had together for each letter.
  • Book for a child’s teacher – showing off his artwork from class, report cards, photos of him at school events, etc.

What will YOU create?


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