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We’re in a New Cookbook – & a Dinner with the Chef Giveaway!

Some of you may already know – Abby and I are now featured in our second cookbook. Earlier this year we had the honor of having some of our favorite baby food recipes included in the first ever Baby Brezza Cookbook – Baby Brezza Cookbook: 47 Mom-Tested Recipes and Tips – and now, we got to be a part of the super fun Chef Boyardee eCookbook, which is was a collaboration with a bunch of other amazing real-life moms sharing their best tips for cooking with kids too. And to celebrate the launch of our brand new super awesome ebook – I have a fantastic prize package to give away! Check it out…

Chef Boyardee dinner - cookin' with kidsEnter to WIN the whole Dinner with the Chef Giveaway – You’ll get everything you need to create the great recipes from the Chef Boyardee ebook – or to grab supplies to follow along with Abby and I during the next cook-along! Here’s what one lucky momma will get:

  • Kids’ kitchen measure and prep kit
  • Kids’ recipe box
  • Scrapbook album
  • 2 Chef Boyardee chef hats
  • Chef Boyardee adult apron
  • Chef Boyardee child apron
  • Chef Boyardee pizza kit
  • Time capsule
  • 2 coupons for free Chef Boyardee Beefaroni
  • 5 Chef Boyardee recipe cards

Awesome, right? To get your chance to win, fill out your entries in the Rafflecopter form below – The more entries you complete, the more chances you have to win! And if you’re feelin’ lucky, be sure to scroll down my sidebar, and enter to win all of the other prizes I’m giving away this month too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Heather Mishoe says

    Keeps giving me errors when I try and go to the site to register :(

  2. I love all the pictures.. the families and children!

  3. Mary Collins says

    The link to register is not working…not sure where to go to register. Thank you!

  4. Loved Abby’s book debut! Such a great family tradition to pass down!

  5. This is a perfect kit for me to start a wonderful tradition with my little girl. It may be a few years before we use it together but the love of cooking will be passed down and enjoyable

  6. love the measuring and prep kit! My son would have a blast with it all!

  7. the bacon ranch pizza looks good.

  8. I liked the family time

  9. The family tradition part is my favorite because keeping family traditions to pass down from one generation to another is very important to me and my family. One of our traditions is to start cooking with our kids when they are young and this set would be great to have as a part of that

  10. Audra Weathers says

    I liked the part about how children are more likely to try something if they help make it. That’s really a good tip, like having a taco night. I am going to try that with my picky-eater 3 year old and see if it helps.

  11. Family traditions, of course!

  12. Desiree Dunbar says

    I like the Teachable Moments section the best.

  13. I love the whole thing but obviously the part with you & Abby is my favorite :)

  14. andrewe hyde says

    it reminded me of when i would help my mom in the kitchen when i was younger,,,,, i still love to cook

  15. Kathy Davis says

    I like Sunshine and Sippy Cups on Facebook as KAthy Newsom Davis.

  16. The part with you & Abby is my favorite,of course :-)

  17. In hopes of some good Karma this season, (and because it’s true ;) Family Traditions debuting you & Abby <3

  18. my favorite was the last chapter

  19. I love the smoothie ideas!

  20. Tiffany Christie says

    Looking at the pictures, it looks like everyone is having so much fun.

  21. My favorite is the Family Traditions chapter.

  22. I like the Family Traditions the most.

  23. Rosetta Glock says

    Family traditions and Everyday fun are my favorite chapters! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. Ronda Kaufman says

    the pictures and the joy it shows of cooking with you kids

  25. Leigh Simon says

    I also love the part about children being more willing to eat something they help make! It’s so true!

  26. ashley kirchner says

    you and abby of course

  27. Marcia Belknap says

    The family traditions section and the pictures!!

  28. love family tradition and chef boy r dee is the best way to go

  29. Shannon Barlow says

    My absolute fave was Family Traditions. I am all about family traditions. What an awesome book, what an awesome idea. THANK YOU!!!!!

  30. Joan Troche says

    I loved the Family Traditions chapter. What a wonderful idea!

  31. Mary Gallardo says

    I like the family traditions part

  32. I like THE FAMILY TRADITIONS anything to do with traditions is great

  33. Renee Travis says

    I love the Cookbook and the Abby and I where you are teaching her!

  34. The Family Traditions.

  35. the family traditions!

  36. My kids would love the Bacon Ranch Pizza listed in Family Traditions!

  37. The archichoke mac and cheese idea!

  38. I love the idea of passing down traditions to future generations.

  39. Jennifer Peaslee says

    I love all the pictures and tips that the book offers!

  40. kathy pease says

    I like Family Traditions :)

  41. I like the Bacon Ranch Pizza recipe!

  42. Tanya White says

    I like the measuring and prep kit

  43. Christian Alejandro N. says

    I like the recipes and the twitter ideas from fans.

  44. Got to say Family Traditions!! It’s those things they will always remember.

  45. Trisha McKee says

    Definitely family traditions- it was the one thing I was worried about when my gram died and then when I had my daughter. But I learned traditions can be made and my small family and I have made our own, special traditions.

  46. carol lewis says

    I DO like the Family Traditions. It is so special and we cook so much and I learned from my Mom and passed it along to my daughter. Even her 5 and 3 year old love to cook and she teaches them our recipes.

  47. Peggy Rydzewski says

    Family Traditions

  48. Rachel Ellis says

    Family Traditions is my favorite part, I think passing on family traditions to your children is very important.

  49. Leah Shumack says

    I love how it talks about family traditions

  50. Vikki Billings says

    I love the last part about Family Traditions.

  51. shirley zolenski says

    I liked family time

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