This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walmart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
"You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." – Winston Churchill… I often talk about how and why giving back is so important to me. When I was a little girl, we lived in pretty sever poverty for awhile – my dad lost his job unexpectedly, and my mom was at home with 4 kids under age 6. It was a really tough time for her – but she was so amazing that I really never knew that we were poor. {It helped that I went to a school where most of the kids were from lower-income families too, so I never felt like I didn't fit in.} My mother was incredibly resourceful – she could reuse anything, she grew a garden and canned fruits and veggies, she made all of the beautiful dresses for my second-hand Barbie dolls. But she also relied on the generosity of those in the community who are willing to help those who need a temporary bit of help. Since I know personally what a difference those programs can make, I am really passionate about supporting people who are doing great things. So I am very excited to share a new one with you – It's called Fighting Hunger Together, and it's a new campaign from some of your favorite family-essential brands to help fight hunger in American. Read on to learn how you can help – it's so easy, you can't NOT do it!
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." – Mahatma Gandhi
So many problems in the world seem so big, so overwhelming, so out of your hands. But there is always something that you can do to help, no matter how small. But with an amazing campaign like this one, it's simple for you to make a BIG difference! Here's how it works:
- Until October 12th, purchase family favorites from brands like Kraft Foods, Unilever, General Mills, Kelloggs, and ConAgra foods at Walmart, then visit the hunger relief section of their website {or download the app!} to learn how to help.
- For every blue fighting hunger code that you enter on the site, you'll be giving a .91 cent donation to Feeding America. Doesn't sound like much – But that's enough to help a food bank secure SEVEN meals to feed needy families! It's amazing what a small amount makes a difference, right? That one box of Cheerios that you buy for your kids can provide 7 healthy meals to help another mom feed her own children. Amazing.
- You can also get entered into the Golden Spark promotion – This is a chance to win 50K for your community, to help start or expand a backpack program that sends meals and snacks home with kids to help feed them over the weekends when they don't have access to the free school meals.
I remember as a little girl, we had a program like this the last day of school. My mom cried when we showed up at home with the food – it's a big difference in your budget when the kids are home all day, versus when they get a free breakfast and lunch at school each day. I'm DEFINITELY excited for a chance to win this and give back in my own community!
What do you think?
Are you ready to join me in helping to fight hunger in our communities across the country? Remember – all you do is buy the products you love, like Hamburger Helper, Totinos Pizzas, Chef Boyardee, the list is endless! Then visit Fighting Hunger Together, and enter the codes from thost products. That's it! I don't care how busy you are – anyone can save up their codes and take a few minutes each week to enter them in.
Will you join me in helping to Fight Hunger together?
I'd love to hear from you guys… How has hunger affected your life too. Have you ever experienced it in your own family, or helped another family who needed it? Share your stories, to help everyone realize why this is such an important cause. Working together – we can make great things happen! Leave me some comments and share your stories and thoughts….
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