“The Parking Pal™ will entertain kids while keeping them safe at the same time! Children are automatically drawn to the unique, colorful, fun designs. The Parking Pal™ gives kids a safe spot to stand, helping to reduce parking lot injuries!”
Parking Lots are Safer with the Parking Pal Magnet!
This is another one of those products where it’s so obvious that it was invented by a mom – it’s simple, smart, and a really great solution to one of those busy mom challenges… The Parking Pal is a cute magnet that you attach to your car, giving the bigger kiddo’s a safe place to wait while you unload packages or younger children. It’s cute, it’s fun, and most importantly – it’s effective.
Great for kids of all ages and abilities
I love, love, LOVE the ideas in this video from Mom 4 Life – It’s very cool to hear the other clever uses that moms have come up with for using the Parking Pal in new ways, outside of the parking lot. And you get to meet the mom that invented this great product too! Definitely take a minute to watch this video and grab some great tips.
Learn More & Connect with the Brand
I have been using the Parking Pal for awhile now – and every time that we do, someone stops to ask us about it, or comment on what a smart idea it is. And I’m not the only one who’s loving this invention –
- Mom Reviews: One Busy Momma appreciates this great idea, even though her boys are a little bit older now. She says that the Parking Pal still helps keep them safer in parking lots at age 8! And Nicole loves how it allows her to focus on what she’s doing when loading and unloading the car, instead of nagging and reminding her daughter to stay close.
- Amazon: For less than $9 bucks each, you can grab enough magnets for each child in your family! And read more opinions on the Parking Pal Car Magnet – Parking Lot Safety for Children
too – Every reviewer on Amazon gave it a 5-Star rating!
So, don’t just take my word for it – read the other online reviews from moms just like us, watch the video above to learn how other moms are finding creative ways to use the Parking Pal to help manage their own daily challenges, and learn more parking lots safety tips for kids on their website.
Connect with Parking Pal
See the selection of Parking Pal Magnets online, then connect with them on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on new products and promotions. And if you love supporting mom-owned businesses, be sure to visit Mompact.com today!
{This post was not sponsored. I love helping spread the word about my favorite mom-owned businesses, and Parking Pal Safety Magnets are such a smart solution for busy moms, I knew you guys would love them too.}

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