I received a complimentary package of products from Personal Creations to create this post abotu personalizing your holidays. All opinions are 100% my own, as always.
“I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month.” – Harlan Miller… I’m one of the biggest Christmas junkies you’ll ever meet. My house is wrapped up inside and out with twinkling lights, sparkling ornaments, shiny decorations, and ribbons and bows. There’s glitter everywhere. I buy too many presents, I bake too many cookies, and we listen to my Family Christmas Tunes station on Pandora 24/7 starting the day after Thanksgiving. Now, if Mother Nature would just cooperate and bring me some darn snow already….
This year was the first year I got Abby a tree for the toy room {where her and my nephews spend a lot of wild time playing every day!} I love that these little plush monkey ornaments can be played with without fear of something getting broken – perfect for the “kid tree.” And seriously, how darn adorable are they, with custom-printed scarves and a dress with our names on them? They’re from Personal Creations – which has quickly become my go-to site for getting gifts perfectly customized for all of my friends and family.
Even though I go pretty over the top when it comes to Christmas, I’m pretty good at not getting caught up in the holiday stress. I just sincerely enjoy it all so much. Christmas has always made me feel like a kid again – and now that I’ve become a mother myself, it’s amazing to share that holiday joy with Abby. Her favorite part of the season so far has been decorating the tree with grandma. And decorating the tree is better when you have your very own ornaments, right? So in addition the plush ornaments for the little tree in the playroom, I got her this special one too. It’s a precious princess ornament with Abby’s name on it, blonde hair just like her, and a beautifully sparkly crown. She seriously shows it to everyone that comes to visit!
This is another ornament I got from Personal Creations, in memory of my grandma and grandpa. My mom used to decorate the tree with grandpa, and I know she misses her parents so much at this time of year. I thought an ornament personalized with their names on the back was a beautiful way to honor them each year. Isn’t it beautiful?
Ornaments make great gifts too… And how fun is it knowing that the recipient will now think of you every year when they decorate their own tree? A great pic for anyone with a new baby this year is this personalized hand print ornament kit – It comes with the plaster to mix with water, a pretty holiday mold to pour it into, then it can be personalized with baby’s little hand print. Let it dry, then hang it on the lovely custom-made ribbon – it has the child’s name printed in gold lettering. Love this.
Remember those cute little monkey ornaments, I showed you? Well, of course I had to get the matching sock monkey stockings too, right? We celebrate our family Christmas the weekend before the “real” big day, so that my brothers and their significant others, the kids, and the grandparents can all be in the same place to open presents together, without trying to coordinate a million competing schedules on Christmas Day. Since our gathering has grown a bit, we really needed to add a few extra stockings! I love the retro look on these ones, and I’ve always wanted personalized stockings. And what a great gift, right? The kids are going to be so excited to see them on Sunday morning :)
And these stockings come with a bonus – the little sock monkeys inside come out of the pockets. The kids can play with them on their own, or even use the little red ribbon attached at the top to hang them on the tree.
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Ready to personalize your own Christmas creations? Personal Creations is offering my readers 20% off of all of your purchases through the end of December. Click here to start shopping and the 20% will be applied in your shopping cart automatically, no code needed! {But you have to use that special link to get your discount – going to the site directly won’t give you the discount, it’s exclusively for blog readers!}

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