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Discover the World in a New Way…

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Discover Boating. I received collateral to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Did you know: Eighty eight million people went boating in 2012?… Were you one of them? I know I sure was! As much as I love the city, and as much as I’m a girly-girl, I am happiest when I’m around nature. Whether it’s camping, hiking, a day at the park, or boating – I just love being in a more natural setting. I work at a computer all day, almost every day, so unplugged time around trees and water totally calm me.

Boating makes memories…

Being on a boat gives you the opportunity to see the world from a different viewpoint. There are places that we’ve done family camping trips at for years, and know like the back of our hands – but they totally change when friends bring a boat, and we get to explore in a new way. It’s like taking a vacation in your own backyard sometimes. And – now that I’m a blogger, for the first time in my life I have the opportunity to travel the country. I recently attended BlogHer ’13 – an absolute whirlwind of a conference. These trips are so much fun – but also a lot of work. I pack so much into the events that I seldom get as much time as I’d like to really see the city I’m visiting. Which is why I was crazy excited that Sprint and Mom Central invited me on this boating adventure… I got a chance to slow down a little, and take in the spectacular views only accessible on a boat sailing around Lake Michigan. The skyline is amazing, right?

I'm on a boat - why you should #DiscoverBoating

Do you want to #DiscoverBoating Too?

I’ve told you guys before how much I would LOVE to get buy a boat of our own by next summer. {The photo above is me and some of my fave bloggy ladies at the event I mentioned – Jen from Life with Levi, and Jeanette from Adventures of J-Man and Millerbug.} My dad lives on a boat over near Seattle, a big sailboat, and he loves it. And we have a blast going boating with all of our friends – I just want to stop being a “boat mooch,” lol. So, as we try to figure out exactly what type of boat would be best for our family, what features we need, and how to make sure we do it all safely, has been a huge help. If you’re ready to join the boating lifestyle too, here are a few links that will totally help you figure it all out:

Let’s chat: Are you a boating family? If you could buy any boat you wanted, what would you get? Did you learn anything new and cool from the Discover Boating site? Leave me some comments below – I love chatting with you lovely ladies.





  1. We are not a boating family but I must admit, I love it when I go as long as the driver doesn’t take it at break neck speeds.

    Can you tell me what filter you used on that picture on you and Jeanette? IT’s devine!

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