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If Your Android Phone & Nikon Camera Had a Baby…

“A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.” – Eudora Welty I’ve always been a photography junkie. I took 2 years of courses in high school – you know, back in the days where we had darkrooms, developed our own film, and printed our own photos. {Do kids these days even know what a dark room is? Am I old when I talk like this?} Then I spent my last two years of high school taking independent study photo courses, or helping as a teacher’s assistant in the beginner classes. I’m definitely not a professional – But one thing that I do know is that a good quality camera makes anyone’s pictures look better. Seriously better.

Nikon Coolpix Camera with Wifi

What if your Android Phone and a Sweet Nikon Camera Had a Baby?

Well, if they did, this sleek and trendy gadget would be their beautiful baby. The Nikon – Nikon COOLPIX S800c is so much more than just a basic point and shoot camera. Oh no – this baby has got some seriously cool features that are going to rock your picture-taking world. It comes with an Android operating system, so that you can use the touchscreen on the camera just like your favorite phone.

Buy it now:  Nikon COOLPIX S800c

And it’s also got Wi-Fi connectivity, so that you can edit and share your photos right away, right from the camera. You can take photos, check your email, use GPS for directions, browse the web, stream music and videos, and more – all from a gadget that can fit right into your purse or back pocket. And how cool is that, right?

How to use the Coolpix to take awesome photos

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams

Ok, all of those other features are super rad, I know. But they don’t really matter if this doesn’t take amazing quality photos, right? Because after all – even though it might be easy to forget when playing with all of the cool tools on this thing – it is still a camera. But you’re in luck ladies, this camera takes the best photos of any point and shoot camera that I’ve ever used. Like, head and shoulders above the others that I’ve used. Just look at the way it was able to capture the texture of the leaves and water in this photo. I’ve been saving for a DSLR, and until then, have tried a ton of cheaper cameras, searching for a more affordable option. Plus, even once I get my DSLR, I want something smaller and easier to tote in my diaper bag during the day – or out with my girlfriends on those rare nights out. I’ve borrowed from friends, bought a couple used models, and tried out cameras from family. I’ve found good, bad, and ugly – but nothing that knocked my socks off. Until now. Yes, no socks. They’ve been knocked way off.

Clouds collage

“I’m not a particularly verbose person. I think that’s why I like taking pictures… they speak for themselves.” Jeb Dickerson

Things have been crazy-busy here in my life. As many of you know, poor Abby has been having seizures, so we’ve had a lot of travel back and forth to Seattle for tests and treatment, and she’s needed a lot of my time while at home, as she tries to adjust to her medications. That means I haven’t gotten much of a chance to go somewhere cool to take pics, to show you how awesome this camera is. But, I did take some time the other day to head out to our back field, and try out some of the settings, to show you how the cool filters work. I’m a total Instagram junkie, and love, love, LOVE having easy access to the different tools to use on the photos, right in the camera like this.

Tree collage

So many creative options on the Coolpix

I’ve never used an Android phone before {I’ve been an iPhone girl for the past few years, and am now converting to a new Windows phone} – but this was really intuitive for even my tech-challenged mom-brain to figure out. I took these photos the first time I used the camera – the touch screen on the camera works just like a tablet or phone, making it so simple to navigate through the cool extra features and play with your photo settings. Which means you can really get creative with how you capture those special moments in life.

How to take a panorama picture

“The digital camera is a great invention because it allows us to reminisce. Instantly.” – Demetri Martin 

Ok – this is a little harder to show off in a blog post – since I’m limited by size here. But, this camera also has a few more sweet tools available – including the ability to shoot high-definition video clips with stereo sound, a Smart Portrait System that optimizes camera settings, identifies and focuses on faces, and adds subtle skin softening to ensure everyone looks their best. And my current obsession – a panoramic setting! You hold the button down, and while keeping the camera steady, pan it all around you in a half circle, to capture a big group of family, or a full nature scene. I’m pretty excited to play with this more, and make some great shots to print and hang in the bedroom.

If you’d like to learn more about the Nikon – Coolpix S800c 160-Megapixel Digital Camera – White or Black – you can read all of the details, product specifications, and other techy stuff that I don’t always understand by visiting But I can tell you that from a busy mom standpoint, this camera is a lifesaver. It’s sleek and simple, takes beautiful photos, and has enough cool tools to make it easy for me to do anything I want with those photos quickly, as soon as I take them. Definitely recommend it.

Get more Photo Tips & Fun Ideas, or visit my Best Buy WOLF board on Pinterest for more cool gadget ideas!

 {Disclaimer: As a Best Buy Blogging Board member and Brand Ambassador, I received a complimentary Nikon camera to test out, and share my opinions on it with you guys. All photos, opinions, and over-use of the word awesome are 100% my own.}


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